Gavorix Bonviv

Knight Gavorix Bonviv

Baron of Lomellie   He is married to a lady of Luksilian background and they have four children. The two oldest are twins a boy and a girl. The girl arrived first and is the dominant of them.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gavorix is in good physical condition and trains regulary with his men.

Apparel & Accessories

He always have his large golden necklace with the symbol of the sun visible. He also wears a large silver ring with a golden sun ethed into it. It is written "In Etin I trust" on the ring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gavorix grew up in a family where the parents came from differeent parts and ethnicities in Zorakin. He and his s

Personality Characteristics


Gavorix strives to make Zorakin a totally united people by not look to themselves as penner or raxorians et cetera but rather as Zorakians.   He also would like to ban all magic user from his realm, but understand it isn´t possible at this time. He also avoid contact with non humans as much as possible.

Likes & Dislikes

Gavorix likes to read from the good book.


Contacts & Relations

Apart from the Count and local barons he have an extended network into the church.

Family Ties

He is tied into the Penner family Bonviv, but also a Raxorian noble family.

Religious Views

He is a pious man who follow the tenets of The shining path. He does lean into the Caddoism that all magic should be prohibited and do not feel comfortable around magic wielders. He also consider all non humans as lesser creatures who do not have a true soul.

Social Aptitude

He doesn´t like to be centre of attention or large crowds, but he accepts it as he is a baron. If he had a choice he wouldn´t start a conversation but most people he meets waits until he initiates the discussion.


He is a lord of the realm and tries to act as it. Proud, noble, back straight and look down on those beneath him.

Hobbies & Pets

Gavorix have his own kennel where he trains hunting dogs. His own dog "Corvix" is the father to several of them.


Gavorix have a stutter which shows when he gets agitated and talks to fast.


Gavorix Bonviv


Towards Olouf Baugge


Olouf Baugge


Towards Gavorix Bonviv



The baron have a large issue with the count, as the count patrols his land, which he sees as an affront to his honour. the count on the other hand sees patroling the roads and surroundings as his duty.

Gavorix Bonviv


Towards Athel Hachel de Solaire


Athel Hachel de Solaire


Towards Gavorix Bonviv


Wealth & Financial state

As a baron of the realm he is very wealthy, but have realised that the level of wealth is lessening. He do not understand why and doesn´t worry to much, yet. He can always increase taxes if the trend continues.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Baron of Lomellie
  • Knight
Year of Birth
581 A.O. 31 Years old
Short cut raven black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white but often sunburned
176 cm
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "To become one people we must remember our history but also let it go."
  • "In Etin I trust"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations