Duchy Solei-Font

Duke: Covain LePevienne   Capitol: Hixani   The lands which is part of the Duchy Solei-Font was a part of the tribe of Legerdia and didn´t become a part of Zorakin until 115 After Odo, as they were ravaged by pirates. Most of the noble titles were granted to Penner families but the jovial Legerdians didn´t seem to mind.   The landscape is filled with fields but there are few villages. This stems from the old Legerdian tradition of building their farms as miniature forts, which are highly defensible. The local Penner lords have not tried to enforce the populance of adapting to their tradition of villages. As such a traveler from other parts of Zorakin might have problem finding inns or local markets, which are usually found in the villages. There are also few specialised craftsmen as they are intergrated in the running of farms. Each farm is to most basic knowhow self sustained. A farmer who do not know carpentry and blacksmithing are few and far between.   Most of the land is cultivated and even though a few beasts and monster can be found, the duchy is considered to be very secure and peaceful. Even the common wolf is seldom found within the realm. The most insecure areas are small forests where bandits can be found. There have been reports of bands of Orcs as well, but they are far from common.


The duchy have a large fishing fleet.


The local nobles forces are comparitatively small and not used to combat. There are few enemies to be found and even pirate raids are few and far between. It is considered a peaceful duchy with few problems.


The people of Solei-font is a pious people as most Zoraki are, but many of them are very supersticious, and follow old folk traditions, especially the fishermen and their families.

Agriculture & Industry

The landscape are filled with small family farms. Usually there are a few generations whom farm the land together. Solei-Font have a long coastline and the banks are filled with fish, making fishing a common occupance. Many families of the realm live by the sea and in every generation at least one become a sailor.


  • The kings road
  • Several fishing ports. As fishing is important for the duchy, there are several port towns with fishing ports. They might not take large ships but they can take several fishing ships.



Work hard and enjoy the servitute to thine lord as it pleases Etin, so sayeth Odo.

Founding Date
115 A.O.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Major Exports
  • Fish
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities