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History of Antagarich

History of the continent of Antagarich, as recorded by the Oracle of Enroth.

  • 8500 B.S.

    Settlement of Enroth
    Population Migration / Travel

    The colonists from Varn arrive on Enroth landing on the continent of the same name. The archive core, along with the archive construct, are moved to a more accessible location. Colonists spread from Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich. The control center of the archive allows communication between the different installations on different worlds while avatars of the gods help keep watch on the lands.

  • 8400 B.S.

    Foundation of Civilization

    The Colonial Government, created to help govern the people and aid in their spread, is established. Using a combination of arcane and divine magic, systems of the ark were enhanced in order to create works of wonder. Tools for building and farming, as well as weapons and armor to fend off the new world's dangers, are created at great speed and spread to all continents.

  • 8200 B.S.

    Founding of the Bracaduun Empire

    Wizards from the old world, led by the Wizard Kings, kept their guild together and carved out an empire covering the entire south-western region of Antagarich, including the areas that would later become known as Bracada, Erathia, Tatalia, and Krewlod.

    More reading
    Bracaduun Empire
  • 8100 B.S.

    Settlement of Vori

    The elves that migrated to Antagarich settle on the island of Vori to escape the enslavement of the Empire of Bracaduun.

  • 7500 B.S.

    Conflux of Dragons
    Gathering / Conference

    Bahamut and Tiamat, with the combined worship of all the dragons of Enroth, give birth to the Great Wyrms, the ten divine dragons. Each dragon would travel the world to understand it better and use that knowledge to shape history as they saw fit.

  • 6800 B.S.

    Assassination of Akodo
    Life, Death

    Through subterfuge and cunning, the Kolat are able to assasinate the divine avatar, Akodo, founder of the Lion Clan of Enroth.  With his death, the world was plunged into chaos.  The Kolat comes to public light but planted evidence across the world confuses who they are working for.  The avatars of each other deity become suspicious and move away from helping each other.

  • 6500 B.S.

    5500 B.S.

    War of the Divines
    Military action

    After the assassination of Akodo, the other gods grew suspicious of each other.  The founders of the other Great Clans began building alliances with other gods around the world.  Suspicion grew to hostility until the avatars of Enroth broke out into open conflict.  With their divine sources busy fighting of the demons and devils on the outer planes, the avatars of Enroth were destroyed almost entirely.  The few that remain decide to remove themselves from mortal affairs entirely unless sought out.

  • 5600 B.S.

    Founding of the Assassin's Guild

    Kolat agents on Antagarich rebrand themselves as the Assassin's Guild in order to avoid destruction at the hands of Shiba Weejas.  In order to avoid discovery, they start practicing their assassination techniques and become a legitimate guild.  Their Kolat background is completely forgotten, even by their own people.

    Additional timelines
  • 5500 B.S.

    7490 B.S.

    Wars on Bracaduun

    The slaves of the Bracaduun Empire, led by the orc Jarg the Conquerer, rebel and take Krewlod and the Swamps of Ferris. Lack of knowledge of the area hindered the Wizard Kings' attempt to reclaim the territory. Jarg attempted to attack Bracaduun proper but was slain in the attempt. The rebellion fell quickly without his leadership.

  • 5100 B.S.

    Collapse of the Colonial Government

    With the devastation caused by recent wars and the loss of so many deific avatars, the Colonial Government that was established to monitor and control colonization can no longer maintain the facilities necessary to keep control. Antagarich, Enroth, and Jadame separate into individual territories, each fragmenting further into regions and individual kingdoms. The gods no longer have direct control over Enroth.

  • 300 B.S.

    100 B.S.

    Collapse of Bracaduun

    Gavin Magnus, avatar of Boccob, along with Rion Gryphonheart lead a coup against the Wizard King of Bracaduun. With the help of the slaves of Krewlod and the Mudlanders, they are able to sunder the Wizard King's control of the continent. After decades of brutal struggle, the last Wizard King is slain and Bracaduun collapses.

    More reading
    Bracaduun Empire
  • 300 B.S.

    The Nameless Creates the Elemental chimes
    Artistic creation

    The Nameless, after centuries studying the Twilight Gems, creates the Elemental Chimes to focus the energies of the elements into physical objects. With their creation, The Nameless is one step closer to ascension.  The Nameless hands off the Twilight Gems to agents who sneak them out of Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich so that they can't be traced back.

