
Garsnakk is a large and sturdy orc whom through violence and cunning became a leader amongst the Witchmasters armies. He leads the fort closest to the Zoraki duchy of Saittlebeaux.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Garsnakk is in peak physical performance and keep that way through constant practise and/ or fighting. He always wear arms and armour as well.

Body Features

He has spent his whole life in battle and his body has the scars to prove it. As most Kraukh orcs he his hunched forward which hides his real length from enemies. But he is still large enough to loom over his enemies.

Facial Features

His face i long and he has a prominent scar from a bear claw on his right cheek. The mouth is broad and the upper lip is chipped on the right side. His lower teeth potrude from his mouth and the right chin tooth is broken off.

Physical quirks

He spits a lot.

Specialized Equipment

He wears a long scalemail who once belonged to a Kardian knight. He has of course adapted it to fit and become more Orcish, but the Kardian craftsmanship is still visible. Garsnakk wears a magical scimitar which was granted to him by the Witchmaster himself and carries a knightly shield, from which the old heraldry have been removed. Garsnakk wears an open helmet which plainly is made of orcs craftmanship.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a very cunning Orc who knows when to show restraint. He have been known to sacrifice his weak troops in order to test his opponents tactics. During battles with opponents he havenĀ“t been able to beat he has retreated in order to fight another day. He definetly can think several steps forward and figure out solutions for advanced problems.

Personality Characteristics


Garsnakk enjoys dominating others in all ways possible. If he could he would like to be the lord of the Black tower, but realises it is but a dream. He channels his frustration upon his subordinates and victims.   He enjoys making wathing other sapiant species suffer.


Religious Views

He is as superstitious as most other orcs but he do not believe the Witchmaster is a god. He believes in gods and have a rudimentary understanding of the religion of Orcs. But he tries to avoid have anything to do with the gods.

Wealth & Financial state

In his chambers he has a locked coffin with his collected wealth.
Current Location
Black but he shaves his head clean as often as he can.
Almost 2 meters
At least 120 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"hur, hur, hur, hur......"
Aligned Organization