Ylk Orc

Ylk Orcs are the largest and bulkiest of all known Orc tribes. Unlike their relatives they have a body composture akin to men making them even more imposing than other orcs. Ylk orcs are the most hated of all different kinds of Orcs, and the mentioning of them often make the wise shiver with fear. They are different from other species of Orcs in many ways. Where Kraukh orcs are lazy and unorganized, the Ylk orcs are energetic and focused. Elves usually call Ylk orcs for demon spawn or heralds of darkness rather than Ylks.  

Basic Information


The orcs specie called Ylk is a large humanoid species. They have two legs as well as arms, where the hands ends in small claw like nails. Their elongated face ends in a potruding jaws with large sharp teeth.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unlike most other Black blood societies the Ylk orcs are more militaristic and organised granting a tribe of Ylk orcs a sense of direction, other orc species tribes lack. Black bloods are lazy and mill about until forced to do something, a Ylk orc society on the other hand seems organized. Some Ylks will sharpen their swords, other making sure the slaves work and other will be training. There is always activity going on in a Ylk encampment.

Facial characteristics

The ears of Ylks are long and pointy and situated far up on the head. The cavity for the brain is smaller than humans and as such the facial part of the head appears larger than humans. The face is thin and long and extends into a large and pointy chin. The mouth is broad and when it is open full it is much larger than humans. The teeths are larger and pointier than humans, and even though they can bite through thicker things than humans they are more prone to fall off than humans. But they regrow again, although slow.. Of all the teeth the lower teeths are the largest and extends on the outside of the mouth. The chin teeth grow longest.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Ylc orcs can be found spread out across the whole of Ereb. The orcs are seldom found deep in forests or high up in the mountains but they can survive and grow in those areas.

Average Intelligence

An Ylk orc is way more stupid than a ordinary human, but they are more focused than other orc species. They are seldom creative in their way thinking but solves problem through force and stubbornes. A Ylk will most of the time use the most obvious solution even if it leads to much more work than necessary.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

In general Ylk orcs have the same sense of perceptions as humans but they see way better in the dark than humans do. On the other hand they have large problems with the sunlight as it makes their eyes hurt. Their large pointy ears can hear further in the direction they are pointed to while they hear less in other directions. Their sense of smell is better than humans.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Scars gives respect.

Gender Ideals

Females are breeding stock and takes care of those to young to fight.

Average Technological Level

Unlike most other Black bloods some most Ylk societies have mastered the art of producing steel and making arms and armour of it. Within the different tribes there is usually a consistent design amongst armour and weapons, crude and practical but definitly design. If someone would study the arms and armour, they could probably even figure out which tribe made them and even which smith as well.   Most Ylk tribes knows how to mine, and melt ore into metal, but prefer to smelt loot instead.

Common Dress Code

It isnĀ“t as much of a dress code as a way of life, but most Ylk orcs wear armour on a daily basis. And they always carries a weapon as well.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Ylk orcs are purly evil and have a dark mindset. They enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other individuals, and do not understand the concept friend at all. Ylk orcs are known to pull limbs of weaker individuals just for the fun of it, and they always make sure a death takes a long time, unless they are in battle. Weapon and warfare are what the society evolves around. Unlike Krauk orcs whom constantly struggle for their postition in the group, the groups are settled and all members know their place. Ylk orcs contest with other settlements around them instead. Although Ylk settlement close to each other can trade and live in peace for a while, tensiont always escalate into warfare between them. After the battle the situation returns to trade and cooperation until the next time. During the peaceful times, the groups usually exchange members between themselves. If an outside force becomes a threat the settlements come together in a weak alliance to fight their common enemies.   Unlike the Kraukh orcs the religious believes are stronger and more prominent in Ylk societies than Kraukh societies. It is still uncommon for them to become fanatics.

Common Myths and Legends

According to the fragments of legends and stories told, the two Gods Ylkaur and Kraukh argued between each other on how the Orcs were to be created In the end Ylkaur made his specie of orc according to his visions rather than cooperating. The Ylk orc became the largest, strongest and most powerful of the different kind of orcs. It is a race breeded for warfare and strife. As it was unleashed upon an unsuspecting world all other sapient races learned to fear and hate it, even compared to other black bloods. The Ylk orc is not only a copy of Ylkaur in body, but also of the mindset. The Ylk orc is dark and evil by creation, and most other species theorises that it cannot be changed into a creature of good. The Ylk orc as a specie are in constant conflict with everything else, and it seems to harbour a special hatered for Kraukh orcs.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many dwarven clans and strongholds consider it a holy mission to eradicate the evil Ylk orcs from the soil of Ereb Altor.   Kraukh orcs hate the Ylks as much as the Ylks hate them. A strong leader can incorporate both species in her army, but it would be wise to keep them separated from each other.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
There are few Ylk orcs which are shorter than 180 cm and most are around 190 cm.
Average Weight
100 to 110 kg are the most common weight
Average Physique
Ylk orcs are large and burly and lumber over most other. Unlike Kraukh orcs and their sub species Ylks are not hunched but stand straight just like humans. The body is usually well musculated and they do not have a potbelly which is common amongst Kraukh orcs. The head is large and elongated and the mouth always seems to have an evil grin. and the look they give other in evil.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Ylk orcs skin are different shades of brown and can extend into almost looking black. The darkest are considered holy and many of them become bonemen.
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations