Duchy of Amittefeux

Duke Ragnvald Harienne   The duchy of Amittefeux is a warm, sunny and a very open landscape, where the few hills hardly impacts the view. The land is fertile and with the mild weather it is possible for two harvests each year, making it bontiful and pleasant to live in. The centre of the duchy is made up by the thick and inhospitable Torilforest, which is home to several tribes of black bloods. As you get closer to the Toril forest the landscape changes and it becomes more hilly. Deep in the centre of the forest there can clearly be seen small mountains.   The capital of both Zorakin and Amittefeux is the city of Pendonne which is the centre of culture, learning and trade of the whole kingdom. The duke of Amittefeux is always the crownprince of Zorakin, and if the new king havenĀ“t any sons the closest male relative crown prince will stay as duke, until a son is born.


  • Senechal
  • Master of Arms: Lady Avenina Mountdessa - A middle aged knight whom many consider to be a military genious. She has proven herself on the field of battle many times and have written books about warfare, whom the lyceum uses in their classes. The books have even spread further than Zorakin.
  • Kerigass: Conordia DiAngelo. The spiritual leader of the duchy is a elderly man whom originated from Caddo. He fled from Caddo when he was around thirty as he realised he where leaning toward the mainland vision of Etins will. Although the mainland church in the beginning believed he was a spy, he managed to gain its trust and have had a good career within the church due to his strong faith and clear intellect.


This is the land from which the Penner tribe come from and as such the Zorakian culture stronghold. The capitol of Zorakin Pendonne is located in Amittefeux.

Demography and Population

  • 80 % Penner
  • The largest collection of halflings in Zorakin.
  The majority of the halflings live in their own secluded villages under the protection of a Lord, to whom they pay their taxes. Nominally they are a part of The shining path and pay their tenth but they are seldom seen in the churches, and there are few riarks within their communities. It is a well known secret that within their homes they pray to their own Gods.


3 counties
  • A (6 baronies)
  • B (2 baronies)
  • C (4 baronies)


Due to the long tradition of being raided from the sea, there are more light cavalry in the duchy than can be anticipated. They scout the shores and keep a constant vigil to keep the citizen safe. As such there is few smugglers as well.

Foreign Relations

The duchy in itself do not have any foreign relations, but are subject to Zorakins diplomacy. But as its capital is Pendonne the high level of foregin traders and emissaries whom make their living in the city, even the commoners have a better grasp of the rest of the world compared to the rest of Zorakin.

Agriculture & Industry

The duchy of Amittefeux is a landscape heavily dominated by agriculture. The farms produces grain in all different forms but also lots of meat and dairy products. Amittefeux is considered as the main meat productions centre of Zorakin. But there is also room for a large wine production as well, and some of the most demanded wine comes from Amittefeux.   The duchy is also known for its horses. A well developed industry due to the abundance of knights in the duchy. There are also many saddlemakers in the duchy.   Fishing is good and lively but do not create an abundance for trading.

Trade & Transport

The Kings roads all centre in Pendonne making it the core of the trade for the whole kingdom. Together with the large port of Pendonne it is clear that the Duchy of Amittefeux is the heart of trade.   Most local noblemen whos land borders the sea, maintain a good road for the Dukes patrols making the shoreline easily travable, with many inns.


As the Lyceum of Pendonne is situated here, the level of education accesible is the highest in all of Zorakin.


The Kings roads all connect to Pendonne and is kept at high level of repairs. The Inns are spread out and traveling in Amittefeux is relativetly easy.

Home of the Penner, the people of the King.

Founding Date
55 B.O.
Geopolitical, Duchy
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The official currency is of course the Zoraki currency, but as Pendonne is a centre of trade almost all known currencies is found within the Duchy.
Major Exports
Although Amittefeuxs farms and wineries produce an abundance it seldom export any large quantities. The reason is Pendonne whom is a very large city buys almost everything to support its populance.
Major Imports
Luxury goods.
Judicial Body
The duke of Amittefeux is the highest level of interpretor of the law in the duchy. But he only rules in the most complex and severe crimes.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Articles under Duchy of Amittefeux