  • 80 B.S.

    Founding of the Arcane Order

    After the fall of Bracaduun, Gavin Magnus founds the Arcane Order as a place of study to put the Empire's knowledge to good use.  It quickly becomes a school to teach those gifted in the arcane arts.

  • 20 B.S.

    Founding of Erathia

    Rion Gryphonheart unites the humans of Antagarich and settles them in Avauntnell, creating the kingdom of Erathia.  Although on friendly terms with the Arcane Order, Rion does not accept any help in settling the region.

  • 0 B.S.

    The Silence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The nameless performs the Ritual of Undeath Ascension by casting his name into the Void.  All written and remembered instances of his name are erased from minds and records.  Doing this focused the energies of the elemental planes and the planes of ether and shadow into his being, raising him to godhood.  He takes the name Vec Na, Keeper of the Secret, as he swears never to reveal the details of the ritual as it had a secondary effect.  As he was raised to godhood, the planar boundaries between the core planes and Outer Planes are strained to the point of almost breaking.  Any further planar travel would damage them further, risking their collapse entirely.   All planar communication between the core planes and the Outer Planes, as well as between Enroth and other worlds, is cut off, denying access to even the most powerful of deities. A new age of the world dawns.

  • 20 A.S.

    600 A.S.

    Fall of Magic
    Civil action

    With the coming of the Silence, divine magic is completely negated and all magical enchantments that relied on divine magic have faded. The citizens of the world turn against any and all spellcasters, blaming the separation from the gods on the irresponsible use of magic. Divine casters, who had occasionally lorded over the citizenry, were without power and banished. Sorcerers, viewed as a cancer, were hunted to near extinction. Druids, while depowered, retreated into the wilds and could not be found. The surviving wizards secluded themselves in their towers in different regions of the world, reinforcing their defenses in isolation.   With the disconnect from the gods, the Heavenly Forges begin to break down.  Weapons and armor continue to be crafted but the number of people capable of maintaining them begins to dwindle.

  • 22 A.S.

    Founding of Celeste

    Gavin Magnus uses his magical might to lift large masses of stone into the sky and tethers them to the top of a mountain.  Construction of buildings and pathways unite the separate sections into one city.  Gavin Magnus moves the headquarters of the Arcane Order from Spyre to the newly christened Celeste.

  • 25 A.S.

    Death and Rebirth of Gavin Magnus
    Life, Death

    Gavin Magnus seals the circle that would transport people into Celeste in order to protect his students from the anger of the people.  He is slain by a mob after using most of his power before he can return to Celeste with his own magic.  He returns to life the next day but the memories of how and why, as well as who he was before, vanish from his mind.  With only the memories of the last twenty years in his mind, he returns to Celeste in order to look after his wards.

  • 80 A.S.

    Settlement of Nighon

    A group of humans with magical bloodlines, fearing for their safety, migrate to the harsh and mountainous island of Nighon to hide from the rampages of the common folk.

  • 100 A.S.

    The Quickening
    Cultural event

    Without the connection to divine magic, elves discover that their enhanced lifespan is greatly reduced.  Where before elves could live a thousand years or more, they were now lucky to live more than two hundred.  However, their ability to reproduce quickens to match their reduced lifespan.  Due to this, much of the old elven lore and magic fades as there aren't enough elves that live long enough to remember them.

  • 160 A.S.

    Founding of the Sun and Moon

    In order to protect the Twilight Gems from further misuse, The Church of the Sun and Church of the Moon are founded.  They establish themselves on the island of Karigor within the temples the Twilight Gems were initially found in.  The Temples of Sun and Moon spread to all continents, and the Twilight Gems are moved between each one at random by the high priest in order to keep them safe.

  • 200 A.S.

    Founding of Avlee
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the fall of Bracaduun and the Quickening, the elves of Volee migrate to the mainland and establish the kingdom of Avlee on the northern tip of Antagarich.

  • 220 A.S.

    Rise of the Necromancer's Guild

    A faction of the Arcane Order is found to be performing blasphemous research and exiled from the Order.  They move north into the Deyja Moors and found the Necromancer's Guild, building The Pit as their headquarters.

