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All Martial Weapons

Melee Martial Weapons

Battleaxe 10 Gp 1D8 Slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1D10)
Flail 10 Gp 1D8 Bludgeoning 2 lb. -
Glaive 20 Gp 1D10 Slashing 6 lb. Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Greataxe 30 Gp 1D12 Slashing 7 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed
Great-Sword 50 Gp 2D6 Slashing 6 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed
Halberd 20 Gp 1D10 Slashing 6 lb. Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Hoopak  1 Gp 1d6 piercing (melee) or
1d4 bludgeoning (ranged)
2 lb. Ammunition (range 40/160), Finesse, Special, Two-Handed
Lance 10 Gp 1D12 Piercing 6 lb. Reach, Special
Long-Sword 15 Gp 1D8 Slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1D10)
Maul 10 Gp 2D6 Bludgeoning 10 lb. Heavy, Two-Handed
Morning-Star 15 Gp 1D8 Piercing 4 lb. -
Nunchuck+ 10 Gp 1D6 Bludgeoning 2 lb. Finesse, Light, Versatile (1d8), Special
Pike 5 Gp 1D10 Piercing 18 lb. Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed
Rapier 25 Gp 1D8 Piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Scimitar 25 Gp 1D6 Slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Light
Short-Sword 10 Gp 1D6 Piercing 2 lb. Finesse, Light
Tetherhook+ 15 Gp 1D8 Piercing 3 lb. Reach, Two-Handed, Special
Trident Basic 5 Gp 1d6 Piercing 4 lb. Thrown (20/60), Versatile (1D8)
Twinblade+ 50 Gp 2d4 Slashing 5 lb. Finesse, Light (1d6), Versatile (2d6), Special
War Pick 5 Gp 1D8 Piercing 2 lb. -
War-Hammer 15 Gp 1D8 Bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1D10)
Whip 2 Gp 1D4 Slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Reach

Martial Ranged Weapons

Blowgun 10 Gp 1 Piercing 1 lb. Ammunition, Range (25/100), Loading
Crossbow, Hand 75 Gp 1D6 Piercing 3 lb. Ammunition, Range (30/120), Light, Loading
Crossbow, Heavy 50 Gp 1D10 Piercing 18 lb. Ammunition, Range (100/400), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed
Longbow 50 Gp 1D8 Piercing 2 lb. Ammunition, Range (150/600), Heavy, Two-Handed
Net 1 Gp - 3 lb. Special, Thrown (5/15)
*This represents the average cost of goods. Prices may vary all around the world.

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