Eveline Blossomflower

Eveline is a halfling animist mage and a well known healer who together with her husbands have a farm outside of Villanoth. She is a well known healer who makes sure her prices are within the reach of the people she cares for. As such she is often on the road to a customer. She also makes expiditions to gather herbs she can't cultivate in her garden for her potions.

Physical Description

Facial Features

She is quite plain looking with a lot of freckles. The skin is getting a bit wethered as she travels a lot.

Special abilities

She can make a reasonably accurate assumption if a person she meets is planning to hurt her if she achieves to roll beneath INT*5 on a D100.

Apparel & Accessories

When she is out traveling she wears sturdy clothes with a warm hooded cloak. She has a packback full of useful things. When she is at home she usually wear a plain dress. Her magical staff is seldom far away as is her herbal satchel.   If she is on travel she usually have two of her large guarddogs with her, they are well trained and loyal to the death.

Specialized Equipment

In her herbal satchel she usually have a few useful potions, such as healing potions. Her staff is magical and looks like it. it can't be misktaken for a ordinary staff.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born on her parents farm outside Villanoth. Her mother was local but her father came from the south. Her mothers name was Seline and she was a healer and animist. Although she was affiliated to the Mages guild she chose to take Eveline as a apprentice when she showed aptitude for magic. Her father was a gardener who taught Eveline how to tend for herbs and flowers.  Eveline where a restless soul and when she reached eigthteen she left her home to wander the lands and find her place. Her travels led her to a small adventuring party and several life threatening situations. This is where she met the dwarf Bogol who she fell in love with. After the party they traveled with got wiped out as they explored an old cairn they chose to leave the adventures behind them and settle on a farm outside Villanoth.


She have had a very practical education as an apprentice of her mother who were a skilled Animist and healer. She can read and write, speaks several languages and know how to calculate basic math.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is well known to have cured and healed many individuals in the county.

Failures & Embarrassments

She failed to cure two small children from a fever, and she still grieves them.

Intellectual Characteristics

She is a very practical and down to earth person who prefer to examine all options before deciding on an option.

Morality & Philosophy

Killing is always the last resort.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to make peoples lives better by healing and curing them from afffiliments. She loves her dwarven husband (Borgol XXXXX) and wish they could have a children. If there are no other option she would easily take a child in, no matter what species they are. Her dog breeding is sort of a substitute for children.

Likes & Dislikes

She dislikes people who are armed and clearly a warrior. But she understand that warriors are neccesary to defend against evil creatures and people.

Vices & Personality flaws

She gets annoyed if people do not folllow her advice.


As a healer she keeps a good hygiene.


Contacts & Relations

Most people in the county knows her or knows about her, and would extend help to her if she ask for it. A few would be ready to fight for her.

Religious Views

She is a follower of The shining path, but also cares about the nature and the spirits of the nature.

Hobbies & Pets

She have two large guard trained dogs whom she considers hers.


She talks extremly fast and likes to extend her wordings into what other might percieve as rambling.


Borgol the Dwarf

Husband (Vital)

Towards Eveline Blossomflower



Eveline Blossomflower

Wife (Vital)

Towards Borgol the Dwarf




Their relationship is the epitome of true love.

Wealth & Financial state

She and her husband makes aquite a good living. On their farm they have many animals, and breeds dogs. Her husband have a small smithy where he fixes broken things rather than making new.
Neutral good
Year of Birth
582 A.O. 30 Years old
Outside Villanoth
Borgol the Dwarf (Husband)
Clear blue with a hint of sorrow in them
Long blond and curly, often in a horse tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sunburned but clear pale
Approximately 1 meter
Quotes & Catchphrases
Change the dressing twice a day and drink this in the morning for a week.
The shining path and spirits of nature
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Jori - Zorakin. Elvish A smattering of dwarvish