  • 225 A.S.

    Forging of the Twilight Swords

    With the loss of divine magic, it is decided that the Foci of the Sun and Moon need new forms in order to be properly protected. The Foci are taken to the last of the Heavenly Forges and crafted into the Sword of Night and Armageddon's Blade, weapons strong enough to defend the wielder from any more who would try to steal them for their own purposes. The Church of the Moon hides the Sword of Night and the Church of the Sun hides Armageddon's Blade.  They are lost in the intervening years.

  • 350 A.S.

    Dark Pact of Nighon
    Life, Supernatural

    In an effort to survive the harsh landscape of their new home, the people of Nighon sought out spirits of great and wild power to grant them power.  In a pact strong enough to span the centuries, the dark fae of the island granted their request.  Any who asked for their aid would be granted great power but would then become their master's slaves after death.   Given that their numbers were dwindling rapidly, they readily agreed.  With the power of the dark fae behind them, the warlocks of Nighon carved out dungeon cities below Thunderfist Mountain with only a scattering of protected farming villages above.  They used the bones of magical beasts to aid in their magic until they could train themselves to ward off whatever arable land they could for farming.

  • 425 A.S.

    Revolt of the Beastmasters

    The Mudlanders living in the Swamps of Ferris unite to force the agents of Erathia out of the region, founding the nation of Tatalia.

  • 470 A.S.

    War of the Elements
    Military action

    The Elemental Lords, in an effort to reestablish their control over Enroth, attack the Arcane Order to weaken their hold on magic.  Although much of the Bracada Highlands were scorched in the ensuing conflict but Gavin Magnus was able to seal them into their respective elemental planes.  Without the Elemental Lords maintaining their presence on Enroth, the power of elementals was reduced.  Although they still cannot be definitely killed, their physical forms can be destroyed and their essence sent to the ethereal plane.  The number of elementals on Enroth drastically shrink with this discovery.

    Additional timelines
  • 480 A.S.

    Spread of Erathia
    Population Migration / Travel

    Erathia spreads south and east all the way to Rionpoint.  The city of Southport is established as a trade location.

  • 500 A.S.

    Covenant of Shadow
    Life, Supernatural

    The humans of Tatalia bind the essence of the Plane of Shadow to their souls, granting them the ability to draw on its power.  The power of shadowcasting is established.  Although the people of Erathia distrust this new power, they are in no position to challenge the witch's new might.

  • 510 A.S.

    Colonization of Tularea
    Population Migration / Travel

    The elves of Avlee take the Tularean Forest as their own and move their capital to the newly founded Pierpont.  They spread their influence into the region of Grainrich in order to establish a boundary to their new territory.

  • 550 A.S.

    Life, Death

    In an effort to destroy any hostile magical beings, humans of Jadame slay Tiamat.  Bahamut, enraged at the loss of his wife, decree that his children are to cut mortals off from their assistance.  The only exceptions are those that have already established an accord with a mortal group.  The Divine Wyrms may select a representative to act on their behalf but they are not to interfere or offer assistance to any mortal party or movement.

  • 646 A.S.

    789 A.S.

    Timber Wars
    Military action

    Erathia expands into Grainrich in order to gather wood for their expansion efforts.  Avlee, viewing this as a violation of their territory, raid the human encampments in order to halt their progress.  This conflict lasts for almost fifteen decades and devastates the land.

  • 689 A.S.

    Founding of Harmondale

    Erathia builds Castle Harmondale and the town of the same name in order to hold the Contested Lands of Grainrich against the elves of Avlee.  Hostilities resume between Erathia and Avlee due to this perceived theft of their land.

  • 692 A.S.

    Capture of Harmondale
    Military action

    An elven offensive captures Castle Harmondale, taking control of the region.  This military action destroys the crops growing in the region, leaving the people destitute.

  • 790 A.S.

    Founding of the Empire of Phenax

    Erathian forces capture Castle Harmondale from the elves, reverting control of the region back to humans.  This, again, devastates the landscape and reduces the people to poverty.   Tired of the constant destruction, the people of Harmondale revolt against Erathian control and establish their own nation.  The Phynaxian Empire is established.

  • 800 A.S.

    Return of Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The old hatreds toward magic have begun to dissipate.  Although many of the old magics remain lost, new forms of magic are developed to fill the gaps and schools of martial technique are created to simulate the enhancement that magic would have on swordplay.  Wizards and recently repowered druids come forth from seclusion in order to teach and identify the new forms of magic being developed.

  • 810 A.S.

    Destruction of Phynax

    An elven assassin kills the Emperor of Phenax.  The Phenaxian military is wiped out by elven forces and wipes the nation off the map.  Harmondale comes under elven control once again.

  • 844 A.S.

    Formation of the Kingdom of Harmondale

    Harmondale forces, led by Ty Vespin, force the elven soldiers out of the region.  Ty Vespin is named King of the newly formed Kingdom of Harmondale.

  • 845 A.S.

    Devestation of Harmondale
    Disaster / Destruction

    Erathian forces enact a Scorched Earth endeavor against the Kingdom of Harmondale. Harmondale is forced to surrender and King Ty Vespin is executed. Harmondale returns to Erathian control.

  • 854 A.S.

    28 Tiamat
    855 A.S.

    1 Bahamut

    Scattering of the Beasts
    Population Migration / Travel

    After several incidents of minotaurs breaking free and attacking civilians, the Boar Clan of Blackshire mobilizes the civilians into a militia and arms them with superior equipment. They are able to push to Kriegspire, holding the passes into Edenbrook. Without the ability to resupply their cavalry with fresh horses and the minotaur causing more and more losses, the Unicorn turn against Shinjo Agar. Word is sent to Morgan Ironfist of the Clan's surrender on the condition of ejecting Agar from Castle Kriegspire. Morgan Ironfist leads a team to attack the castle, scattering the remaining minotaur and forcing Agar to leave the castle and hiding in the northern wastes. The minotaurs move west into paradise valley and then to Jadame and Nighon.   Morgan Ironfist, with the other six Great Clans under his control, with the Mantis giving him transport and the Boar supplying his armies with arms, now effectively controls Enroth

  • 900 A.S.

    War of Dove and Crow
    Military action

    The Church of the Sun declares war on the Church of the Moon after centuries of discord between the two.  What starts as a battle between the two on Jadame quickly spills over into the rest of the world.  The Church of the Sun Destroys the Jadame chapter of the Church of the Moon, which is absorbed into the Necromancer's Guild.

  • 906 A.S.

    Rise of the Dungeon Overlords
    Civil action

    The people of Nighon, after centuries of living in the hostile mountains, subdue the monsters in the lands around them and partition off regions of the island nation to whomever could hold the territories and only be beholden to those that they could not defeat. Known as Dungeon Overlords, these warriors combined the power of the dark fae in their souls with the infusion of dragon blood in their veins.   Although the Warlocks still ruled the underground, it was the Dungeon Overlords who tamed the wild lands above.

  • 969 A.S.

    8 Tiamat
    969 A.S.

    12 Tiamat

    Battle for Morning
    Military action

    Avlee and Erathia launch a joint assault against the Assassin's Guild of Deyja. The Guild, not suited for direct warfare, is wiped out. Thousands of years of history is wiped out in the course of four days.  The survivors make their way to Tatalia.

  • 970 A.S.

    Formation of the Storm Crows
    Gathering / Conference

    With the assistance of the Shadow Witches of Tatalia, the remnants of the Assassin's Guild come together to form the Storm Crow Mercenary Company.  Training in more direct combat, they soon grow to the point that only a small selection of members know of their origins.

    Swamp of Ferris
  • 1008 A.S.

    1009 A.S.

    Necromancer's Harmondale
    Military action

    Harmondale is captured by an army of undead in an expansion by the Necromancer's Guild. Terrance Rockwin takes control of the region and takes a number of citizens into the castle, where they are never seen again. The survivors of Harmondale do so by hiding in the hills.

  • 1009 A.S.

    Retaking of Harmondale
    Military action

    Erathia gathers an army and assaults the town of Harmondale.  Terrance Rockwin is slain and the people return to the town.  Although excavation was seen being done in the castle, no trace of it is found when the castle is restored.

  • 1073 A.S.

