
  Ereb is the name of one of the continents on the planet Altor. It spans through several different climat zones and eco systems, all different from each other. In the far north the weather is harsh and the summers are short, while in the south it is warm and the land produce two or even three harvests.   The inland of Ereb are inhabitated by beasts, beastmen and monsters. There are even large barbaric realms of black bloods who some how managed to create a somewhat structured civilisations. Most of the inland is unknown to the realms of men, as travel between countries are usually made by sea.   As humans became more organised they went from small local tribes to kingdoms and later empires spanning large traces of land. But even the largest human civilisations are located around the shores and waterways such as lakes and rivers. Even the largest empire ever created who tried to extend their power inwards Ereb have failed. The further inwards Ereb you come the more unknown it becomes. Most of Ereb is unexplored by humans, and even other species and anything can be found in those regions.


In the far north Ereb is very close to the realm of Cold and as such the summers are short. Around the Copper sea it is warm although windy.   Geographical regions: Ereb can be divided into several different regions.
  • Kard: The region of Kard is a cold and mountainous region. It is located in the north western part of Ereb.
  • Aidne: A large penisula in the south western part of Ereb.
  • Barbia: A large steppe region located in the north eastern part of Ereb.
  Known human realms of Ereb.
  • Zorakin.
  • Kardien.
  • Caddo.
  • Erebos.
  • Jorduashur.
  • Magilre.
  • Ransard.
  • Trakorien.
  • Berendien.
  • Felicien.
  • Barbia.
  • Hynsolge.
  • Cereval.
  • Klomellien.
  • Krun.
  • Nidland
  • Jorpagna
  Known Elven realms
  • Goiana
  • Landori
Other known realms
  • The witchmaster of the black tower


As Ereb stretches so far and wide there are many different eco systems present. In the morth the large forests are usually mainly pine trees while in the south leaved tree forests are more common. There are a few large swamps such as Grimmani in Zorakin which have their own eco systems separate from surrounding areas.  The mountains of the north are higher and steeper than the southern mountain ranges. Even the southern mountainranges have peaks covered in snow year round.   There are no large sand deserts in Ereb, but far to the north there is ice deserts.

Ecosystem Cycles

Ereb is vast and covers several diffferent ecosystems, but they all follow the four seasons. In some regions different seasons are shorter or longer, but they are felt to some extent.


It is generally accepted that the fey people where the first to walk the surface of Ereb. According to their legends they were created by their gods to inhabit and nurture the nature of Ereb. Although there are many different fey species the elves are the ones who have created civilisations. According to their old legends Landori where the first civlisation on Ereb soil.  According to a few scholars there are signs pointing towards lizardpeople and sentinent insectoids to be older than fey people.     It is unknown when the black blood arrived, but it is around the same time as the dwarves found the surface. The humans are compared to elves a young race who started building civilastions along the coasts. According to the elves there where civilisations before the second conflux as well.   The largest human empire between the second and third conflux where the Jorpagnian empire.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species