
The present country Jorpagna is made up of the former core region of the ancient Imperium Jorpagna. Although over one thousand year have passed since the conflux Jorpagna haven´t really recovered, neither have it ever let go of its tradition. Today the country of Jorpagna is made up of several small city states which are ruled by a prince. All the princes are independent and their intrigues makes a central goverment impossible. But there is still a senate of Jorpagna they all pretend to abide by, which also manage to make sure there is little open warfare between the cities. Each city state sends a senator to represent their interest.   The area is dominated by farmsteads owned by the nobility but worked by serfs and in the coastal areas there is small fishing operations in the shadow of the dominating fishing fleet from Erebos. Metal ore are traded with the dwarves and there is some small scale mining as well.   Argald Huvudartikel:Argald Jorgund Huvudartikel:Jorgund Jorpagnas viktigaste handelsstad. En magikerakademi finns i staden. (MoM s. 53)   Grivela Huvudartikel:Grivela Camarda Huvudstad i furstendömet Camarda och huvudsäte för Camardiska unionen. Bild: [7]


The country is still officially ruled by the senate who collects a small tax which it spend on the infrastructure and a small imperial army and navy. But each city state is independent and collect its own taxes and finance its own military forces, a very small fraction of the taxes are still paid to the senate as stopping paying them would mean a formal declaration of war and the will to leave the "empire". All princes know full well doing this would mean all other princes would wage war against them in order to get their riches.


The culture is very conservative and still firmly rooted in the ancient culture of Imperium Jorpagnia. Unlike many realms there is no ban against necromancy or demonology.

Public Agenda

Each City state has its own agenda and some cooperate while other is ancient enemies. But they come together if there is an externa threat.


Many wizards and a abundance of magical items production.


All city states are responsible for their own defences and to send 10 % of their army to the Jorpagnian army, governend by generals appointed by the senate.   The Jorpagnian army are still based around the ancient ideas from Imperium Jorpagnia and the legion. The uniforms and equipment haven´t changed much and neither have the tactics. The jorpagnian army are considered amongst the best infantry in the world and the generals are well trained. The strategy is defense based and all infantry are trained in basic engineering such as bridge building and fortifications. In battle they use their large shields to create shieldwalls and can easily create small forts with them. The armies also have many battle trained magicians with them, and know how to use them effectively.   The fleet is absymal and neglected. As Jorpagna do not as a nation have any seabased trade there is no need for sea going fleet. The few ships there is are for pirate hunting, patroling the shorelines and act as a deterrent for invasions.


There is religious freedom within the county but the Young gods are the most common.

Foreign Relations

Jorpagna are not involved in any political relations as a whole, but they have a good reputation with most nations surrounding the Copper sea. Their lyceeums and academies usually have a significant portions of students from other nations, and Jorpagnian scholars are sought after as well. The diplomats and politicians from Jorpagna have often honed their skills within the highly political and intrigue filled internal politics before representing the senate in their external role, and as such are considered amongst the most skilled diplomats in Ereb.   But Jorpagnas main focus is internal politics and trade and as such do not meddle in other countries businessess. And other countries do not think it is worth it to wage war against Jorpagna, as they would face the best defence army in Ereb.


There are many laws in Jorpagna, but they are generally insignificant as each citystates laws are what matter.   On general neither Necromancy or demonology are banned. But there are many laws describing what you are allowed to do with bodies of the dead. In general it can be said that the remains of a dead slave are still the property of it owner. And if it is remains of a free person you need his/ hers consent when alive, and remaining family members.   There are often extensive laws considering when, how and why you are allowed to summon a demon.

Agriculture & Industry

There are a few city states who produce simple alchemic potions on a industrial level. They also have large and famous Lyceeums from which people from all of Ereb comes to study.

Trade & Transport

Trade between city states are fluctural and depends on the politics between the princes. One year the trade may be prominent, while the next year due to an insult there might be war.   The roads which once where the pride of the Empire are in some areas in disrepair, while other princes consider it a great honor to uphold the roads of her ancestry.


The level of education is very high and Jorpagna is home to many Lyceeums and magic academies. Learning in law and rethorics is valued highly. Even the lowes slave know how to read and do calculus.


Although worn down in some areas the infrastructure is well developed and there are few areas in the country which is wilderness.

We are the traditional rulers of Ereb Altor

Predecessor Organization
Economic System
Major Exports
Basic magical items and alchemical potions.
Major Imports
The country is very weak in good ore deposits and as such much of the needed metals are imorted.
Legislative Body
The laws of the country, which all rules of city states care nothing for, are made by the senate. Each prince make their own laws within their city.
Executive Body
The laws of the country are not executed, each city state enforce their own laws.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Related Species