
Rukkha is a prominent leader in the service of the Witchmaster. He commands the fortress closest to the Zoraki duchy of Saittlebeaux. Rukkha is a Ylk orc and as such rather disciplined, as well as a hulking brute.   His order is to keep the area strong and firm in the grip of the witchmaster and to find weaknesses in Zorakin. Also to subjugate as many local tribes as possible.  
STY 25
STO 16
FYS 19
INT 11
PSY 14
KAR 12
KP: 18, Förflyttning: L10,
Two handed club 18
Strategy 8
Tactics 16

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rukkha has passed his peak and he knows it. But he is still a formidable opponent.

Body Features

His body is covered in tattoes where his achivements and victories are pictured.

Facial Features

He is a orc, and his face is covered in small scars.

Identifying Characteristics

His many tatooes sticks him out from his peers.

Physical quirks

He is always looking around trying to percieve danger before it manifests itself.

Apparel & Accessories

He always dresses in his armour which is a studded leather armour, with a chainshirt above. On the head he wears a pot helmet.

Specialized Equipment

He is armed with a two handed studded club and a dagger as a backup weapon. He also wears a horn which he uses to give order in battle to troops who aren´t able to hear him scream.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rukkha was hatched in the fortress he now commands and has worked his way to the top.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His former commander of the fortress had bred orcs with humans, and let the humans raise the kids under the commanders watch. These half orcs when grown up have been dispatched by Rukkha to Zorakin where they act as bandits and spies and report back to him about the going ons in primarily the Duchy of Saittlebeaux. The spies leaves messages in designated places in the wilderness which are picked up by Goblins and they bring them back to Rukkha. The messages are written with Jori letters, but the language is orcish. The spy network have made Rukkha understand how the human society works and not works, which he incorporates in his plans to destabilise Zorakin.

Intellectual Characteristics

For a Orc he is shrewd and calculating. He has a good grasp of tactics and even strategy as well. He grasps the concept that you do not have to win a battle to win a war, but he does not like it.

Personality Characteristics


In the end quite simple. He just want to see all life subjugated to the witchmaster. If possible he will make sure to hurt people, just because he can. He have no remorse or mercy for the weak.


Contacts & Relations

His second in command is a Krauk orc named Gilligh, which he trusts even when he is not within eyesight. Gilligh are often out leading raids, either towards local blackblood tribes or humans in the south.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Long darkbrown hair often worn in a braid.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark brown skin with fur which some are grey.
Approximately 2 meters.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations