Borgol the Dwarf


Borgol where born poor in the city of Pendonne. The streets he grew up in made him a hard person and he learned to fight early. He managed to keep his nose clean and joined a lords retinue where he were taught how to use a crossbow and an axe. After mustering out he lead an adventerous life and fought many monsters and looted much treasure. During his last years he joined a adventure band where the halfling Eveline where part. They fell in love and after the band where slained during an adventure they retired and bought a small farm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

It is clear that he works hard as his body is well built and the muscles defined. There is a trace of pot belly which his wife considers a sign of his appreciation for her cooking.

Body Features

His body is marred with old scars indicating a very violent background.

Facial Features

He is usually a little dirty as he tends to the farm or his smithy. His beard and moustache is unkept and grows wild. He has a broad and short nose, aking to a potatoe and his lips are broad. His left ear have been cut off a long time ago.

Apparel & Accessories

At home he wear simple but sturdy clothes. If he works in the smity he wears a leather apron.

Specialized Equipment

Hidden away in the home he has a well made chainmail, helmet and shield. On the wall above the open stove his heavy crossbow hangs. In the closethall behind the canes and heavy coats his old axe stands, still as sharp as it were when he put it there.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

He is a very skilled warrior whom have slain several trolls in his career. But he doesn't boast about it and doesn't tell tales. He have become a peaceful man who prefer to mend broken plows rather than make weapons.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to defend his friends from being slain by a wight. Although he and his wife survived and defeated the monster he still considers it a failure.

Mental Trauma

He is marked by the loss of his friends and their death. He have nightmares about it and some times he wakes up screaming in the middle of the night. If it happens he breaks down and cries and if his wife is home she cares for him until he falls asleep again. If Eveline is traveling she usually make sure there is potions to help him relax and go back to sleep beside the bed.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a peaceful and simple man, who wants to life a simple and peaceful life with his wife, whom he loves beyond anything. He knows she will day way before him and can become a litte overprotective.

Morality & Philosophy

Live and let live, but if orcs or goblins would attack, he wouldn't hesitate to bring forth his old weapons and defend his home.

Personality Characteristics


His motivation are to make his wife happy and to care for her well being.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves his wife and the farm. He would die defending them.


He is often unkept and dirty as he work hard, but his wife makes sure he is clean before entering the house.


Contacts & Relations

During his adventure years he created a large network of merceneries who would come to his aid if he asks for it.

Religious Views

He says a prayer in the morning and recoginizes the large holy days. otherwise he doesn't fuzz about religion.

Hobbies & Pets

He have started woodcarving, he isn't ver good at it but enjoys the serenity of it.


He has a dark growling voice and speaks slowly, as if he is considering every word.


Borgol the Dwarf

Husband (Vital)

Towards Eveline Blossomflower



Eveline Blossomflower

Wife (Vital)

Towards Borgol the Dwarf




Their relationship is the epitome of true love.

Wealth & Financial state

He and his wife own a small farm with many animals, and a dog kennel. He isn't particulary fond of dogs but his wife loves them.
Lawful neutral
Year of Birth
543 A.O. 69 Years old
Dark brown who glares suspiciosly at strangers
Bald with a black beard and moustache
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dirty but pale. Somehow he doesn´t seem to become sunburned.
Approximatly 110 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
Mind your footing, the puppies have made a mess here.
The shining path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Jori-Zorakin, Dwarvish.