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History of Imperial Enroth

A history of the continent of Imperial Enroth, as recorded by the Oracle of Enroth.

  • 10000 B.S.

    Creation of Enroth
    Era beginning/end

    The gods task the Elemental Lords to create the world of Enroth. They do so by drawing power from the elemental planes. Plane of Shadow and Ethereal Plane are created as dark and light reflections to house the elemental spirits of the plane and anchored to the Focus of Light and Focus of Shadow.

    Additional timelines
  • 8500 B.S.

    Settlement of Enroth
    Population Migration / Travel

    The colonists from Varn arrive on Enroth landing on the continent of the same name. The archive core, along with the archive construct, are moved to a more accessible location. Colonists spread from Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich. The control center of the archive allows communication between the different installations on different worlds while avatars of the gods help keep watch on the lands.

  • 8400 B.S.

    Foundation of Civilization

    The Colonial Government, created to help govern the people and aid in their spread, is established. Using a combination of arcane and divine magic, systems of the ark were enhanced in order to create works of wonder. Tools for building and farming, as well as weapons and armor to fend off the new world's dangers, are created at great speed and spread to all continents.

  • 8300 B.S.

    Founding of Vissias

    The kingdom of Vissias is established in southern Enroth. A green, fertile land, several small regions were built, including the lands of Aliant, Blackshire, and Darkmoor.

  • 8100 B.S.

    Founding of Yobanja

    Although the climate makes settlement difficult, many travel to this northern region to be away from the control of the Colonial Government and to show their strength.  A few cities are built but many opt to simply live wherever they feel like, consolidating into tribes to survive the harsh environment.

  • 8000 B.S.

    Founding of the Great Clans

    Seven avatars claim territory as their domain and settle down with their families. Hida Kord founds the Crab Clan. Doji Cuthbert founds the Crane Clan. Togashi Pelor founds the Dragon Clan. Akodo Heironeus founds the Lion Clan. Shiba Wee Jas founds the Phoenix Clan. Bayushi Hextor founds the Scorpion Clan. Shinjo Fharlaghn founds the Unicorn Clan.

  • 7500 B.S.

    Conflux of Dragons
    Gathering / Conference

    Bahamut and Tiamat, with the combined worship of all the dragons of Enroth, give birth to the Great Wyrms, the ten divine dragons. Each dragon would travel the world to understand it better and use that knowledge to shape history as they saw fit.

  • 7300 B.S.

    7250 B.S.

    War of the Kami
    Military action

    The Clans of Enroth discover that the spirits in the ethereal and shadow planes can be captured to draw great power from them. The tenuous truce between the avatars is broken as they each vie for dominance of the continent. The dragons of Enroth intervene and the wars are ended with great losses to all.

  • 7000 B.S.

    Rise of the Kolat
    Political event

    The Kolat, an organization devoted to undermining divine influence on Enroth, is founded.  Using magic to keep themselves out of the sight of the deific avatars, they plot to free themselves from divine control.

  • 6800 B.S.

    Assassination of Akodo
    Life, Death

    Through subterfuge and cunning, the Kolat are able to assasinate the divine avatar, Akodo, founder of the Lion Clan of Enroth.  With his death, the world was plunged into chaos.  The Kolat comes to public light but planted evidence across the world confuses who they are working for.  The avatars of each other deity become suspicious and move away from helping each other.

  • 6500 B.S.

    5500 B.S.

    War of the Divines
    Military action

    After the assassination of Akodo, the other gods grew suspicious of each other.  The founders of the other Great Clans began building alliances with other gods around the world.  Suspicion grew to hostility until the avatars of Enroth broke out into open conflict.  With their divine sources busy fighting of the demons and devils on the outer planes, the avatars of Enroth were destroyed almost entirely.  The few that remain decide to remove themselves from mortal affairs entirely unless sought out.

  • 6400 B.S.

    Death of Togashi and Doji
    Life, Death

    Togashi, leader of the Dragon Clan, and Doji, leader of the Crane Clan, discover they both attempted to make deals with Bayushi and the Scorpion Clan.  A duel ensues that results in both of their deaths.

  • 6000 B.S.

    Assassination of Bayushi
    Life, Death

    Baysuhi attempt to lead his clan to claim Dragon and Lion territory, which they would be unable to defend against without their deific leaders.  Corvo Attano, sensing the massive surge in power that Bayushi would obtain, assassinated him and then disappeared into the wilds of Jadame.

  • 5800 B.S.

    Destruction of Vissias
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Crab and Unicorn Clans war over control over Vissias.  The Kolat take advantage of the battle and detonate a powerful ancient weapon that wipes out both armies. Shinjo and Hida are slain and the land of Vissias, as well as portions of Darkmoor and Blackshire, are blasted away.  A featureless desert ringed with mountain is all that remains.

  • 5600 B.S.

    Death of Shiba
    Life, Death

    Shiba, having spent the last millenia in meticulous research, discover the nature of the Kolat and all of their bases. In a series of raids over the course of three days, she attacks and wipes out almost all Kolat posts but suffers a mortal blow in the process. She dies shortly after destroying the last Kolat base and sending the report to her clan.

  • 5500 B.S.

    First Clan War
    Military action

    In the aftermath of losing their clan founders, the Clans of Enroth entered a period of hot and cold wars. Ever trying to expand their influence, skirmishes and outright conflicts decimated the population, eventually ending the First Clan Wars in a stalemate.

  • 5100 B.S.

    Collapse of the Colonial Government

    With the devastation caused by recent wars and the loss of so many deific avatars, the Colonial Government that was established to monitor and control colonization can no longer maintain the facilities necessary to keep control. Antagarich, Enroth, and Jadame separate into individual territories, each fragmenting further into regions and individual kingdoms. The gods no longer have direct control over Enroth.

  • 4900 B.S.

    Accord of the Oracle
    Political event

    After the collapse of the Colonial Government, the Clans realized how devastating the Clan War had actually been.  They came together on the coast of Bootleg Bay, at the site of the Varn archives, and vowed not to resort to full-scale war unless no other option was deemed adequate.  A facility was constructed to house any gatherings to discuss disputes between the Clans.  The first act of the Council of Clans was to sign the Accord of the Oracle, an agreement on procedure of vendetta, warfare, and politics.

  • 3000 B.S.

    Founding of Dragonsand

    The survivors of the destruction of Vissias return to the land to settle in their new home. The region is renamed Dragonsands due to copper dragons having moved into the area. An accord was made with the dragons and they were taught how to move on the sands and use their heat as weapons.

  • 2500 B.S.

    Founding of Edenbrook

    In order to respect the territory of Dragonsand, the Unicorn Clan found the outpost of Edenbrook in order to raise and train their horses.  With the wide-open ranges, Edenbrook grows into a large town popular among those who grew tired of the political strife of the Clan States.  It is determined that Edenbrook would be used by the Unicorn, but that it would exist outside the control of any Clan.

  • 1100 B.S.

    The Nameless Discovers Lichdom
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Nameless, a necromancer of considerable power, creates the ritual that transforms a creature into a lich.  He teaches this technique to his student, Ethric, and secludes himself in his laboratory to see if he can refine the process.  Ethric travels the world, finding necromancers of sufficient power and ambition to pursue eternal undeath.

    Additional timelines
  • 500 B.S.

    Undeath Ascension Discovered
    Discovery, Scientific

    The Nameless discovers how to refine the ritual that creates a lich to harness the power of each plane, not just the negative energy plane. He begins to create foci to harness the power of each of the elemental planes. He steals the Twilight Gems, the Focus of Light and the Focus of Shadow, in order to study and copy their enchantments.

    Additional timelines
  • 300 B.S.

    The Nameless Creates the Elemental chimes
    Artistic creation

    The Nameless, after centuries studying the Twilight Gems, creates the Elemental Chimes to focus the energies of the elements into physical objects. With their creation, The Nameless is one step closer to ascension.  The Nameless hands off the Twilight Gems to agents who sneak them out of Enroth to Jadame and Antagarich so that they can't be traced back.

  • 0 B.S.

    The Silence
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The nameless performs the Ritual of Undeath Ascension by casting his name into the Void.  All written and remembered instances of his name are erased from minds and records.  Doing this focused the energies of the elemental planes and the planes of ether and shadow into his being, raising him to godhood.  He takes the name Vec Na, Keeper of the Secret, as he swears never to reveal the details of the ritual as it had a secondary effect.  As he was raised to godhood, the planar boundaries between the core planes and Outer Planes are strained to the point of almost breaking.  Any further planar travel would damage them further, risking their collapse entirely.   All planar communication between the core planes and the Outer Planes, as well as between Enroth and other worlds, is cut off, denying access to even the most powerful of deities. A new age of the world dawns.

  • 20 A.S.

    600 A.S.

    Fall of Magic
    Civil action

    With the coming of the Silence, divine magic is completely negated and all magical enchantments that relied on divine magic have faded. The citizens of the world turn against any and all spellcasters, blaming the separation from the gods on the irresponsible use of magic. Divine casters, who had occasionally lorded over the citizenry, were without power and banished. Sorcerers, viewed as a cancer, were hunted to near extinction. Druids, while depowered, retreated into the wilds and could not be found. The surviving wizards secluded themselves in their towers in different regions of the world, reinforcing their defenses in isolation.   With the disconnect from the gods, the Heavenly Forges begin to break down.  Weapons and armor continue to be crafted but the number of people capable of maintaining them begins to dwindle.

  • 100 A.S.

    The Quickening
    Cultural event

    Without the connection to divine magic, elves discover that their enhanced lifespan is greatly reduced.  Where before elves could live a thousand years or more, they were now lucky to live more than two hundred.  However, their ability to reproduce quickens to match their reduced lifespan.  Due to this, much of the old elven lore and magic fades as there aren't enough elves that live long enough to remember them.

  • 160 A.S.

    Founding of the Sun and Moon

    In order to protect the Twilight Gems from further misuse, The Church of the Sun and Church of the Moon are founded.  They establish themselves on the island of Karigor within the temples the Twilight Gems were initially found in.  The Temples of Sun and Moon spread to all continents, and the Twilight Gems are moved between each one at random by the high priest in order to keep them safe.

  • 200 A.S.

    205 A.S.

    Second Clan War
    Military action

    With the loss of their divine casters and bereft of some leadership, the Great Clans once again went to war in the hope of exploiting weaknesses in the other Clans. Without divine backing, each clan created and developed their own unique styles of combat. The dragons again have to step in to prevent a catastrophe but this turns the leadership of the Clans against the dragons.

  • 225 A.S.

    Forging of the Twilight Swords

    With the loss of divine magic, it is decided that the Foci of the Sun and Moon need new forms in order to be properly protected. The Foci are taken to the last of the Heavenly Forges and crafted into the Sword of Night and Armageddon's Blade, weapons strong enough to defend the wielder from any more who would try to steal them for their own purposes. The Church of the Moon hides the Sword of Night and the Church of the Sun hides Armageddon's Blade.  They are lost in the intervening years.

  • 400 A.S.

    600 A.S.

    Magical Genocide

    With the rage against magic in full swing, the Clans of Enroth hunted any magical creatures to extinction. Any race with innate magical ability is wiped out unless they find a way to hide. The naga and medusa hide under Star Lake and use what magic they have to conceal themselves, putting themselves into a deep hibernation to wait out the purges. The elves of the Diamond Coast work with the Crane in order to ensure their protection and the Dwarves fortify their gates against assault. Orcs move into the wild lands of Paradise Valley while the Nezumi retreat into the swamps of Darkmoor. Halflings integrate into the citizenry until the interbreeding causes them to die out as an individual people.   With the last of the forgemasters of the Heavenly Forges dead, they fall into disrepair and eventually break down entirely. The knowledge of how to repair them is lost. Without the power of the gods to maintain them, the connections between the forges and the rest of Enroth become unstable. Even the research of the Heavenly Forges ceases as traveling to them becomes too dangerous.

  • 500 A.S.

    Founding of Desert Wind
    Scientific achievement

    After learning what they could from Shaderasha, Divine Wyrm of Fire, the wanderers of Dragonsand are able to create a combination of meditation and maneuvers that emulate the dragon's fire.  While not as powerful or enduring as a dragon's breath and resistances, it allowed the wanderers to live comfortably in the barren desert.  The Desert Wind discipline is created and becomes a foundation of the wanderer's lifestyles.

  • 550 A.S.

    Life, Death

    In an effort to destroy any hostile magical beings, humans of Jadame slay Tiamat.  Bahamut, enraged at the loss of his wife, decree that his children are to cut mortals off from their assistance.  The only exceptions are those that have already established an accord with a mortal group.  The Divine Wyrms may select a representative to act on their behalf but they are not to interfere or offer assistance to any mortal party or movement.

  • 600 A.S.

    Founding of Stone Dragon
    Scientific achievement

    After hundreds of years repelling invaders from their gates, the dwarves of Enroth learn to endure by emulating the stone in which they live.  By standing and moving in a manner reminiscent of stone, they gain the toughness of mountains and strike as a landslide.  These techniques become invaluable for the defense of the dwarven kingdom.  The Stone Dragon discipline is used to great effect in protecting their mines.

  • 650 A.S.

    Founding of Diamond Mind
    Scientific achievement

    The elves of the Diamond Coast, after working closely with the Crane Clan, develop the Diamond Mind school of martial discipline.  The style emulates the precise movements of Bushido by applying a focus unique to their abilities.  Since the level of focus required to use Diamond Mind maneuvers differs from that of Bushido, the Diamond Mind discipline was able to create techniques wholly their own.

  • 800 A.S.

    Return of Magic
    Discovery, Scientific

    The old hatreds toward magic have begun to dissipate.  Although many of the old magics remain lost, new forms of magic are developed to fill the gaps and schools of martial technique are created to simulate the enhancement that magic would have on swordplay.  Wizards and recently repowered druids come forth from seclusion in order to teach and identify the new forms of magic being developed.

  • 810 A.S.

    Pact of Spirits
    Cultural event

    The Clans of Enroth refine the means of using elemental spirits to draw energy when a Phoenix researcher agrees to aid a fire spirit in exchange for favor.  The willing cooperation of the fire spirit allowed the researcher to perform a type of magic similar to that which is told was bestowed by the gods.  The spirit magic of the shugenja is spread across Enroth, bringing a new form of divine magic by means of beseeching the spirits for power.  Each Clan discovers that they draw different spirits and so the different shugenja schools are founded and train to assist the warriors of their Clans.

  • 820 A.S.

    840 A.S.

    Third Clan War
    Military action

    With the resurgence of divine magic, the Clans again made a power grab to solidify their control over Enroth. Without the intercession of the dragons, the war raged on for fifty years with a great amount of bloodshed on all sides. After borders had been fought over and redrawn countless times, the Clans settled into an uneasy peace.

  • 830 A.S.

    Alliance of Birds
    Gathering / Conference

    After years of skirmishing, the Crane Clan, under the command of the samurai Doji Gem, is forced to bend knee to Shiba Alamar, priest of fire and head of the Phoenix Clan. They hold the region along the Islands of Mist all the way up the Silver Coast. The Diamond Mind elves support the Crane but refuse to act on behalf of the Phoenix.

  • 835 A.S.

    Alliance of the Wilds
    Gathering / Conference

    With the main Unicorn mobilizing horses in Edenbrook, Hida Lambda, priestess of earth and head of the Crab Clan, managed to launch a surprise attack on Castle Kriegspire, forcing the Unicorn to surrender. The combined might of the Crab warriors and the Unicorn horsemen allowed the alliance unrestricted access to southern Enroth.

  • 840 A.S.

    Alliance of the Northern Mountains
    Gathering / Conference

    With the other clans of Enroth forming alliances, Togashi Slayer, elder of the Dragon Clan, convinces the samurai Bayushi Kraeger and the Scorpion Clan to work with him. This allows them to resist the Crane from the east and the Unicorn from the west.

  • 842 A.S.

    Arrival of Morgan the Iron Fist
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Deep in a forest in Lion territory, a breach appears, spilling a man from another world onto Enroth. Wandering for a bit, he discovered a small village under attack by Phoenix Clan forces. Organizing the village's forces and mobilizing them to great effect, they were able to repel the attackers. The village swore allegiance to this man who would even protect their small village.   As they built up defenses, more and more villages heard of Morgan the Iron Fist and pledged allegiance. Once Akodo Ector heard of this man who managed to fend off a Phoenix attack using only peasants, he challenged him in single combat for the right to rule the Lion Clan. With a combination of martial prowess and tactics not seen on Enroth before, Morgan the Iron Fist was victorious. However, he left Akodo Ector in command of the Lion Clan as his general.

  • 845 A.S.

    855 A.S.

    Unification Wars
    Military action

    Morgan the Iron Fist, with Lion Champion Akodo Ector as his general, gathers enough popular support from the Minor Clans and the civilians of Enroth to lead a campaign against the other Great Clans. With each keep he takes, he challenges the leader of that Great Clan to single combat for control of the Clan. With each victory, another Clan vows allegiance to him. With the defeat of his three great rivals for control of the continent, the Great Clans all swear eternal oaths to the Morgan Ironfist. The Ironfist Empire is created and a palace is built to house Morgan Ironfist and his family for as long as the line survives.

  • 845 A.S.

    20 Olidamarra

    Battle of the Gateway
    Military action

    Morgan the Iron Fist's first skirmish with his new army was to mobilize his forces to secure routes into and out of the region.  The Crab Clan held the main pass into the central region of the continent so he struck at the Crab fort guarding the pass.  With the Crab preparing to fend off an attack from the Dragon Clan, they were unprepared for any movement by the weakened Lion Clan.  With the fort secured, the Lion Clan held a direct pathway to Crab and Dragon territories.

  • 846 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    Battle of the Oracle
    Military action

    With a route to the Oracle of Enroth secure, Morgan Ironfist goes into battle with the opposed forces of Lord Slayer, Lord Alamar and Lady Lambda. With only the forces of the Lion Clan behind him, Morgan Ironfist uses unconventional tactics to stall the other armies and secures the Oracle before the other Clan leaders can respond.   Once the Oracle is securely under his control, Morgan uses its knowledge to research ways to improve the strength of his army and to support the civilian population so that they might have a means to keep themselves safe amongst the clans warring.  In gratitude for this show of support, the civilian populations and Minor Clans of the regions secretly and completely align with Morgan Ironfist and the Lion Clan.

  • 848 A.S.

    6 Hextor
    848 A.S.

    12 Hextor

    Battle of the Coast
    Military action

    With promises of support after the battles end, Morgan Ironfist and the Lion Clan gain the aid of the Mantis Clan and various other Minor Clans of Bootleg Bay.  With the Mantis transporting his troops swiftly, Morgan is able to launch a surprise attack on the Crane Clan.  The Diamond Mind elves, angry at the Phoenix for their treatment of the Crane, convince the Crane Clan to join Morgan Ironfist's army.  In order to solidify an alliance, the Crane leader, Doji Gem, challenges Morgan Ironfist and is defeated.  The Crane officially join the Ironfist army alongside the Lion Clan.

  • 848 A.S.

    22 Hextor
    848 A.S.

    1 Kord

    Battle of the Archipelago
    Military action

    Moving quickly after his alliance with the Crane, Morgan Ironfist, with the help of the Mantis Clan, cut off the Phoenix from any assistance.  Lord Shiba Alamar retreats to the northernmost island in the Mist Archipelago and secures himself inside his castle.  Without the support of the Phoenix leadership, the remaining islands swiftly surrender.  The last island with Castle Alamar is laid siege, with the Phoenix leader refusing to surrender.  With the combined strength of the elves, Crane, and Lion, the Phoenix army is defeated and Shiba Alamar is slain at the hands of Morgan.

  • 850 A.S.

    28 Heironeous
    850 A.S.

    3 Hextor

    Battle of White Cap
    Military action

    After convincing the Yobanjin, the northern barbarian tribes, to remain neutral in the coming battles, Morgan Ironfist sent the Lion Clan to secure and defend the southern routes from Crab invaders while he took the Phoenix and Crane around the northern coast of Enroth to attack the Scorpion clan.  Heavily reliant on the mountains to the south slowing any aggression from the other clans, the Scorpion were unprepared from an attack from the normally-frozen northern sea.  Normally specializing in guerrilla warfare and precision strikes against high-value targets, the Scorpion were caught off guard by the sudden attack.  While the Scorpion mobilized to defend White Cap from the Crane and Phoenix army, Morgan Ironfist and a small strike force infiltrated Castle Stromgard and confronted Bayushi Kraeger.  Impressed at being so out-maneuvered, Kraeger ordered his forces to surrender and swore allegiance to the Ironfist alliance.  The battle was over in a matter of days with minimal loss of life.

  • 850 A.S.

    22 Olidamarra
    850 A.S.

    2 Pelor

    Battle of the Southern Pass
    Military action

    The Lion Clan, under the direction of Akodo Ector, make a march into Crab territory in order to weaken Crab forces.  After an initial push into Darkmoor, their forces are stalled by a combination of Crab defense and inhospitable terrain, the Lion suffer terrible losses and are forced to retreat.  Akodo Ector is forced to move his forces back to his keep and fortify himself, leaving the keep guarding the southern pass undefended and easily taken by the Crab Clan.

  • 853 A.S.

    5 Bahamut
    853 A.S.

    11 Bahamut

    Battle of the Beast
    Life, Supernatural

    Morgan Ironfist tasks the Scorpion Clan with scouting Kriegspire, home of the Unicorn, and reporting his findings. They are quickly discovered when Shinjo Agar, wizard and leader of the Unicorn, reveals he has created a race of half-man, half-bull creatures that he has named minotaurs. The creatures find the Bayushi scouts and kill all but two, although the Unicorn suffer losses at their hands as well.

    Additional timelines
  • 853 A.S.

    12 Doresain
    853 A.S.

    5 Ehlonna

    Battle of the Fist
    Military action

    With the loss of control of the southern passes and the losses suffered at Kriegspire, Morgan Ironfist decides he needs to take central Enroth to keep a secure hold and this means going through the Dragon Clan. He orders the Scorpion clan to infiltrate and take out those in leadership positions and lead the Phoenix and Crane into attacking the Dragon Clan from the north with the Mantis aiding in transportation. In a surprising turn, the Stone Dragon dwarves force the Crab holding the southern passes to retreat to Darkmoor, allowing the Lion Clan to attack the Dragon from the south. The Dragon are fierce warriors who have mastered using spirits for divine power so it takes the combined forces to approach the keep of Togashi Slayer. Slayer, a master of martial arts, fought with Morgan Ironfist. Morgan Ironfist was seriously injured but was victorious, killing Slayer and forcing the Dragon Clan to submit to his control and securing half of Enroth.

  • 854 A.S.

    28 Tiamat
    855 A.S.

    1 Bahamut

    Scattering of the Beasts
    Population Migration / Travel

    After several incidents of minotaurs breaking free and attacking civilians, the Boar Clan of Blackshire mobilizes the civilians into a militia and arms them with superior equipment. They are able to push to Kriegspire, holding the passes into Edenbrook. Without the ability to resupply their cavalry with fresh horses and the minotaur causing more and more losses, the Unicorn turn against Shinjo Agar. Word is sent to Morgan Ironfist of the Clan's surrender on the condition of ejecting Agar from Castle Kriegspire. Morgan Ironfist leads a team to attack the castle, scattering the remaining minotaur and forcing Agar to leave the castle and hiding in the northern wastes. The minotaurs move west into paradise valley and then to Jadame and Nighon.   Morgan Ironfist, with the other six Great Clans under his control, with the Mantis giving him transport and the Boar supplying his armies with arms, now effectively controls Enroth

  • 854 A.S.

    8 Weejas
    855 A.S.

    12 Bahamut

    Battle of Darkmoor
    Military action

    With the rest of the continent subdued, Morgan turns his attention to the Crab Clan in Darkmoor.  He has the Scorpion activate their agents in Darkmoor to disrupt supply lines and sew chaos as the Lion and Dragon Clans move through the southern passes into Darkmoor.  With their supply lines disrupted, the Crab Clan lines are struggling but holding.  It is at that time that Morgan reveals his ploy: the Unicorn have traveled south from Kriegspire, through Dragonsand, and into Darkmoor from the west.  Confronted on two sides, the Crab Clan are forced to retreat to Castle Darkmoor.  The siege lasts for some time, but with the supply lines disrupted they cannot fight back.  A Scorpion agent discovers a back way into the castle and Morgan takes a strike team into the castle to confront Lady Hida Lambda, priestess of earth and leader of the Crab.  Lady Lambda is as tough as the stone Castle Darkmoor is built on but Morgan emerges victorious.  The Crab Clan are defeated and swear allegiance to Morgan Ironfist.

  • 855 A.S.

    22 Farlangh

    Ironfist Dynasty Established.

    With the subdual of the Seven Great Clans, the entirety of the Continent of Enroth is fully under the control of Morgan Ironfist. the Empire of the Ironfist Dynasty is established.  The Empire includes everything from the Mist Archipelago all the way to the Sentinel Mountains, the mountains separating Paradise Valley from the rest of the continent.  Morgan Ironfist agrees to maintain the sovereignty of Edenbrook and Sweet Water as it has been for those who wish to live outside the Empire's control.   Castle Ironfist is built on the coast of Bootleg Bay on the Silver Coast within Lion Clan territory in appreciation for being the first to join.  It becomes the seat of Imperial power.

  • 900 A.S.

    War of Dove and Crow
    Military action

    The Church of the Sun declares war on the Church of the Moon after centuries of discord between the two.  What starts as a battle between the two on Jadame quickly spills over into the rest of the world.  The Church of the Sun Destroys the Jadame chapter of the Church of the Moon, which is absorbed into the Necromancer's Guild.

  • 905 A.S.

    Founding of Free Haven

    With the founding of the Ironfist Dynasty, a decree is made to build a city around the Council of Clans so that meetings can take place more easily.  The city of Free Haven is constructed along the coast of Bootleg Bay and quickly grows into a center for commerce as it lies in the center of all the Clans.

  • 912 A.S.

    Burning of the Archer's Guild
    Criminal Activity

    The Archer's Guildhall, run by the Tsuruchi family's Wasp Clan, is burned down by unknown arsonists as the Wasp are researching a means to create magical bows.  The prototype bow, Percival, is sold to the Diamond Mind elves to help recoup the losses.

  • 1000 A.S.

    1 Bahamut

    Birth of Gem Fleise Doji
    Life, Birth

    Gem Fleise of the Doji Family, Crane Clan, is born in Silver City.  Her birth is proceeded by a great stirring of the spirits.

  • 1000 A.S.

    25 Weejas

    Birth of Sandro
    Life, Birth

    Sandro is born to a peasant family plagued by a family curse.  In the year after his birth, Sandro is kidnapped and his family's ill fortune disappears.

  • 1018 A.S.

    Solomon Togashi commisions Igraine
    Construction beginning/end

    Solomon Togashi, leader of the Dragon Clan and High Priest of Enroth, tasks the shugenja of his clan with the development of a powerful ring to help him in his position as Emerald Magistrate of the Empire.  Igraine becomes a part of the office of the Emerald Magistrate until stolen by thieves.

  • 1038 A.S.

    Sandro Apprentices with Ethric
    Life, Education

    Sandro, freelance necromancer and dark practitioner, seeks out Ethric the Mad, the first recorded lich, to become his master.  After weeks of torture for his brazen request, Ethric becomes impressed with Sandro's resolve and agrees to teach him.  After learning everything he could from his master, Ethric performed the Ritual of Undeath on Sandro, turning him into a lich.

  • 1073 A.S.

    1083 A.S.

    War of Twilight
    Military action

    High Priest Leopold VII, leader of the Enroth Church of the Sun, declares war on the Church of the Moon while under the influence of the artifact Arthur.  Both Churches are ground into poverty and fall apart by 1083.

  • 1127 A.S.

    24 Weejas

    Birth of Archibald Ironfist
    Life, Birth

    Archibald Ironfist, son of Morgan Ironfist IV, is born on the winter solstice.  Imperial shugenja declare this to be a powerful sign from the spirits.

  • 1129 A.S.

    12 Heironeous

    Birth of Roland Ironfist
    Life, Birth

    Roland Ironfist, son of Morgan Ironfist IV, is born on the summer solstice.  The competing signs from Roland and Archibald gives the Imperial shugenja pause.

  • 1138 A.S.

    18 Olidamarra

    Birth of Phoenicia Prince
    Life, Birth

    Phoenicia Prince is born to a Crab ronin and a Yobanjin woman in Sweet Water.

  • 1140 A.S.

    Tainting of Enroth
    Plague / Epidemic

    At several locations throughout Enroth, a spreading sickness is discovered that rots earth, flesh, and soul alike. As the corruption spreads, it begins warping everything in its path. Species thought extinct are revived as horrific perversions of their former selves and any who come in contact with these beings or travel through areas corrupted by the Taint become Tainted themselves.   While means have been found to slow the spread of the Taint, and even reduce its effect on living creatures already Tainted, there exists no known means of stopping the spread.

  • 1141 A.S.

    Darkmoor Alliance
    Cultural event

    With the appearance of the Taint in Darkmoor, the Nezumi are forced to become nomadic in order to avoid the Tainted creatures that have appeared in the lands they share with the Crab.  They approach the Crab and let them know what is happening, ensuring that the Crab are not caught unaware of the danger.  It is discovered that the Nezumi are immune to the spreading Taint so the Crab offer their protection for Nezumi camps in exchange for scouting the Tainted areas of Darkmoor.  The Crab come under siege from the creatures of Darkmoor and station themselves as a wall to prevent the creatures from spreading to the rest of the Empire.  They are forced to develop spells and techniques to combat them while the Nezumi do their best to assist.

  • 1145 A.S.

    Return of the Kolat
    Criminal Activity

    After centuries in hiding, the Kolat begin to move again.  Initially content to cause disruption to the forces of the Empire, they become more covert after Archibald raids one of their safehouses, leaving no one alive.  The Kolat secretly begin spreading disinformation and rumor among the populace in order to turn them against the Imperial Families.  Their activities eventually spread to sabotage and espionage, working to destroy the Empire from within.

  • 1150 A.S.

    Founding of the Church of Baa

    The Church of Baa is founded, displaying the first god-based magic since the Silence.  Their influence spreads to all parts of the world with a focus on helping those displaced by war and supporting the common citizens without having to rely on regional governments.  With the motto of "We were too proud. We must be as sheep for the gods to return," their willingness to accept any comers and provide charity for those in need quickly draw people into the worship of She Who Speaks, the divine source of their faith.  Priests of Baa frequently learn to bind the spirit of Amon in order to display sheep's horns as a display of faith.   This is all a front by the Kolat to undermine the power of the governments of Enroth to establish themselves as the real rulers.  With the assistance of an ancient child of a dragon god, they create a religion that draws in as many worshipers as possible to grant their new leader as much power as possible.  The one known only as She Who Speaks promises rewards of power if they can get her strong enough to call to her allies.

  • 1151 A.S.

    1154 A.S.

    War of Succession
    Military action

    Before his death, Emperor Morgan Ironfist IV declares his son Roland, the younger of his two sons, as his heir. Angered at this deviation from tradition and apparent slight, the Empire is split in two between Roland, the chosen heir, and Archibald, the traditional heir. The Crane, Scorpion, Dragon, and Phoenix Clans side with Archibald while the Crab, Unicorn, and Lion side with Roland.   The Mantis Clan, again the wild card in Enroth, discovers that Archibald has ordered the Daigotsu and his Phoenix Clan to begin researching the Taint that has begun corrupting the world of Enroth in order to discover a means to weaponize it.     Popular opinion turns against Archibald and his forces are defeated, leaving Roland as Emperor.

  • 1151 A.S.

    20 Cuthbert

    Death of Roland Ironfist IV
    Life, Death

    Morgan Ironfist IV dies to natural causes.  Before his death, he declares Roland Ironfist his successor over his brother Archibald.  This decision form a rift between those who support the King's last edict and those that value tradition.

  • 1151 A.S.

    19 Tiamat

    Sundering of the Empire
    Civil action

    With Roland declared the new Emperor, the seven Great Clans of Enroth become divided on how to proceed. The Crane and Scorpion support Archibald as tradition dictates while the Dragon and Phoenix have always received support from Archibald. The Crab and Unicorn, those most slighted by Archibald, join Roland. The Lion, the Clan represented by the current Jade Champion, respects the old Emperor's wishes and also side with Roland.   The various Minor Clans voice their support for one or the other but don't have the forces to commit to either side.

  • 1152 A.S.

    11 Bahamut

    Daigotsu Begins Researching the Taint
    Discovery, Scientific

    Corlagon Daigotsu, head of the Phoenix Clan and Archmage of Enroth, begins researching the Taint in secret under Archibald's orders in order to find ways to use it against the Crab Clan, undermining Roland's forces.

  • 1152 A.S.

    19 Ehlonna
    1152 A.S.

    24 Ehlonna

    Battle of Dragonsand
    Military action

    With the allegiance of the Lion, Unicorn, and Crab, Roland moves to secure travel lanes between the three without having to pass by Dragon territory.  The only option is through Dragonsand but in order to do that he must have the support of the Boar Clan and the Desert Wind tribes.  After several days of skirmishing, he is able to force the Boar into an alliance and subdue the Desert Wind tribes of Dragonsand.

  • 1152 A.S.

    2 Farlangh
    1152 A.S.

    4 Farlangh

    Battle of Stone Dragon
    Military action

    Archibald sends his forces to secure the strongholds of the dwarves in order to acquire resources for his war efforts.  The Stone Dragon dwarves send a request for aid to Roland, who sends a company of Lion samurai and shugenja to help.  Unable to break through the Stone Dragon defensive line with the Lion shugenja healing them, Archibald's forces are defeated when the Lion samurai charge in from their flank.  King Rocklin promises to spread word to his men to aid Roland if they should be nearby when a battle occurs.

  • 1152 A.S.

    20 Hextor
    1152 A.S.

    24 Hextor

    Battle of Carator
    Military action

    Archibald sends his forces into the Carator region, a mineral-rich region between Free Haven and Kriegspire. With the assistance of a company of Stone Dragon dwarves and outfitted by the Boar Clan, the Unicorn Clan is able to fend off the attack by the Dragon and Scorpion Clan. All three clans sustain damage and are forced to retreat to their respective territories.  Boar Clan samurai secure the region, allowing the master smiths of the clan access to a wealth of new resources.

  • 1152 A.S.

    22 Weejas
    1153 A.S.

    5 Bahamut

    Battle of the Bay
    Military action

    After convincing the Mantis Clan to ally with Roland's faction, the Lion and the Mantis battle against the Wasp and Fox clans in order to secure Bootleg Bay for Roland and deny passage to Archibald's forces.  Although skilled, the Fox and Wasp were no match for the Lion once the Mantis had begun moving them around the area.  The Wasp and the Fox were forced to ally with Roland's faction with the Mantis leading the forces of the area.

  • 1153 A.S.

    9 Ehlonna

    Flight of the Phoenix
    Civil action

    The Mantis intercept a communication from Corlagon Daigotsu at Castle Alamos intended for Archibald Ironfist. It provides evidence that Archibald ordered research be conducted on weaponizing the Taint in order to undermine Roland's forces. Public outcry forces the Elemental Council of the Phoenix Clan to excommunicate Daigotsu in order to save face. The Phoenix withdraw support from Archibald, effectively exiling Daigotsu to Castle Alamos in the northernmost island of the Mist Archipelago.

  • 1153 A.S.

    18 Kord
    1153 A.S.

    22 Kord

    Battle of the Diamond Mind
    Military action

    With the discovery that Archibald was researching Tainted magic, the Crane Clan and Diamond Mind elves withdraw their support, provoking an attack from the Scorpion Clan.  The Diamond Mind elves request aid from Roland's forces, which the Mantis are more than happy to provide.  With a combination of the Mantis, Fox, and Wasp clans, the elves manage to drive the Scorpion back.

  • 1153 A.S.

    4 Pelor
    1153 A.S.

    9 Pelor

    Disabling of the Oracle

    With the loss of support from the Phoenix and Crane, Archibald attempts to gain access to the Oracle of Enroth in order to access the archives stored within. Unable to gain the cooperation of the Oracle of Enroth under the Council of Clans, Archibald removes several focusing crystals that allow the Oracle access to the Archives. The Lion, Crab, and Unicorn clans descend on Free Haven and attack Archibald's forces while they are leaving. While Daigotsu maintains control of one crystal, two crystals are captured by Roland's forces and secured in Castle Darkmoor and Castle Kriegspire. The fourth is lost to Roland and Archibald's forces, stolen by the Kolat in the middle of the battle and secured in their stronghold on Hermit's Isle.   The Dragon Clan, appalled by the disrespect shown to the Oracle of Enroth by Archibald and his forces, defect and hold Free Haven in Roland's name. Archibald retreats to White Cap, hiring the Warlord of the Yobanjin, Garland, as a means of stalling for time.

  • 1154 A.S.

    12 Cuthbert
    1154 A.S.

    15 Cuthbert

    Daigotsu's Defense
    Military action

    With Daigotsu trapped on his island, a joint assault by the Mantis, Crane, and Phoenix is launched against Castle Alamos.  After a siege of several days, the walls of the castle are breached and the combined forces sweep through the castle.  While Daigotsu's magic kept the attackers at bay for a time, he was forced to barricade himself within his laboratory.  A massive blast from within and the triggering of the defensive wards around the laboratory was the only warning received as Tainted magic was released, pouring its corrupting influence into the surrounding rooms.  Those exposed became ravening, withered madmen who attacked all in sight.  Once the Tainted warriors were slain, Daigotsu's withered corpse was seen among the wreckage.   No attempt was made to search the lab as it was deemed too dangerous.  The wing containing Daigotsu's lab was sealed off by the Phoenix Clan in order to prevent anyone else from becoming corrupted.

  • 1154 A.S.

    12 Ehlonna
    1154 A.S.

    20 Ehlonna

    Fall of Stromgard
    Military action

    With Daigotsu defeated, Archibald fortifies himself in Castle Stromgard, seat of the Scorpion Clan.  Roland leads a combined force of Dragon, Lion, and Unicorn against Garland and the Yobanjin under his command.  Roland loses half of his forces but manages to defeat the Warlord and the tribes that served him.  Although the Scorpion fight bravely, they don't have the strength to fend off the combined forces for long once Roland reaches Castle Stromgard.  Archibald is captured and the Scorpion are forced to submit.

  • 1154 A.S.

    18 Farlangh

    Judgement of Archibald
    Civil action

    With Roland victorious, Archibald is tried for his crimes during the war.  Although many call for his execution, Roland chooses a form of mercy and has Archibald turned to stone and sealed within one of the towers of Castle Ironfist with the declaration that someone may one day release him from his captivity.   Roland Ironfist becomes Emperor of Enroth and turns attention to healing the wounds caused by the long war.

  • 1154 A.S.

    12 Olidamarra

    Ascension of the Mantis
    Civil action

    In thanks for the assistance in revealing Archibald's treason and their defense of the elves, Emperor Roland Ironfist declares that the Mantis Clan to be one of the Great Clans with a seat on the Council of Clans.  The Fox and Wasp Clans swear their allegiance to the Mantis, becoming the Tsuruchi and Kitsune families under the Mantis.

  • 1155 A.S.

    Gem Arrives on Antagarich
    Population Migration / Travel

    Gem Fleise of the Doji Family travels to Antagarich to help stabilize the Contested Lands after the most recent devestation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1155 A.S.

    20 Nerull

    Marriage of Roland Ironfist and Catherine Gryphonheart
    Life, Relationship change

    After the War of Succession, Roland Ironfist needed to solidify his reign by marrying and producing an heir. However, there was no way to select an heir from the Great Clans without sparking another round of fighting. After a diplomatic meeting with King Nicolas Gryphonheart of Erathia, they came upon the solution that Catherine would be a good match. This would also give Catherine a life away from the death of her mother and sister.   Catherine accepted her father's reasoning and married Roland, moving the Enroth to be with her husband while Nicolas ruled Erathia. What started as an arranged marriage blossomed into mutual respect and affection, softening Catherine's demeanor and introducing Roland to ideas never thought of in the Empire.

    Additional timelines
  • 1156 A.S.

    Sandro Becomes High Necromancer
    Life, Organisation Association

    Sandro travels from Enroth to Antagarich in order to contact the leaders of the Necromancer's Guild.  Unhappy with the current status quo, he manipulates the leadership into enacting a plan to ensure their success and increase their power base.  Although not technically the guild leader, those high up in the ranks begin to understand that Sandro runs things.

    Additional timelines
  • 1156 A.S.

    9 Doresain

    Birth of Nicolai Ironfist
    Life, Birth

    Emperor Roland Ironfist and Empress Catherine Gryphonheart-Ironfist give birth to a boy. They name him Nicolai after Catherine's father, Nicolas.

  • 1161 A.S.

    22 Tiamat

    Death of Kilburn Akodo
    Life, Death

    Lord Kilburn Akodo, head of the Lion Clan, is sent on a mission to investigate disturbances in Kriegspire and Blackshire.  He is slain by werewolves under the control of the Kolat and his body hidden.

  • 1161 A.S.

    18 Weejas

    Catherine Gryphonheart Returns to Erathia
    Life, Relocation

    Empress Catherine Gryphonheart-Ironfist returns to Erathia after the death of her father, Nicolas. Roland is left to run the Empire and look after their son, Nicolai.

    Additional timelines
  • 1162 A.S.

    5 Bahamut

    Night of Shooting Stars
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Demons and Devils fall from the skies over Sweet Water in Enroth, Garrote Gorge in Jadame, and Eoful in Antagarich using the power of She Who Speaks as a beacon. Their vessels, resembling hives more than actual ships, set down as colonies for the demons.   The demons in Sweet Water, under the direct command of She Who Speaks, destroy the town and begin to capture lands farther and farther south. The residents of Sweet Water that survived the initial assault gather in the town square where the Archmage Falagar teleports them all to New Sorpigal in Lion territory.   The demons in Eoful, under the command of the demon lord Xenofex, begin to spread but are slowed by the efforts of the halflings that live there, as well as the dragons that live in the mountains.   The demons in Garrote Gorge land between the dragons of the region, the keep containing the Order of the Silver Flame, and the Murmurwoods filled with shifters. Without the need of local governments to authorize their actions, all three groups assault the demons and destroy them before they can gain a foothold.

  • 1162 A.S.

    12 Ehlonna

    Ironfist Counteroffensive
    Military action

    With the report of invasion by survivors of Sweet Water, Roland Ironfist leaves Wilbur Humphrey, vassal of the Lion Clan and Emerald Champion, as regent of Enroth in his absence and leads a host to Kriegspire to support the Unicorn Clan. Demons had claimed all of Sweet Water and captured Edenbrook, denying the Unicorn their usual training grounds. Although the demon offensive was halted at the Sentinel Mountains, Roland is captured by a Kolat agent and turned over to the fleeing demon army where he was imprisoned by She Who Speaks.

  • 1162 A.S.

    12 Tiamat

    Birth of the Oni
    Life, Supernatural

    Demons of Sweet Water, in order to take the Empire by surprise, sail around the southern tip of Enroth and land in Darkmoor.  There, many of them are exposed to the Taint and transform into terrifying Tainted creatures known as Oni.  The Oni turn on the Devils and slaughter most of them, the only survivor being an Erynris that took shelter in an outcropping of jade.   The Oni returned to Sweet Water, infecting many of the Demons that had arrived to serve She Who Speaks.  The survivors of Sweet Water arrive in Darkmoor to assist the Crab in their investigation and discover the Erinrys, learning of the devil's original plans and the purifying nature of jade.  The Crab, armed with this knowledge, begin to mine jade in an effort to combat the new creatures created by the Taint.

  • 1163 A.S.

    9 Boccob

    Crawfish Clan Founded

    Phoenicia Prince of Sweet Water, daughter of a Crab samurai and a Yobanjin berserker, marries Drakas of the Scorpion Clan. They establish a trade outpost between Lion and Dragon territory with easy access to the Stone Dragon dwarven city. Their union is granted Minor Clan status by Lord Reagent Wilbur Humphrey in order to function as a Quick Reactionary Force, mobilizing to eliminate threats to the Empire or, if that fails, containing them until the Imperial forces can be brought in.

    More reading
    Crawfish Clan
  • 1164 A.S.


    Devil's Division
    Civil action

    A powerful blood mage rallies a faction of devils against those that have allowed themselves to become Tainted, causing a rift between the evil beings of Sweet Water. Unable to fight the Oni without risking their own transformation, the devils work with this new leader to twist werewolves into their service and use them as shock troops to fight the oni.   With She Who Speaks as the leader of the Oni and this new blood mage as the leader of the devils, a three-way deadlock has occurred between them and the Unicorn Clan of Kriegspire.

  • 1164 A.S.

    8 Pelor

    Arrival of the Crawfish
    Life, Relocation

    Phoenicia Prince, head of the Crawfish Clan, travels to Antagarich in order to secure aid for the Crawfish until they can build up their numbers.  She gets in contact with the Stormcrow mercenary guild after hearing of the exploits of one of their units.  She travelled with members of the Stormcrows in order to gauge their ability and was convinced.  She paid the Stormcrows to keep them on retainer.

    Additional timelines
  • 1165 A.S.

    3 Boccob

    Phoenicia Returns to Enroth
    Life, Relocation

    Phoenicia Prince, with a unit of Stormcrow Mercenaries, returns to Enroth after her evaluation of an up-and-coming unit. The Stormcrow mercenaries are assigned to the Crawfish clan, a sister organization from Enroth, on a semi-permanent basis until which time they are released form this duty.   This contract was expensive for the Crawfish Clan, but the potential payoff far outweighs the investment.

  • 1165 A.S.

    8 Cuthbert

    Corlagon's Mistake
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Crawfish Clan, with the assistance of their Stormcrow brethren, is tasked with the discovering the location of Corlagon Daigotsu's manor, which has disappeared. Once located, they were to search the premises for any notes or journals regarding Corlagon's research into the Taint. Discovering that hidden his manor on the Ethereal Plane, they managed to disrupt the spell enough to reveal the door and enter.   Inside, they discovered that Corlagon had cloned himself to create a private army of soldiers, although only a remnant remained within the estate. They also discovered that almost all of them were Tainted beyond recovery and had to destroy those they initially found. Only having numbers and not given names, Soldier 45 found the group and helped how he could.   With the knowledge obtained from Soldier 45, they learned that Corlagon had found one of the Elemental Chimes and was conducting experiments on it while researching the Taint during the Succession War. Although he believed it contained, the influence of the chime broke its containment after one of the Urtiv units broke their psychic link in panic, collapsing the psychic field. This collapse lead to the almost all 50 of the Urtiv units in the estate becoming heavily corrupted with Taint, one Urtiv in particular receiving almost double the effect of the others. Corlagon himself, heavily corrupted by the event, fled the estate with the chime and headed to Castle Alamos.

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  • 1165 A.S.

    8 Nerull

    Calling the Clans
    Civil action

    Due to the rising threat of the demons, Lord Regent Wilbur Humphrey sends word out to the Empire and calls for a Council of Clans.

  • 1165 A.S.

    25 Weejas
    1166 A.S.

    3 Bahamut

    Council of Clans
    Gathering / Conference

    The heads of the eight Great Clans, as well as the numerous minor clans, gather together in Free Haven to discuss a unified front to oppose the threat that the demons represent.  Although there was agreement that the demons posed a threat, the Council was divided on whether the Clans needed to unify their forces under Imperial control in order to combat it.   While the Lion, Dragon, Mantis, and Scorpion voted in agreement with the provision, the other Clans opposed.  The Unicorn felt that it was their responsibility, as it was their land under attack.  While the Crab agreed that a unified front would help, they could not turn over their forces without leaving themselves exposed to the threats from Darkmoor.  The Crane and the Phoenix felt that it wasn't their concern as the demons did not affect them directly.   Since the Great Clans tied in their votes, the decision was postponed following the votes from the minor clans.  Since most of the minor clans did not have the information for an informed decision available, the Council of Clans was recessed until each of the clans could be updated on the situation and make a decision.