    1083 A.S.

    War of Twilight
    Military action

    High Priest Leopold VII, leader of the Enroth Church of the Sun, declares war on the Church of the Moon while under the influence of the artifact Arthur.  Both Churches are ground into poverty and fall apart by 1083.

  • 1110 A.S.

    23 Farlangh

    Birth of Nicolas Gryphonheart
    Life, Birth

    Nicolas Gryphonheart is born in the city of Steadwick.

  • 1113 A.S.

    Birth of Gwenllian
    Life, Birth

    Gwenllian, a woman of Bracaduun descent, is born in the town of Fairfeather.

  • 1132 A.S.

    2 Pelor

    Marriage of Nicolas Gryphonheart and Gwenllian

    After distinguishing herself as a wizard of some talent, Gwenllian catches the attention of Nicolas Gryphonheart.  The two of them are immediately attracted to each other and Nicolas asks for her hand.  This started an alliance with the people of Bracada.

  • 1133 A.S.

    20 Hextor

    Birth of Catherine Gryphonheart
    Life, Birth

    Catherine Gryphonheart is born to Nicolas and Gwenllian.

  • 1140 A.S.

    Birth of Gelu Devil-Bane
    Life, Birth

    Gelu, a half-Erathian/half-Volee elf, is born in Highcastle.

  • 1140 A.S.

    Tainting of Enroth
    Plague / Epidemic

    At several locations throughout Enroth, a spreading sickness is discovered that rots earth, flesh, and soul alike. As the corruption spreads, it begins warping everything in its path. Species thought extinct are revived as horrific perversions of their former selves and any who come in contact with these beings or travel through areas corrupted by the Taint become Tainted themselves.   While means have been found to slow the spread of the Taint, and even reduce its effect on living creatures already Tainted, there exists no known means of stopping the spread.

  • 1141 A.S.

    Birth of Beatrice Gryphonheart
    Life, Birth

    Beatrice Gryphonheart is born to Nicolas and Gwenllian Gryphonheart in the city of Steadwick.

  • 1145 A.S.

    Treaty of Tatalia
    Civil action

    Nicolas Gryphonheart signs a peace treaty with Tatalia, ending hostilities between the two countries for the first time in a hundred years.  An emissary of Erathia, Lord Markham, is established in Tatalia as the leader of the Erathian humans in the region.

  • 1150 A.S.

    Founding of the Church of Baa

    The Church of Baa is founded, displaying the first god-based magic since the Silence.  Their influence spreads to all parts of the world with a focus on helping those displaced by war and supporting the common citizens without having to rely on regional governments.  With the motto of "We were too proud. We must be as sheep for the gods to return," their willingness to accept any comers and provide charity for those in need quickly draw people into the worship of She Who Speaks, the divine source of their faith.  Priests of Baa frequently learn to bind the spirit of Amon in order to display sheep's horns as a display of faith.   This is all a front by the Kolat to undermine the power of the governments of Enroth to establish themselves as the real rulers.  With the assistance of an ancient child of a dragon god, they create a religion that draws in as many worshipers as possible to grant their new leader as much power as possible.  The one known only as She Who Speaks promises rewards of power if they can get her strong enough to call to her allies.

  • 1150 A.S.

    1155 A.S.

    Catherine Gryphonheart's Tour of Duty
    Life, Career

    Catherine Gryphonheart joins the Erathian knights.  She serves with distinction and becomes Captain of Talon Brigade, an elite cadre of crusaders under direct supervision of the Knight-Commander.

  • 1152 A.S.

    8 Pelor

    Death of Gwenllian and Beatrice
    Life, Death

    While travelling from Spyre to Steadwick, the Gryphonheart entourage is waylaid by brigands. Gwenllian and Beatrice's guard are slain before they have time to react. Gwenllian and Beatrice are assaulted and slain while their carriage is ransacked.

  • 1153 A.S.

    22 Kord
    1153 A.S.

    14 Obad-hai

    Cleansing of the Impure
    Military action

    Enraged at the loss of her mother and sister and feeling guilty she was not there to protect them, Catherine Gryphonheart let the Talon Brigade on a campaign to rid Erathia of the brigands that plagued the roads.  Over the course of two months, she purged as many of the criminals as possible, ending over a hundred lives by her own sword.

  • 1154 A.S.

    8 Olidamarra

    Skirmish of Welnin
    Military action

    Elven forces battle Erathian forces outside the village of Welnin in the Contested Lands.  Harmondale and Highcastle band together to help support the village through the winter.

  • 1155 A.S.

    Gem Arrives on Antagarich
    Population Migration / Travel

    Gem Fleise of the Doji Family travels to Antagarich to help stabilize the Contested Lands after the most recent devestation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1155 A.S.

    20 Nerull

    Marriage of Roland Ironfist and Catherine Gryphonheart
    Life, Relationship change

    After the War of Succession, Roland Ironfist needed to solidify his reign by marrying and producing an heir. However, there was no way to select an heir from the Great Clans without sparking another round of fighting. After a diplomatic meeting with King Nicolas Gryphonheart of Erathia, they came upon the solution that Catherine would be a good match. This would also give Catherine a life away from the death of her mother and sister.   Catherine accepted her father's reasoning and married Roland, moving the Enroth to be with her husband while Nicolas ruled Erathia. What started as an arranged marriage blossomed into mutual respect and affection, softening Catherine's demeanor and introducing Roland to ideas never thought of in the Empire.

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  • 1156 A.S.

    Sandro Becomes High Necromancer
    Life, Organisation Association

    Sandro travels from Enroth to Antagarich in order to contact the leaders of the Necromancer's Guild.  Unhappy with the current status quo, he manipulates the leadership into enacting a plan to ensure their success and increase their power base.  Although not technically the guild leader, those high up in the ranks begin to understand that Sandro runs things.

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  • 1160 A.S.

    Mutare's Rise
    Civil action

    Mutare overthrows her Dungeon Overlord master and takes control of his lands under Nighon.

  • 1161 A.S.

    12 Tiamat

    Death of Nicolas Gryphonheart
    Military action

    Finneas Vilmar, King of Deyja and head of the Necromantic Order, betrays and imprisons Sandro and has Nicolas Gryphonheart poisoned. After he is entombed, Finneas sneaks into his crypt and performs a dark ritual on him to raise him as a lich. Unfortunately, the binding spell he used was not strong enough to ensnare the will of the deceased king and Finneas was promptly slain. Lich King Gryphonheart took over leadership of both Deyja and Erathia.

  • 1161 A.S.

    18 Weejas

    Catherine Gryphonheart Returns to Erathia
    Life, Relocation

    Empress Catherine Gryphonheart-Ironfist returns to Erathia after the death of her father, Nicolas. Roland is left to run the Empire and look after their son, Nicolai.

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  • 1162 A.S.

    5 Bahamut

    Night of Shooting Stars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Demons and Devils fall from the skies over Sweet Water in Enroth, Garrote Gorge in Jadame, and Eoful in Antagarich using the power of She Who Speaks as a beacon. Their vessels, resembling hives more than actual ships, set down as colonies for the demons.   The demons in Sweet Water, under the direct command of She Who Speaks, destroy the town and begin to capture lands farther and farther south. The residents of Sweet Water that survived the initial assault gather in the town square where the Archmage Falagar teleports them all to New Sorpigal in Lion territory.   The demons in Eoful, under the command of the demon lord Xenofex, begin to spread but are slowed by the efforts of the halflings that live there, as well as the dragons that live in the mountains.   The demons in Garrote Gorge land between the dragons of the region, the keep containing the Order of the Silver Flame, and the Murmurwoods filled with shifters. Without the need of local governments to authorize their actions, all three groups assault the demons and destroy them before they can gain a foothold.

  • 1162 A.S.

    20 Hextor

    Lowland Alliance
    Civil action

    Catherine Gryphonheart allies with the witches of Tatalia and the tribes of Krewlod to wage a war against her father, the Lich-King Nicolas Gryphonheart.  Although her forces are meager, the people of Erathia don't have the heart to fight against the woman who served her people faithfully before marrying Roland Ironfist.  The combination of knight loyal to the crown, if not the king himself, as well as necromantic assistance from his subjects of Deyja allows him to hold out against his daughter's forces.

  • 1162 A.S.

