Copper Sea

The Copper sea stretches from the western part of Aidne and its southern counterpart Melukha and the Krun to the west where the gap between Krun and Efaro Turns into The Sea of Glass. Exactly where the lines are drawn between the Copper sea and the Western sea is unclear and to most people unimportant.   The Copper sea is surrounded by many old and young civilizations and it has seen much strife throughout the years. It is relatively calm and although the storm can rage, they are not on the level as storm upon the Western sea according to sailors. As such there are many ships, such as galleys which can traverse the Copper sea, but would be lost upon the Western sea. As it is surrounded by land there are not much left of the Copper Sea to explore.   The Copper sea is well known and well traversed by the different traditions, ships ply the trade lanes, fishermen haul their catch on a daily basis, and the pirates lurk and stalk their prey.


In general the Copper sea isnĀ“t very deep. There are patches which heads down into the depth, but they are the exception. The water is clear and have a clear blue tint most of the time. In the more deeper patches it are more aking to green.


The copper sea is brimmed with life in all sizes, such as the huge Doughon which floats slowly through the waves, to small edible fishes which travels in large gschools. As the prey is abundand so is the predators, from sharks to sea serpents haunts the seafarers.

Fauna & Flora

The bay between Tolan and Cerlonia is well known for being a hunting ground of the Giant Squid. It is said to be a smaller cousin of the Kraken from the Ransardian and Jorduashi lore. But it is still large enough according to rumours to attack small boats. A common feature in the local lore but according to scholars there have been no confirmed attacks where the whole boat have gone missing through an attack. But there are confirmed tales of people being snatched from the boats by a giant tentacle, never to be seen again.   Most seaman dread falling into the water as just beneath the surface there might be a huge school of "Killer fish". A long and thin predatory fish with silver scales. They are very aggressive and their jaws are strong enough to take a bite out of human flesh. And as they travel in groups up to hundreds they are rightfully feared.