Caddo - The island

The island of Caddo is also the nation Caddo.


Caddo is a elongated large island formed by ancient volcanoes and it is located in the Copper sea south of Zorakin. From east to west the up to 3000 meters high Appo mountains extends from shore to shore separating the north of Caddo from the south. There are a few passable "pass" in the mountain range but during especially hard winters they might be cut off. Also the mountain range is prone to severe thunderstorms and hard rain, making the passage through dangerous. The mountain ranges peak is covered in snow all year and they also catch much rain from the mild seabreeze that pass the island. The water from the mountains creates small rivers and streams as it seeks its way back to the sea.   Most of the plains and lower levels of mountains are inhabitated, the only wild parts of Caddo to be found are high up in the mountains. The two coustplains are on the brink of being over populated, forcing young people to leave for other shores. One of the reasons why there are som many Caddian mercenary archery regiments present.   In the centre of island there is a large mountain range called the Appo mountains whose peaks are always covered in snow. The water from the mountains creates small rivers and streams nurturing the plains beneath and making them very fertile.


The ecosystem of Caddo have been domesticied in the livable areas and there isn´t much wild life left. The main plants found and the basis for the ecossytem as whole are based on grain farms, vegetabla and herb gardens. Birds make up most of the wild life together with small herbivours and lizards. The  largest predator to be found in the plains is the fox, which hunts the ever present rabbit. There is no large wildlife to be found on the plains and lower mountains.

Fauna & Flora

The largest herbivours to be found in the mountains and on the island as whole is the Caddian mountain goat, a very large specie of goat where the largest reach the size of a small pony. There is some smaller species of mountain goats as well and different kind of rabbits. They are hunted by large birds of prey making their nests in the mountain, as well as foxes and large predatory rodents, such as weasels.   In the plains there are much rabbits and rodents to be found, which are hunted by foxes and weasels.   All forests on the plains are cultivated and planted, leading to very open forests, that clearly are not natural. The local wildlife have adapted to it, and there are wild pigs to be found (nor boars). They are few and far between and are offspring to pigs who have run away from captivity. They quickly become a nuisance as they have no natural enemies, and are hunted by the farmers. This is one of the reasons the longbow have become such a popular weapon on the island.

Natural Resources

The mountains are not very rich in minerals but there are a few very large copper mines present. Stone coal are mined as well. There are no wild forests left on the island, all forests are cultivated and open.   The plainlands are very fertile and produce large harvests and the land is very well suited for grapes.
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