The Mad Dog tribe

The Mad Dog tribe is a Goblin tribe who roams their territory on the back of wolves and wulves. Mad Dogs are a nomadic tribe which patrols and defends its terriotry viciosly. The tribe is often scattered into smaller hunting parties, but they keep in contact through swift riders, and to collect them seldom takes more than a few days.   Their chieftan Wombutt leads the largest party and are often found raiding the surrounding realms. Wombutt is a large Goblin who rides a Wulf. He is a very good tactician and knows how to use his wolf riders to gain victory.      At constant war with the human tribes in Kaserun forests, the woodelves of Goiana and the southern city state of Klomellien.


The hunt

Demography and Population

180 members A large wolfpack 60 - 80 Wulves


The highlands between Klomellien, Kasenu forest and Aidne mountains northern peaks.


The tribe can muster arount 90 warriors, almost all of them wolf-/ wulf cavalary   A warrior of The Mad Dog tribe seldom wears heavier armour than leather or fur, often with a leather cap to protect the head. Mostly they rely on their mounts speed for protection. But they carry a small round shield for added protection. The shield is often adorned with teeth from cainine predators as part of their cultural heritage. The most common weapon is the spear and if they can get it, it is made of steel or bronze. The young warriors are often given stone tipped spears and are expected to gain metal to forge their owns spears. The spears are a source of great pride for the warriors and they adorn them with tails from wolves. They are often equipped with a short bow and two quivers. One with stonetipped arrows which are used for hunting and harrasing enemies. And one with a few metaltipped arrows which are used against strong or well armoured enemies.  Having a steel scimitar as a backup weapon is the goal of many warriors, but most have to make do with an axe or mace. The mount is inself also a weapon, as they are big, strong and apex predators. They are well trained and loyal to their riders.

Technological Level

For black bloods they are prominent leather workers and fletcherers.


The tribe has no bonemen but all members are followers of Baawk, as their God. But they also worship the moon which is a reason for their good relations with Mad Moon tribe. They listen the Bonemen of the Mad Moon tribe when they are there and try to use what they remember in their daily life.   There are also traces of toteism in their religious beliefs and they collect teeth and tails from wolves to honour them and to tie them closer to the tribe.

Foreign Relations

They are on very good standing with the Mad Moon tribe, a bond strengthened by the worship of the moon. Although there is some religious strain on which is the main God. There are some former members of the Mad Dogs who have left theri clan and joined the Mad Moon.


There is only one permanent settlement and it is inhabited by the females and younglings. The males only come there to feast, breed and find new mounts. The settlment is surrounded by wolves and wulves and as such it is considered a holy place for the  tribe.

Eff grobb nichh yngrykk (The last one wont eat ears)

Alternative Names
Ylkor Kha Oggra
Parent Organization
Related Species