Northern Barbarians

The people called Northern barbarians lives in the vast region and land known as Barbia.   The majority of the people grew up in the plains and learned to ride even before they could walk. They are well adversed to stay alive and prosper in the wilderness and they often worship the nature and spirits of the nature. Places which is very beautiful is considered sacred and their respect for it is considereate. The places of worship and rituals differ from each tribe are their is no consistency to be found, and the concept God is seldom recognized. The closest to religion for the tribes is shamanism, but there are few full time shamans. Usually the role of ceremonial leader is a old person who can no longer fullfill other roles in the society.


Culture and cultural heritage

Northern barbarians puts high value to the concepts of pride, taking care of family and clan members, loyality, friendship and honour.   This extends to the tribe/ clan as a whole and also their herds, as they are necessary for the survival of the tribe.    They consider Black bloods to be their ancestral enemies along with wolves.

Shared customary codes and values

Honesty is very important and as such crime as known in the more civilised realms are mostly unheard of. You dont steal a tribes cattle in the dark, you attack them up front and give them a chance to defend themselves.   There is almost no known magicians amongst the barbarians and it is an art which is frowned upon. They are very superstitious and shun magic as an affront. But it is not considered a crime to wield magic, but anyone doing it would be feared and avoided.

Common Etiquette rules

To avoid unenecessary eruptions of violence, all interactions between individuals and tribes are very ritualistc. Almost to the point of funny for outsiders. But as an insult in the long run can lead to clan war most barbarians accept it as a way of life.

Common Dress code

Northern barbarians casually dress in clothes made from rain deer skin. They also like to dress in clothes made from wool from either woolen ox or sheeps. Most clothes are not coloured and they prefer to make use of the natural changes in texture and colours of the materials. Northeren barbarians likes jewellery and crafted accessoars to the dress. Most common it is made from naturam materials such as bone, horns, stone and the likes. But metal jewellery have become more prevailent amongst the rich,

Foods & Cuisine

As they have large herds of horses, horse meat is a staple of the meny. Also wild roots and berries are common.    They are lacking a tradition of making food from cultivated plants making these kind of food quite boring.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

To not bring shame upon themselves or their families northern barbarians only fight against equals or at least individuals who have the ability to defend themselves. Which in their societies are most adults.


Beauty Ideals

As most of them are tall and blond and stocky built, this is considered beautiful. They are often pale in skin with blue or steel grey eyes and as such this is considered beautiful

Gender Ideals

All people of Northern Barbarians learn how to fight from horse back using bow and spear, and women hunt and fight with the men as long as they are nor pregnant or needs to be home with the children. Mostly the women who have children make up the second and last defense line before the camp. They are known to fight even more ferocious than the men, at those times.   When a woman tends to the camp, children and feeble they leave armour and weapons in their tents.

Major organizations

The land Barbia
Parent ethnicities
Related Organizations

Articles under Northern Barbarians