High elf

  Even within elven societies High elves are not very common. They are in many way revered as nobility in the elven societies and when they speak, other fey listens. Most of the High elves are found in Landori and are somtimes called Landori elves.   Many high elves are aloof and have little contact with the world outside of their settlements. To most they would seem arrogant and they have a hard time understanding short lived people, and even young elves. They are often well versed in magic, but seldom care about religion or Gods. Many have lived long lives and are accomplished warriors as well as great spellcasters.   High elves have a natural talent for crafting magical tools. For a high elf it is unthinkable to not be carrying around a few magical tools in order to make their daily life easier. A ring imbued with a light spell to be sure they always have access to light. Boots with flight spell to make sure they do not have to climb et cetera. Their magical tools are often activated using their own willpower rather than being powered by bound spirits or nexus spells.

Basic Information


Just as other elves, the high elves is humanoid with a slender and elegant physique. Their bodies are always perfectly dimensioned.

Genetics and Reproduction

High elves are mammals and reproduce through sexual encounters by a male and a female. They are not very fertile and seldom becomes pregnant. When they do the woman carry the child for many months. Although it has been known for twins to be born, it is very uncommon. Most high elves are the only child.   High elves can reproduce with other elven species, but their kids will either become a high elf or the elf kind as the other parent, but never a mix. High elves can not reproduce with humans or other species.

Dietary Needs and Habits

High elves can eat meat of all kinds but in general avoid it. They can easily go a day or two without food.


There is always a sense of sadness surrounding them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

High elves lives integrated in other elven societies, where they often have prominent roles, sometimes even as leaders. There are a few settlements where high elves lives on their own.    Some high elves live solitary.

Facial characteristics

High elves faces are perfect and very beautiful, almost to the point of being a bit unpleasant for other species. Unless they have been scarred by violence to a point where even magic can´t cure it, the symmetry is perfect.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found everywhere but they are common in Landori forest, where most of them make their homes.

Average Intelligence

Even the dumbest of all known high elves are considered very intelligent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

High elves have a level of eye sight and hearing which is beyond what a human can ever reach. As long there is a small level of light they can see much better than a human. Unlike dwarves they can not see in total darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

The High elves consider long hair which some times are worn in very intricate hair dresses. They do not need make up to enhance their beauty but they often do any ways. The make up is always perfectly applied achieving exactly what the individual wanted. They never tattoo themselves, even if they are symbolists.

Gender Ideals

There is no difference between the genders within the social structures and both parents raise their children, in both warfare and arts.

Common Dress Code

High elves are most often dressed in long flowing robes which are of very high quality in crafting and material. The robes often have gems and jewellry sewn into them.   Even if they dress for warfare the clothes or armour are always very well made, and might even seems a little oppulent.

Historical Figures

Nagooni: She lived around 1000 B.O. to 500 A.O. and is very famous for her magical rings. She created many of them during her life time and quite a few of them are still around. All her rings are crafted from gold which are masterfully crafted, with gems and intricate patterns which can be so small that humans might have a hard time examine them. Most of her rings have weak spells within them, some even are made to be more humours than practical. There are a few which are very powerful.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Several hundreds of years or some times even millenias.
Average Height
Most High elves are between 180 to 200 centimeters tall. There a few who are outside this range but they are few between.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their skin is very pale even if they spend much time outside beneath the sun. It is as if they can not get a tan.   High elves usually have black, straight hair which can grow very long. There are other colours as well such as brown, blond and a few which have white hair.   The eyes are often blue, but there are a few which have brown eyes. The tint is always very clear.
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