Calaine Le Ereboisian

Calaine Cavathan

Calaine is an elderly woman and owner of the Tavern Calaines Guesthouse in the town of Boronne.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is getting older and feel it. She also noticing that the nightly coughs are getting worse and there is a little pain in the chest when she coughs. She gets tired more often than she did just a few years ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Her father where a local trader from Raxorian ethicity while her mother where a erebosian woman.


She is well educated as she was schooled in Erebor.


She owns her own tavern in Boronne.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She is very proud of the fact that she has built and runs her own tavern and the reputation it has gotten. She will do anything to maintain it.

Failures & Embarrassments

She regrets not starting a family as she now do not have any one to heir her establishment. She is considering granting it to one of her workers who have shown to be worthy and whose children might take over after his death. Or she might sell it when she gets to old to run the tavern

Morality & Philosophy

She is a honest working woman who believes every person have to prove their own worth, rather than relying on their parents wealth and achievement.


Commiting crimes.

Personality Characteristics


To run the best tavern in town.


Contacts & Relations

She has good contact with erebosians in town and travelers. She likes to hear stories of what is happening in her mothers homeland and where she spent her younger years. She doesn´t mind telling traveling Erebosians what have happened in Boronne and Zorkain as she knows she does not know any secrets.

Family Ties

She some times send letters to her cousins in Erebos and recieve letters from them. She also meets her extended family from her father side and attend their weddings and funerals.

Religious Views

She is part of The church of Etin and makes the minimal effort demanded. She is not very formal in her believes but do belive.

Social Aptitude

She is very charismatic and knows how to deal with the upper and middle class.

Hobbies & Pets

She have several cats. Some are more or less wild and live in the barn and tavern chasing and stealing their own food. While a few are considerd her pets which she pampers.


She have spend many years in the common room and as such tends to speak loud.
Current Location
Year of Birth
667 A.O. -55 Years old
Black with much gray in it. Usually worn in a bun high on the head.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Paleskin which is coloured brown from years in the sun.
163 cm
72 kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Jori, erebosian and a smattering of elvish
Ruled Locations