County of Fort la nord

  Fort la nord is the most northen of the counties which makes up the Duchy Saittlebeux. Offically Fort la nord expands far into the Aidne mountain range, but in truth those parts are mostly wilderness. The Brynhildur forest divides the more populated lands of the county from the cold and inhospitable peaks of the Aidne mountains. From within the peaks of Aidne mountains the mighty Stirpaz river flows down through the county on its journey towards the bay of Stirpiz. The Stirpiz river is a common means of travel for the goods and people in the county as well as the duchy. The Stirpiz has been an important part of building up the lumbering trade which is the main economy of the county. The large lumber trade have also sprung a long tradition of carpenters and woodworkers and these craftsmen are sought after in Zorakin when there are major constructions planned.   Traveling by roads in the county is somewhat difficult due to the thick and hilly forest which makes up the landscape. Wedged in between the hills, there are valleys where the farms and villages are scattered. During the ages the farmers have burnt down the forest in order to create arable lands, and if unkept the land will quickly turn back into forest again.   Although there are cows this far to the north, the most common livestocks are sheeps and goats. The main reason is that they are more adapted to thrive in the more rocky landscape. And as the fertile land are needed for maintaining people rather than livestock it is a neccessity to be as productive as possible.   The main settlement of Fort la nord is the town Boronne located on the bank of Stirpaz. Boronne is a walled town with two large castles close by. The first castle is Castle Northern Sun which is the local Knights of the castle, and the castle Fort la nord which is the counts main residence.   The county contains four Baronies.
  • Barony Granitte
  • Barony La Bouchee
  • Barony Garouex
  • Barony Lomellie


The county is a part of the Duchy Saittlebeux  
  • Captain of Arms: Beren DeBlanc - A middle aged soldier whom started his career as a mercenery. His face is scarred and He always carry his broadaxe by his side.
  • Loremaster: Lady Arienne Carassonne - She is a older woman who were schooled for 10 years at the Lyceum of Pendonne. She is well known for her high skills and quick wits. She is quite introvert and prefer to keep to her chambers unless summoned by the Duke.
  • Seneschal: Athel Cambe a young son of one of the Dukes knights. Athel is not a knight and as such a bit of a dissapointment to his father. But the duke is pleased with the young mans service as a Seneschal as he has keen intellect. Athel have spent 3 years at the Lyceeum for schooling.
  • Gamekeeper: Bavorix. The count has the hunting rights in many of the forests dispersed over the barons lands. As such his gamekeeper are seldom in the castle but travels round between the forests. He uses a crossbow and a hunting spear with ease. He has a son whom lives in the castle (Player character)
  • Adjutant:
  • Herald:
  • Jester: Aelthinii - A wood elf whom has served as jester for two generations. She is well dressed and by no means a fool who entertain people by foolish trick. She entertain by safe jokes, which challenges anyone on the end side of them. She also handles the harp to perfection and has a singing voice of an angel. A part of her role is to secure entertainment for feasts the count plans which she has never failed to deliver. She is also a great storyteller.
  • Bontisal: Carradon Desoil - A middle aged man and fanatic. He looks down an all whom are not human as they according to his interpretion of the teachings of Etin are twisted forms of humans, transformed by lesser spirits and therefore not pure. If he could, he would have Aelthinii driven from the castle, and preferably flogged as well.


Unlike most of Zorakin, Fort la nord is hilly and heavily forested and the axe is a common tool and weapon in the county. It is also a common symbol used by the noble families stemming from the area and the ordinary populace as well. The axe is an integrated part of the local culture which is showned by naming of taverns and the like. "The woodsmans axe" tavern in Boronne would be a good example of the naming structure.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the County is the same as the Counts


The biggest asset of Fort la Nord is the town Boronne and the surrounding land. It is the main hub of the county and a large part of the countys income. It is surrounded by a few farms which are owned by the count, and enough to feed him and his servants in the castle.   The count also own patches of land within the baronies of the county. The count have hunting rights in some smaller forests in the baronies, and owns parts of most mines, quarries et cetera in the baronies. These are also a part of the baronies income.


The county where founded at the same time as the Duchy, but where at the time mostly wilderness inhabitated by Orcs and beasts. As the the county solidified and expanded they where driven back into the Brynhildur forest and Aidne mountain. Although the county expands far into the Aidne mountains, in reality the boundries for continuos settlement follows the border for Brynhildur forests. Fort la nord have often found itself in the forefront och the orcs raids from the Aidne. Which in turn have led to the people being a hardened lot. Even amongst the nobles the craft of warfare is more common than poetry and culture. This makes the nobles of the rest of Zorakin to consider them a little blunt and rough at the edges. When the Black tower invaded Zorakin a large part of their forces attacked through Fort la nord and looted and burned large parts of it. There are still village ruins from those days which were never rebuilt.

Demography and Population

  • Penner is the ruling class and makes up approximatly 10 % of the population.
  • Raxorians makes up the working class and approximatly 60 % of the population.
  • Legerdians are a part of the working class and makes up 10 % of the population.
  • Dwarves are the most common not human population and makes up approximatly 10 % of the population.
  • Other including other human ethnicities makes up approximatly 10 % of the population


The territory used to be part of the Raxorian kingdom.


The count has his own knights, there are five of them.
  • Lord Knight Atien MixAldric: Atien is a Raxorian and proud of it. He does not in anyway support that Raxoria should be free from Zorakin, but argues that Raxorians should be as respected as Penner. He is getting old, and his grandchild is his squire. He has never really learned how to fight from the horseback with a lance, but uses his large axe with great ease.
  • Lord Knight Etienne Delairc: He is a young rash and proud penner knight with a large disdain for everyone whom is not a noble penner. He believes that only penner should be allowed to become knights and nobles of Zorakin, every one else should be servants. He and Atien hates each other and have almost comes to blow several times. Atien is heavily pious and will often thanks Etin for everything.
  • Lord Knight Beronne Salvie: A man in his 40th who owns an estate on the northern shore of lake Raxor where he lives with his family. His two sons serve as pages or squires in the south. His oldest daughter is already married but he has two more daughters at home. He pays taxes to the baron of Lomellie but are sworn to the Count. He is seldom seen in the castle unless summoned. He is a vivid chessplayer and a conniesseur of horses.
  • Lord Knight Caladrin Carassonne: Caldrin is very young and inexperienced. He is the grandson of the counts loremaster and used to be the counts squire before being knighted.
  • Lord Knight Caladrin Befonne: 
The count holds a standing military force of infantry whom are lightly armed but proffessional. Main armament is a light crossbow, spear and shield, most complement it with a handweapon as well. Although they travel by horse they are still to be considered infantry as they are trained for foot combat. Usually they defend the Castle of Fort de Nord or patrol the surrounding land, which can lead to irritation of the barons men.   If the county are invaded the count can muster the militia but by law they are only to be used for defence and not for attack. If the king order the muster the defence are considered the whole of Zorakin not just the county. By law all abled men are to have a leather jacket and helmet. They are also to be equipped and trained with a spear and a shield. In reality most of the men from the county would probably come equipped with an axe rather than spear.   The count can call for his Barons and their forces as well in case of need.   The knights of the Sun have a castle and a company of knights stationed in the county. There are 16 knights and 35 squires in the castle Northern sun, making it the most prominent military force in the region. The prior of the company is Lord Cassim Florinne, a stern religious man whom think that all magicians should be subjected to the church and put in safe monasteries. He especially dislikes female spellcasters. Cassim also thinks that all halfelfs and halforcs should be killed as they are an affront to Etins will. At all times ten of the knights and their squires are patroling the county to slay enemies of the church. A famous knight whom are a captain are stationed in the company. His name is Othwain Celmonne and he is famous for slaying several monsters. The local barons do not like the knights of the sun patroling their lands as they sometimes take liberties on the populance.

