Myrnes mine

Myrnes mine is a copper mine located in the barony Greanitte. The owner of the mine is divided between the Count of Fort la Nord and the Baron of Greanitte.    The mine is old and deep, and the best copper is found deep, while smaller patches are still found in the upper parts of the mine.


The foreman of the mine is Seife Bonnard, an old miner himself who have worked his way to his rank. He have two administrators who works with him in the office above ground in the combined warehouse and office.   The kitchen, food storage and dining hall is ruled over by cook Sandy Bellybutton, a halfling who demands and gets respect. She have two helpers which are run hard but fairly.   In a tent by his wagon there is a trader who often is open for business selling things the workforce might need. He have accepted he cant sell too much alcohol to the miners and only sells one bottle of ale per person per day. Now and then he returns to civilisation to restock.   There used to be 8 miners working, but right now there are only 6 as two have dissapered.


10 mules who work inside the mine, they will probably never see the the daylight again. They pull the ore carts.


Apart from the administrators the education level is very low.
Ruling Organization
Major Exports
Copper ore
Major Imports
Foodstuff, tools and things which helps the crew keep themselves amused.
Related Ethnicities