Raxorian Kingdom

After the fall of Imperium Jorpagnia the people surviving in what is now the Duchy of Saittlebeaux were in a dissaray. Not only were the administration and logistics upon which they relayed on depleted, but they were livin close to the forest which is now known as Brynhildur forest. Although the the wildlife and Black bloods also had been hit hard, it didnt take many years for them to regrow due to the large spawnings each year.   The people in the area moved their farms together into small villages to gain advantages of mutual defences. The people quickly became woodsmen and relied more on hunting than farming as the land was difficult to farm. It is from this time the Axe and Crossbow became important to the culture of the Raxorians. The leaders of the villages were often the most prominent hunter in the villages. As time passed by the villages became closer to each other due to intermarriage and mutual defences. Slowly there evolved a need for an overaching ruler and a King became a fact. The Kingdom of Raxoria was born.


The Raxorian Kingdom were made up by several tribes with their own leaders whom elected a King too oversee the Kingdom and ease up the cooperation. During the last kings the title were more or less hereditary as if a noble wouldnt be elected, it was better to vote for the old kings offspring, than another noble.


The Kingdom of Raxoria were disbanded when they were defeated by Zorakin and incorporated as a new duchy.


The Raxorian kingdom made up the region which is now Duchy Saittlebeaux in Zorakin.


The Gods of Imperium Jorpagnia and shamanism.

Foreign Relations

It had a difficult relation with the Penner Kingdom who it shared its southern border with. Sometimes there were wars and othertimes there were peace.   To the west they had the Echter who mostly kept to themselves. The Raxorians also prefered to keep to themselves, so there were minimal contact.   To the east were the Lindskiarn kingdom which were a closed Kingdom. But in the end the Lindskiarn waged a war of eradication upon the Raxorians, which the Lindskiarns eventually lost.
Dissolution Date
65 A.O.
Successor Organizations
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Gift economy
Related Species
Related Ethnicities