Barbia, the region

The large area called Barbia is located in the north east of Ereb Altor. It is a cold and in many ways inhospitable place. The only civilisation to make its home there is a large Empire also known as Barbia.


Barbia is a land of large plains with mostly low growing shrubbery and high growing grass. The landscape is often flat which makes visibility great.    The mountains ranges are usually quite steep and the elevetaion changes are dramatic. The same goes for forests, there are few of them, but those who exists are large and dense.   From west to east there are three large bays cutting into the landscape.


Cold and windy

Fauna & Flora

On the large plains the large herds rule the lands. Amongst the mammals making their homes on the plains are wild horses, large wooly ox, wooly goats, different species of deers et cetera.   Amongst the predators the wolfpacks are the most common as they hunt in packs. There are large felint hunters but bears are almost unheard of. Bears can be found when they are migrating to flowing waters to fish.   The mountains are homes to Griffons, Hippogriffs and Harpies who hunt on the plains.    The main predator are aviators such as birds.   Within the forests and mountains the usual suspects can be found
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Included Organizations
Owning Organization