
Of all the Blackblood species, Goblins are probably the most numerous. They are a small vicious creatures with little regards to traits most civilisations considers good. Goblins revels in fighting and destroying things, unless they are sleeping in whatever place they consider home. Goblins are cowards by nature and only finds the courage to fight when they outnumber the enemy, or if they fear their leaders more. As long as they seem to be winning they might be brave, but if they appaer to be loosing they often start to look for a way to get out of harms way.   There are few Goblins which have the capability for advanced crafting and as such, most are equipped with whatever they might loot or steal, making a force of Goblins look like the hodge podge unit they are.   Goblins have no sense of hygiene and a settlement are often smelled and heard long before it is seen. The paths leading towards it are loitered with stuff Goblins considers junk, and whatever beautiful plants once grew there are long since uprooted and thrown to the side.  

Basic Information


Goblins share the generic physiology with humans but they are shorter and often have broader shoulders. Their heads are shaped more like an onion than a humans and their skin ranges in different tones. The most common tone is brownish but there are tribes known to have a more greyish tone. There have been records of individual goblins which have had a more greenish tint to their skin. Goblins eyes are small and tilting upwards, and usually more yellow than humans. Their ears are pointy and the nose are generally broad and flat.

Ecology and Habitats

Goblins are most often found in mountains or dense forest even though they could be found anywhere. Goblins are seldom found on open plains as they are an easy prey for other civilized races.   Some goblin tribes are nomads and make short term campsites while other make permanent homes and utilises crude farming. Those tribes often uses a large cave or ruins from other civilisations as a foundation, on which they build their homes. The houses they build give an impression of makeshift lean-to rather than sturdy homes. In these goblin societies there will be found specialised goblins such as smiths, armourers et cetera.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Goblins can eat almost anything but they prefer meat and sometimes they even cook it. Their immune system can handle rotten and uncooked food.


The prime drive force for Goblins is the group, and their place in it. Being alone is so against their nature a lone Goblin can go into a catatonic state. But as the groups seldom are stable Goblins often compete for their posititon in the group. They will squabble and peck on each other, unless the group find an outsider to peck on.   Goblins are lazy unless they find something funny to do, in which case they become almost hyperactive. They lack all kind of remorse, moral compass and empathy. If they think they can get away with it, they can slit the throat of their best ally to get a jewel in his pocket. But as they are cowards at heart they often value their own hide more than the simple joy of slitting the throat of an ally.   Goblins definition of fun, often includes someone elses misery and many civilised persons would describe Goblins as sadists. A description which is true in most cases. Goblins also find causing mischief to very funny and there are many examples of were a simple prank have led to a large Goblin camp being burned to ground. Many Goblins would also be described as arsonists in civilised societies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The social structure of Goblins are in many ways quite simple, but in reality it is so chaotic it is hard to define. But all Goblins are part of a group. Many groups makes up a tribe and several tribes occationally are a part of a clan.   Goblins bands together in groups which is dominated by the strongest goblin, or sometimes the smartest. The members of the groups are often exchanged through disagreement or the want to be member of another stronger group. But the most common way to leave a group is by dying. A goblin who is alone are usually very exposed and therefore all strive to be part of a group. There is no fixed way to become member of a group but usually a goblin starts hanging around, and if they accept him he are in. Sometimes it takes getting beaten a few times though before being accepted.

Facial characteristics

The mouth is broad and big and filled with teeth which are longer, stronger and more pointy than humans, giving an impression of carnivours. The noses are broader, and as they usually have been broken a few times they are crooked as well. The ears are dominant and often have few holes and other markings in it.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found everywhere in Ereb Altor

Average Intelligence

Goblins intelligence are usually simple and by humans standard they would be considered dim witted. But there are individuals whom can reach high levels of intelligence even by humans standards.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Goblins hearing and eyesight are as good as humans with the exception that their darkvision are almost perfect. A goblins scent of smell are generally weaker than humans, and as their nose often are dripping, they snivel a lot.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Goblins names are often short and easy to say. Sometimes the more prominent Goblins gets epiteth such as Swineeater, if they have earned it or can force the weaker to call them by the epiteth.
  • Amburr
  • Begev
  • Digg
  • Dojdoj
  • Erk
  • Fidre
  • Grop
  • Grotto
  • iGunter
  • Kralke
  • Lekh
  • iMyltas
  • Ohtarkh
  • Rykk
  • Ross
  • Roveg
  • Sluggo
  • Stybb
  • Uggak
  • Vork

Beauty Ideals

Goblins uses earmarking to show their achievments. A small notch for each defeated elf and a small hole for each dwarf. These markings are considered a sign of beauty.

Gender Ideals

Males are hunters, producer of arms and armour and warriors. They are the ones who leave the camp and gather resources and spreads death. Females are kept secure in the camp where they tend to Goblins to young to be productive. Females also craft tools necessary for life, siuch as pots and baskets. They also know how to cook and tend to wounds. It is not uncommon for females to be smarter than males.

Courtship Ideals

The strong get to mate.

Average Technological Level

Crude metalworking. they can make weapons that work, but is unbalanced and brittle.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Most goblins fear magic as they cant understand it, and consider it a part of godlike powers. Goblins are often superstitious and see signs from the god and spirits everywhere, and as such have lots of spiritual rituals to defend themselves. The group they are together with is important and they often develop rituals together, such as start each journey with going around five laps in a circle while humming as it will apease the travel spirit. If the group is influental this ritual may very well spread to the whole tribe. Only to dissepeare a year later.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There is an undisputable link between wolves, wulves and goblins.
Goblins are considered young up to 14 years old, and considered old from 31 years old. They seldom gets older than 35 years.
Average Height
Their average height is around 1,6 meters
Average Physique
Goblins generally live hard lifes where brute force is what you are measured by. Therefore most Goblins are well trained with a high stamina and strength. Generally they are also agile and quick, a trait neccessary to get out of trouble.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The body are often brownish, from a combination of skin and hair. The hair on top of the skull are generally black, and it greys after reaching around 25 years old.
Geographic Distribution