
The people whom are called Losdrivians have never really been a tribe or a kingdom. They are direct descendants from the jorpagnian colonists and continued their way of living in the remnants of their settlements. They still live in the cities, town and villages that were part of the Jorpagnan colony. As such their whole surrounding have been formed by the connectiton to history. Losdrivians are the people whom are closest to the Jorpagnian of old, and their heritage, and as such their reputation for being uncultivated are severely mistaken. They do not wurm for the old jorpagnian culture as they are constantly surrounded by it. Old Jorpagnian pieces of art or craft are common in most families home, and are preserved but not venerated.   The Losdrivian people historically were a coastal people with strong ties to the sea. They were sailors, fishermen and shipbuilders. Their ancestors anually sailed to the cities and colonies of the Jorpagna Empire, and were well reputable for their understanding of the ocean. This respect for the sea have made it a strong part of their art and culture, even though farming have become a more common way of living.   Many Losdrivians make their living as shipbuilders or traders and have a large impact on the Kardian culture as a whole.   Losdriver are short and dark skinned. They have thick black hair and thick facial hair.   Losdriviand appriciate the ability to say much with few word, which have granted them a reputation for being mysterious and silent. Losdrivians are also temperamental but peaceful. They seldom becomes agressive, but if they do you have made an enemy for life. They never forget a friend or an enemy, which have made the nobles of their lands much more careful than the nobles of other pieces of Kardien.   The Losdrivians are custom to the weather and sailing and fishing comes natural to them. They have a strong connection to the water and almost everyone know how to sail and swim. The Losdrivians naturally eats a lot of fish and are well known as cooks, and their fish and shellfish dishes are legendary.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names


Masculine names



Major language groups and dialects

The Losdrivian dialect is very characteristic due to its ancient diftongs steming from the language spoken in the Jorpagnian Empire. The Losdirivian dialect have also kept many word from the Empire.

Shared customary codes and values

A common trait within the Losdrivian culture is to speak less but still say much. As such they usually speak in a few sentences and would rather try to show someone how to do a thing, rather than explain it.   The sea is very important in the Losdrivian culture and very common to find in their art. They prefer having their household items such as bowls and pots to have the colour of the sea, such as blue or deep grees. It is also common to depict she creatures such as whales and fish upon them.

Average technological level

Their shipbuilding knowledge is high and they are well reputaded as shipbuilders. But their knowledge are becoming outdated. They still build cogs as Erebos and Caddo are experimenting with new faster and more agile vessels.

Common Etiquette rules

You should always offer a traveler a place to stay and eat for the night. And as a guest you should always offer to pay for the hospitality, either through money or service.   When you meet some one for the first time you always present yourself and hold your hands out to show you are not an enemy.

Common Dress code

Losdrivians use a special kind of clothing called, kasern. It is made of a round piece of cloth which is thick and usually dark wool cloth. It is approximatly three meter in diameter and in the centre is a hole for the head and two smaller holes i the front for the hands. It is worn as a mantle och can be tied together to make sure the wind cant get in. The kasern outside is regually rubbed with lard to make it rain proof. All Losdrivians own their own Kasern and the finest are made of thick lambwool and decorateded in red, green and yellow patterns.

Art & Architecture

The prefered arcithecture are still very influenced by the old Jorpagna Empire.

Foods & Cuisine

The cuisine revolves around seafood and their different kind of stews are legendary.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Shortly after birth it is common to bathe the child in saltwater, preferably the sea. If a family for some reason canĀ“t get to the sea, the community comes toegether and create a large bowl of water which they turn into saltwater. The bathing is an ancient tradition which is intent to accustom the child with the saltwater.

Coming of Age Rites

As a child becomes an adult they are granted a new Kasern from their family. It is as well made as the family can afford, and the parents have spent the last year impregnating it with lard and fat, to make sure it is rain proof.

Funerary and Memorial customs

If possible a Losdrivian will be buried at sea.

Historical figures

Dirivin. A lawyer and leader of the civil war which ravaged the land after the last conflux.   Jegher. A general and leader of the civil war which ravaged the land after the laast conflux.


Beauty Ideals

Males should be short and broad with a well kept beard. The women should have long hairs worn in a braid which is kept up during work but worn loose during festivities.

Major organizations

The Losdrivian people make up a large porpotion of the south eastern part of Kardien.
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations