
Mennecor is the dwarven Kingdom in the Aidne mountains.


Mennecor is a traditional dwarven monarchy. The title of King is hereditary but also based on respect from the ones who are to follow. The king needs to be traditional minded, strong enough to make his own choices and wise enough to listen to his advisors. The king uses his council for advice and to enforce his decision. Many old noble families have a lot of power within their domains and so does the guilds as well. The king formally have the right to make decisions on how guilds should organise themselves and what they should do, but it would be a large breach of traditions if a king would actually do such a thing.   The king is also the leader of the army and as they are in constant war with the surrounding black bloods he spends much time with military matters and in the field. He has a general and a very dependable military staff which takes on the day to day military issues.   The kings council: It is made up of two councils. The small council which meets often to discuss and give the kings advice on matters. And the large council which convene more seldom and often to discuss the big picture and questions which will impact the kingdom severely. But no matter what the council recommends it is the king who decides. The small council are made up a few members from the noble families and the most important guilds. While the large council is made up by all important members of the kingdom, based on the "they know who they are" premise.   The sigilists guild: Although it is called the sigilists guild it is actually a guild of all wizards in the realm. But it clearly points out that the sigilists are the most respected of them. A sigilist is often well trained in the the magical school Imperium Jorpagni would call symbolism, and also well versed in a craft where they can use their magical prowess to its fullest. Within the guild there is also wizards which follows the elementalist school, and a few smatterings of other schools as well. The sigilist guild is respected in the council of the king and when their grandmaster speaks the king often follow their indication. As such the grandmaster seldom takes sides in the internal politics and if they do, they take a stand which tries to make the best of the situation.   The militia: The militia is a different kind of guild as everyone is a member of it and are requiered to be a part of it. The guild were established long ago as a way to organise the milita, and as such it is more of an administration then a important guild. The current leader of the guild is an old veteran who have lost one leg and one eye to the Orcs, and as such hade to withdraw from the military. He runs the militia guild with military precision and is very respected for his tactical knowledge. The milita in his time have taken over patroling the roads between the capital and the outposts making sure that they get experience in real combat.


Mennecor is a very traditional dwarven kingdom where the dwarven traditions are venerated highly. A small difference is, for being dwarves they are not as isolist as many dwarven kingdoms are.   The kingdom is very militaristic due to the almost constant warfare with the surrounding black bloods.   There are several old noble families represented in the kingdom. Originally the kingdom were led by the family Goldnose, but the last member fell to Orcs, and in his dying breath nominating his kin, XXX Steelaxe as a new king. Highly unsual as the normal is to find a family member from another keep.

Public Agenda

They hold a minor grudge against the Zoraki Kingdom for invading their tradepartner The Freetown.'   They want to eradicate all blackbloods in the Aidne mountains, whom they considers pests invading their holy mountains.   Wants to establish new trade routes with other realms than Zorakin which means they have to strenghten infrastructure to the east of Zorakin. All while honouring their commitment to guarding Zygosunds bridge and patrolling the road.


1158 B.O. the first dwarves arrives in the Aidne mountains and start to look for a place to live, 1156 B.O. the first settlement are established. It is the spot where the City Mennecor lies today. 0872 B.O. The large battle of Mount Burak-Ki. A decisive battle of gigantic porportions which left many dead dwarves and black bloods. It was a great win for the dwarves but at a great cost. 0599 B.O. the kingdom of Mennecor shuts its gates as the third influx is happening. They didnĀ“t open it for the large amount of people seeking refuge within their halls. 0345 B.O. The kingdom of Mennecor reopens the gates. It is said that the dwarves were shocked over the amount of old skeletons found outside their gates. It is the first time they understood exactly how much of a tradgedy it had been.

Demography and Population

100% dwarves


The city of Mennecor and a few surface villages. A few outpost mines and forts in the Aidne mountains.   Throughout history they have established and lost outposts to the blackbloods.


The Kings guard is a heavy infantry unit consisting of 50 of the best dwarven warriors. They are heavily armed in the best armours and weapons to be found. They are all equipped with a two handed axe, a onehanded axe and round shield. Their motto is their honour is their life, and they will rather die than letting anything happen to the king.   The caravan guards is a infantry unit whose role it is to guard the caravans as they travel between the dwarve settlements. They also guarded caravans as they traveled to Freetown for trade, but as it is on hold, they spend more time as scouts for the city. Tha caravan guards are all proven warriors seldom using heavier armor than a chain shirt. They often use crossbows and are well trained for scouting as well. In mountians they know how to move unhindered and to keep hidden. Many blackbloods fear them more than any other dwarf.

Foreign Relations

When Zorakin invaded and annected the Freestate the dwarves of Mennecon considered it a great affront. Usually they do not care for the politics of men, but this hurt their trade. Also they had a deal with the men is the city about Zygosund bridge. So they considered the people of Freestate to be friends.

Agriculture & Industry

In the valley which leads to the capital Mennecor there are a few surface settlements which farms ingrediences used for producing mead, ale and beer. Within the capital there are several caves where they farm different fungus for food.   Each outpost settlement have at least one large cave used for farming edible fungi.   Mennecors main industry revolves around metals and smithing. The iron veins surrounding the capital are very pure and large. The dwarves reckons they will last for many genearations to come. It is a little scarse on precious metals and gems, but the outlying mines and outpost are located around good veins for them.

Trade & Transport

The internal trade between the capital and outlying settlement is flourishing, but there is a scarsity of food in the kingdom due to the shutting down trade with Zorakin. The trade caravans are made out of several heavy wheeled wagons drawn by summoned earth elementals. Most of them are ancient and have served for generations of dwarves. They are guarded by specialist dwarves who excel at scouting the mountain roads.   The roads connecting the dwarven settlemets which makes up the kingdom are well built and proteteced. Small easily defended guardhouses are established along the roads, which uses mirror and fire to communicate with each other. The roads are patrolled as well. Despite all the protection the roads are still not safe to travel for individuals and samll groups, which the dwarves knows and avoid.


The formalised education system is high and all young dwarves go to school.
Founding Date
1156 B.O.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
The Valley of Mennecor: The ancestral lands of the kingdom where their surface villages are, and the road leading south. It is also the main way all large armies need to take to reach the gates of Mennecor. As such it his heavily fortified.
Neighboring Nations
Related Species

The dwarves avoid contact with Zorakin


Articles under Mennecor