    2 Olidamarra

    Mobilization of the Arcane Order
    Life, Relocation

    Gavin Magnus calls in the wizards of the Jadame chapter of the Arcane Order in order to prevent the necromancers of Nighon from taking control of Antagarich, believing that spellcasters had no business ruling over political organizations. He allies himself with Catherine Gryphonheart and provides magical assistance to counter the necromancers' influence on Erathia. Without the full power of the Necromantic Order, Nicolas Gryphonheart is forced to fortify himself in Castle Gryphonheart using only the knights under his command lead by Knight-Commander William Setag.

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  • 1162 A.S.

    22 Pelor

    Unholy Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    The lich Sandro escapes his confines in Deyja and contacts the warlocks of Nighon and the devils of Inferno. He brokers an agreement where the two groups would help each other gather land and resources in exchange for aid from the necromancers loyal to him. He begins to sabotage Nicolas Gryphonheart's war efforts to keep him too occupied to notice the coup being planned.

  • 1163 A.S.

    17 Doresain
    1165 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    War of the Unholy Alliance
    Military action

    Sandro succeeds in manipulating Nighon into an alliance with the devils of Inferno to claim territory on the mainland. Mutare and Tor Anwyn meet with Xenofex and launch a joint campaign against Eoful, Avlee, and Erathia. While Inferno holds down Eoful and keeps Avlee busy, Nighon would tunnel under the Barrow Downs, neutralize the dwarves, and begin to attack Erathia. With Catherine Gryphonheart recently returned from Enroth, she was able to lead an alliance of Tatalians and tribes of Krewlod in a campaign against her father. With his forces distracted fighting the Warlocks and Overlords of Nighon, Nicolas was unprepared for an assault from Tatalia.   In a major spearhead operation, Catherine was able to take Steadwick and finally put her father to rest. With the Necromantic Order's hold on Erathia broken, Sandro was able to rally the necromancers loyal to him in a coup against those that served Nicolas. Although Sandro takes control of the Necromantic Order, he has no interest in the rule of Deyja itself. After a series of skirmishes, the problem is resolved with Commander Shortstack, leader of the goblins of Deyja, in command of the region.   With the Necromantic Order no longer in control of Erathia, Queen Catherine is able to form an alliance with King Eldritch Parson of Avlee. With the two working together for the first time in centuries, they were able to hold firm against the advances of Inferno and Nighon. The war was effectively ended when the Warlock's hold on Grainrich was shattered and Inferno was convinced to stand down.

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  • 1163 A.S.

    18 Doresain

    Invasion of Nighon
    Military action

    The Warlocks of Nighon, lead by Dungeon Overlord Mutare, invade Erathia by tunneling under Grainrich. With Erathia under control of Lich-King Nicolas Gryphonheart, the dwarves of Stone City don't have the resources to defend themselves against the assault.

  • 1163 A.S.

    12 Ehlonna

    Inferno Offensive
    Civil action

    To the surprise of every nation on the mainland, the Devils of Inferno attack the halflings of Eoful and the outposts of Avlee. It becomes apparent they are supporting the invasion by the Warlocks of Nighon as they make no maneuvers to secure their southern or western borders and focus solely on their northern expansion. This renders King Parson unable to assist in the defense against the dwarves as he cannot spare resources without exposing his own lands.

  • 1163 A.S.

    7 Farlangh
    1163 A.S.

    13 Farlangh

    Taking of Steadwick
    Military action

    A final push of the alliance gathered by Catherine Gryphonheart takes the city of Steadwick and places Castle Gryphonheart under siege.  After nearly a week's worth of losses, Catherine manages to breach the walls and magical defenses of her father's forces.  Nicolas Gryphonheart's warmaster, Frederick Org, betrays him and turns his forces over to Catherine.  Knight-Commander Setag, at the advisement of his second-in-command, remains neutral in this final encounter as they serve the crown and that is in question.  Catherine, along with the few allies she has remaining, manage to destroy her father and regain control of Erathia.

  • 1163 A.S.

    4 Kord

    First Alliance
    Civil action

    For the first time since their founding, the nations of Erathia and Avlee form an alliance to contend with the Unholy Alliance.  Erathia sends forces east to reinforce the defenses of both Avlee and the dwarves of Stone City.  With the Erathian forces to assist them, Avlee manages to push the forces of Inferno back into Eoful while Stone City manages to slow the advances of the warlocks to a crawl.  While at nearly a stalemate, the Warlocks still have enough power, especially in the open terrain of Grainrich, to have the upper hand.

  • 1164 A.S.

    18 Cuthbert

    Flight of Crows
    Diplomatic action

    Erathia and Avlee combine resources to hire out the entire Stormcrow Mercenary guild. Although payment must still be received for individual missions, this payment is extremely discounted and is mostly a formality. The Stormcrows split their forces to assist into several small groups to act as small task forces to assault small, high-value targets.   With the forces of Avlee and Erathia assaulting the main forces of Nighon and the Stormcrows harassing their leaders, the forward push was halted and the Warlocks were unable to capture any more ground.

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  • 1164 A.S.

    6 Kord

    Feast of Crows
    Military action

    A Stormcrow unit managed to find the location of the Nighon forward command position in charge of coordinating the assault and capture of territory in Grainrich with the assistance of the Iron Heart Goblins. Although they suffered a great deal of damage in the process, the unit was able to eliminate the commander of the post. With this command post lost, the major Warlock operations in the area fall into disarray. The Warlocks are forced to move in small units without any real ability to communicate.

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  • 1164 A.S.

    8 Nerull

    Dissoltion of the Unholy Alliance
    Diplomatic action

    The devils of Inferno learn of how the Taint affects Outsiders without their connection to their respective Outer Planes and agree to halt their advances in order to reduce the risk of corruption. Without opposition from the devils, the forces of Avlee can regroup their forces and prepare to move into Grainrich.

  • 1164 A.S.

    8 Pelor

    Arrival of the Crawfish
    Life, Relocation

    Phoenicia Prince, head of the Crawfish Clan, travels to Antagarich in order to secure aid for the Crawfish until they can build up their numbers.  She gets in contact with the Stormcrow mercenary guild after hearing of the exploits of one of their units.  She travelled with members of the Stormcrows in order to gauge their ability and was convinced.  She paid the Stormcrows to keep them on retainer.

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  • 1164 A.S.

    11 Weejas

    Murder of Crows

    A unit of the Stormcrow Mercenaries, acting upon information they received from an unknown source, tracked down and assaulted several Nighon outposts, severely disrupting the smaller operations they had on the mainland. With their main supply depot, their scouting groups, and several research groups dispatched, the Warlocks of Nighon were forced to consolidate their forces in the Grainrich region in order to defend their remaining assets on the mainland.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    Collapse of Grainrich
    Disaster / Destruction

    A collaboration of Erathian and Avleean forces destabilize the warlock forces in Grainrich, forcing them back into the tunnels under Stone City. During the last sweep of the tunnels, the warlocks are forced to concede defeat. In a fit of anger, Dungeon Overlord Mutare sets off an explosion to try to kill a unit of Stormcrows but instead destabilizes the tunnels. The collapse of the tunnel causes a chain reaction in the region that causes the Grainrich region around the Barrow Downs to collapse. The landscape of the region falls 30 feet except for the areas anchored to solid stone. Only three barrows are accessible by foot. The others can only be accessed by magic.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    3 Boccob

    Phoenicia Returns to Enroth
    Life, Relocation

    Phoenicia Prince, with a unit of Stormcrow Mercenaries, returns to Enroth after her evaluation of an up-and-coming unit. The Stormcrow mercenaries are assigned to the Crawfish clan, a sister organization from Enroth, on a semi-permanent basis until which time they are released form this duty.   This contract was expensive for the Crawfish Clan, but the potential payoff far outweighs the investment.

  • 1165 A.S.

    13 Obad-hai

    Tensions Build in Antagarich
    Diplomatic action

    Rising tensions between Erathia and Avlee put the populace of Antagarich into a heightened state of paranoia. Outside a few unaligned areas, elves and humans refuse to even interact with each other. Racism between the two nations begins to reach an all-time high.   It has reached the point that even the Stormcrow Mercenary company, comprising elves, humans, and others, withdrew support from Erathia as a country and now only accepts private contracts. Any contracts that seem to support one country over the other, even having a squad in Imperial Enroth, have been cancelled and any payment received has been refunded for the time cancelled.

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