Castle Fort la Nord

Towering above the town of Boronne is the castle Fort la Nord. Its high and thick stone walls exhumes a sense of power. In each of the four corner of the walls there are is a square tower, at least three stories higher than the crenelated walls of the castle. In the middle of the courtyard, on the highest point of the castle, the barfred is located. It is just as high as the square towers and makes an imposing sight. The large gate to the castle is a strong defensive point in itself and apart from the heavy wooden gates there is a portcullis as well.   All the walls are plastered white contrasting against the wood segments painted in a full blue colour.   The road leading from the town of Boronne to the castle is broad and straight. It is stone paved and could easily support a cavalry attack from the castle. The difference in height between the town and the castle is a hinderence for an sieging army.  
  • Riark: Arkath Bouvinneax. He is a very old man whom are going senile and as such he is becoming paranoid and quite mean. He has become a more rabiat fundamentalist as the years progresses. Just a couple of years ago he and the loremaster could engage in wittfull debates, now he is just adamant in his loathing of magic and its users. The loremaster mostly just stays away from him these days. Arkath were the counts first teacher and in many way a father figure for him, which makes it hard for the count to retire him and find another Riark.
  • Stabler: Jeven from Bolk. Jeven is a large man who is a little dimwitted, but very kind. He has a good way with the horses and love them very much. Although he knows full well the horses in stable belongs to the different noblemen, Jeven percieves them as his own and mourn them when they die. Jeven is in his fourties and have never started a family. He is a little shy amongst people especially with the ladies. The fact that he actually isn't very good looking has not helped. The women in castle know him and are kind to him. Esavia the cook always speak well of him when she hires new help, making sure that they'll know that if they make fun of him she will make their days a living hell.
  • Cook: Esavia. Esavia is in her thirties and were hired ten years ago as a kitchen maid. She showed remarkable skills in cooking and worked her way up in the kitchen rank. When the old cook died in a heart attack three years ago the count appointed her the new cook. Esavia is stern and have a foul mouth, and everyone respect and fear her in the kitchen. Even the count thinks twice before heading to the kitchen to steal a snack. The only one who gets away with it is Jeven whom she seems to have a soft spot for. Esavias staff have become very well trained and work together with an efficiancy not seen before, and she makes sure they all know the skill needed for their job. The cooking staff have all become better working for her, which makes it easier for them to stand her temper.

Purpose / Function

In the old times the Raxorian king placed a motte and baily castle in the location in order to protect the kingdom from invaders from the south. When the kingdom of Zorakin took power they kept the castle but rebuilt it. Its new purpose where to defend the rest of Zorakin from invading Orc forces from Aidne mountain.


Most rooms are squares or rectangular with bare stone walls. The count and his families personalrooms are decorated with wooden walls and floor covered in heavy textiles to keep the warmth.


Orginally the fort were a motte and baily castle built upon an ancient fortification, but as time progressed it have become a quite large castle. the hill is still significant and the barfred of the castle remains at its peak. The old wooden palllisades are long gone and instead there are heavy stone walls with large square towers in each corner.


A heavy stone medieval type of castle.


549 A.O. Subjected to a vicious siege from the Witchmasters forces.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization