Calaines guesthouse

Calaines guesthouse is a large and well renowned tavern in Boronne. For the more reputable citizens of Boronne it is the tavern of choice and even the Count and his family have been known to drop by from time to time. Although a good evening can become lively and loud, brawls are almost unheard of. But if a brawl flare up the greeter and the evening staff and patrons make sure they are taken outside. The stain of the taverns reputation is a few years old by now, and it was the son of a lord who killed another young man over a girl from the staff, which both loved. The young boy was killed in one of the guest rooms and according to rumours if a young brown haired girl sleeps in the room, the ghost of the boy killed show himself to see if it is his loved one. The staff goes to great length to make sure no woman are made to sleep in the room.   All of the establishments rooms are clean and well kept and the food and beverage are of at the least good quality. Calaine also makes sure to employ good entertainers to amuse the clientele.   Apart from the common room there are three smaller rooms which can be rented for more private gatherings. It is possible to cramp eight normal sized persons within them but six would be more comfortable.   Above the entrance there is a sign with the name Calaine written and a painting of a young smiling maid with a cask of ale in her right hand. Outside the main door there is usually a greeter/bouncer ordained. He or she is well dressed and well mannered. The job mostly is to make sure the guests allowed inside are made welcomed and to make sure the rabble aren´t allowed inside. The person having the job makes his or her decision based on the looks of the characters wanting to get inside. An adventurer just coming back from adventure are seldom let inside directly but are asked to rent a room and clean up before entering the main room.   When entering the Tavern from the main street the guest comes into a large open room with a wooden floor, it is usually called the common room. The lower part of the walls are clad in wood while the upper parts in white plaster with wooden beams. All wood is painted very light blue. The walls are covered in clothes, to keep the warmth inside. The cloths are usually brocaded and all in different themes. Religious och chivaleric motives being more common. In the centre of the room is a "stove" which is open in the four sides, and then continues upwards as a chimney. On the opposite wall from the entrance there is a long bar and behind it is doors leading to the kitchen and storage rooms. The large common room is filled with round tables with six chairs at each table, but during the evening these chairs gets moved around a lot. There are more chairs close by and the workers just add more as needed, making sure there is room for everyone. On the right wall there are three doors leading into small private rooms which can be rented.   The workers are usually dressed in blue and if the individuals do not have their own blue clothing, they are lended a blue tunic to use. But most regulars put a pride in having their own clothes, and there is a little contest in using the most nuances of blue in the best way amongst the regular staff.   The second house are the stable and wagons house on the bottom floor and the upper floor is made up by rental rooms which are reached through a stair case and then narrow balcony. The rooms are clean but smell a bit from the horses in the stable. In a small room on the ground floor is the bathing house, it is a large communal bathing house and the workers can also clean the clothes for an extra fee. The water is clean and warm. The   PRICELIST
Ware Price Description
Ale (Cask) 2 sm A large cask af Ale bought from the several local producers. Sometimes they are lucky enough to get Ale from other regions or countries, which are considerd a treat. The establishment doesn´t charge extra for the special treat, but rather save them for those special customers.
Cider (Cask) 3 sm 5 cm
Wine (Glass) 3 sm Fine wine from Zoraki producers.
Wine (Bottle) 30 sm
Strong drink (Glass) 2 sm
Todays serving (portion) 10 sm Whatever is the main cooking of the day, could be a roasted pork with sidings. Bread is always part of the dish as is a seasonal fruit such as a pear or apple.
Special order 15 sm A dish that needs to be prepared for the customer, usually fish or meat with sidings. Bread are always part of the dish.
Piece of Pie 7 sm The tavern is well known for their pies and several are baked and eaten each day. There are meat pie, sea food pie and cheese pies.
Cheese and bread 10 sm Several different pieces of cheese and fruit with some bread on the side. Intended to eat during the evening while drinking Ale or wine. Intendend for group eating by several persons.


The tavern follows the main architecture of Boronne and is plastered white with blue painted visible wooden beams. The house is build in a L shape and have two stories. The second storie is mostly where the rental rooms are located and they are reached through a external narrow roofed balcony.   The front of the house is directed towards the street and have a large wooden door which opens inwards. All windows have "fönsterluckor" which can be closed to protect the glass windows.


The establishment where built during the late 608 at the same time the new cobbled road were built.


Many of the more well to do travelers prefer this establishment. The rooms are ok but nothing extra, but the food and drink is very good. Also many of the local well established citizen prefer to spend their evenings here and as such it is a good place to find new business ventures.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location

Articles under Calaines guesthouse