Kraukh Orc

Kraukc orcs are the most common of orcs, and they are found on the outskirts of most civilisations where they live for plundering and looting. As they are the most common orc species most people consider them to be true orcs, from which other kinds originate.   As a species the Kraukh are stronger and tougher than most humans, and if they would stand up straight most of them would be taller than humans as well. Kraukhs fear and avoid the sunlight, which makes them prefer caves and deep forests to make their homes in, but there are subspecies of the Kraukh which have evolved to handle sunlight better.   The pieces of legend whom have been puzzled together by more learned species tells that the God Kraukh made his orc species according to his whims, and as he never really had a strong vision of what they where to become they evolved into several subspecies as well. This trait have made it possible for the Kraukh orcs become the most common of orcs as they are versatible and survives in most climate and terrains.


Culture and cultural heritage

Almost all Kraukh societies are made up of tribal institutions, where the tribes are an ever changing blob. If the leader is strong they grow and the rank and file groupings is stable. If the leader dies or is weak the tribe becomes smaller and the rank and file is always in strife as they battle for power.   Battle prowess is the strongest cultural exchange to show who you are in the orc society.

Shared customary codes and values

Kraukh orcs life revolves around violence and struggle. When not fighting they are usually lazy but impatient. A Kraukh orc loves to sleep all day and fight all night, so the camps or whatever their tribe settles are usually empty during day time, but bustling during night time.   Most tribes keep slaves to do labour for them, and as food and/or entertainment according to the orcs whims. Some of the smarter Orc chieftants realize that some slave actually know things that the Orcs can use, and those slave can sometimes be treated better than other slaves. Until they become useless, or the chieftan dies and the new chieftan shows their dominance. Which can be a very violent and bloody show of force.

Average technological level

The kraukh orcs have attained to the level of crude metalworking and some are even able to produce steel. But most prefer reforging old steel items into weapons.

Common Etiquette rules

All communications, such as greetings involve measuring of strength such as shoving and growling. To an orc every day and social interaction is contesting or defending your rank in the tribe or group.

Common Dress code

All Orcs always wear armour and weapons from young age.

Art & Architecture

Varies from tribe to tribe and the material in the vicinity. But most houses are made round for unknown reason.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Individual challenges to combat is a common way to settle disputes.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Orcs are born in large culls, often several females give birth around the same time. The fatalities amongst the children are very high and less than 20 % of the kids survive to adulthood. More women than male survive to fertile age.

Coming of Age Rites

How to be accepted of being an adult changes between different tribes, but they always involve violence and sometimes eating and drinking as well.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Mostly the bodies are left to the carrions, unless the victors eat them as a part of the victory orgy (feast).


Beauty Ideals

There is no beauty ideal per se amongst Kraukh orcs, but battlescars and wounds on a individual inspires respect.

Gender Ideals

Male are warriors and hunters, and if forced to it, laborers as well. Females are considered breeding stock at best. But it has been known for females to crush enough male heads to be considered warriors instead. It is not uncommon for strong Orc leaders to have a strong and smart female as concubine and advisor as well.

Courtship Ideals

The strong orc are allowed to breed during the orgies that happens after a battle to celebrate a win, or a particulary funny loss. Or any other reason to have a orgy.

Relationship Ideals

The females often live secluded from the men and most meetings between the gendre is during the orgies (as they call their feasts). In order to find a mate for the night the male must be a reknowned warrior who can use his reputation to get the strongest female for the night. Other must prove their mettle against other males, or try to force themselves upon a female. If this happens a female will of course defend herself which sometimes lead to a dead male.   The "act" is one of dominance and subjugation and there is no sense of romance, whatsoever. To an outsider it looks and sounds like rape. And as females are considered spoils of war to the victor, the weak Orcs sometimes force themselves on weaker races such as humans, which might lead to spawning HalfOrcs.

Articles under Kraukh Orc