Ragnval Harienne

Duke Knight Ragnvald

Younger brother to King Valien VIII and as such the heir to Zorakin until Valien gets an heir, preferably a son.   When the King gets a heir Ragnvald will step down as Duke.

Physical Description

Body Features

He lacks two fingers on his left hand and a piece of his right ear.

Facial Features

He have a moustach which he keps well trimmed. He is shaved bald. In his ears he wears golden rings with a small diamond in each.

Apparel & Accessories

As a duke of Zorakin he owns many different attires, mostly in the heraldik colours of either the family or Zorakin. And he also displays the heraldic colours of his Duchy as well.   On his left indexfinger he wears a large golden signetring with the Duchys heraldry displayed. It is used to sign formal despastches. He wears a large and heavy golden chain filled with precious stones.   He is fond of wearing headwears and often wears hats. It is not unkown for him to wear different hats as the day passes

Specialized Equipment

He wields a two handed magical sword when he expects combat.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Ragnvald is very loyal to his brother, family and Zorakin. The only way to make him turn on those is to present unyielding proof of pure evil corruption.

Personality Characteristics


To keep Zorakin powerful and the family Harriene on the throne.

Likes & Dislikes

He likes people who follows the chivalry vows and behaves honorably. He likes people who are proudly displaying their belief in Etin.    He dislikes underhanded lying cowards.

Vices & Personality flaws

He does not play the diplomatic game as well as other in his station and could be tricked into doing the wrong thing. But he is aware of it and tries to surround himself with good advisors whom he trusts.

Personality Quirks

He gets restless easily and prefer action. He seldom sits still and prefer walking around. If he has to sit for some time he gets restless legs.



He has been Duke since his father the King died and his brother became King.

Contacts & Relations

He is well connected within the Zoraki nobles

Religious Views

He is very pious and have a hard time acting against his faith.


He talks blunt and loudly, usually saying what he thinks without mincing the words. But he is not stupid and know when he should keep quiet instead. But is thoughts on matters are usually displayed in his body language.   He is quick to anger and are always ready to defend his honour and the honour of those he care about. He is also quick to laughter and those he likes always knows this as well.


Ragnval Harienne


Towards Valien VIII Harienne


Valien VIII Harienne


Towards Ragnval Harienne


Honorary & Occupational Titles
Knight Lord Duke
Year of Birth
570 A.O. 42 Years old
The Shining Path
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Character Prototype
The loyal but blunt duke