Technological Level

The same as Zorakin.


Bontisal: Carradon Desoil - A middle aged man and fanatic. He looks down an all whom are not human as they according to his interpretion of the teachings of Etin are twisted forms of humans, transformed by lesser spirits and therefore not pure. If he could, he would have Aelthinii driven from the castle, and preferably flogged as well. Carradon is the duchys "bontisal".   The city of Boronne is the headquarter of the countys religious organisation.

Agriculture & Industry

The counts own land are small and most of the land in the county are made up by baronies. As such the agriculture of the County is weak as the land do not have many easily accessible arable spots. Therefore goats and sheeps are the most common of the domesticated livestock. The count have interest in many of the mines and quarries dispersed amongst the baronies which makes up the county, and the count gets tax from them all.

Trade & Transport

Boronne is the main hub for the counties trade. From the baronies comes carts and barges with stone, logs and ore. In Boronne the logs which are not directly reloaded on barges and sent southwards, are turned into planks by the local craftsmen. The smelteries turns the ore into metal bars before they are loaded on barges and sent southwards on the Stirpiz, with Fil-Tofia as their goal. When they return back to Boronne they are filled with cloth, grain, spices, wares, tools and other such things. These wares are then loaded upon the carts and barges which are to return to the baronies in the county.   Few of the roads in the county are built, rather they have evolved during the ages. And as such they are swiveling between the cliffs and forests, taking the easiest way rather than the quickest. Most roads aren't paved or anything but rather burrowed out path from the wheels of carts. along the roads there are evidence of mishaps with wheels, as the unreaparable ones are thrown to the side. Traveling by cart is necessary when you have a lot of wares, but otherwise people prefer to ride or walk as it is much less trouble.   The kings road is the old Jorpagna road which goes from Boronne all the way down to Pendonne.   The Stirpiz river are the main transport route to the north and south.


The peasants gets no education, but learns what they need to know during their upbringing. In some cases the local clergy teach rudimentary reading and counting skills, heavily infused by word of Etin.   The middle class usually teaches their own kids the skills they need in order to handle the work they are to be doing. But it is not unkommon for them to also hire a tutor as well to give them a more thoughrough knowledge. Sometimes a couple of families hire a tutor together and over the years it turns into som kind of school.   The noble class make sure their kids are well educated, anything else is unthinkable.


The road leading from Boronne to The kings road are very old and well made. The count invest heavily in maintaining the road in order to bring more trade to Boronne. He also make sure it and The kings road are well patrolled to deter bandits and beasts from attacking the travelers.



Carradon Desoil - A middle aged man and fanatic. He looks down an all whom are not human as they according to his interpretion of the teachings of Etin are twisted forms of humans, transformed by lesser spirits and therefore not pure. If he could, he would have Aelthinii driven from the castle, and preferably flogged as well. Carradon is the duchys "bontisal" and does not spend much time in the County. In the living quarters of Boronne he has a flat set aside for him.

Give thanks to Etin, but keep your axe sharp.

Geopolitical, County / March
Formation Type
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The same as Zorakin
Major Exports
Apart from logs, planks and metal bars the county exports goat cheese and wool in large quantities. The buyers of logs and planks are often merchants from Caddo or Erebos. But the metal bars, wool and goat cheese are the artisans of Tofia.
Major Imports
The main import to the county is grain in different forms. As the land aren´t suited for large scale farming as in the south there is a need to import grain. There are no real mills in the counts land so they export the grain further to the barons, and buy back flour from them.   The nobles import much luxuries and right now jewels and trinkets from Erebor is a fad in the whole county.
Legislative Body
The count of fort la nord creates its own local laws as long as they do not impact on the laws of Zorakin or the shining path.
Judicial Body
At least once a month the count holds court where he judges cases that falls within his jurisdiction.
Executive Body
The counts knights often find themselves upholding the laws.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under County of Fort la nord