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Gorgon {Erethes}

Gorgon are a race of sentient reptilian peoples with snakes for hair, With most having the ability to petrify.   The Gorgon were created when a group of priests and priestess' of Athena were tricked by Ares into serving him. Infuriated by this, Even if it was only one task, Athena cursed the group to become "Hideous" creatures, To be feared by the world. Many of them attempted to live solitary lives after this event, But their leader, Medusa, Could not let the past go, She would become the most feared out of all of them. And so, Being known throughout the world due to Medusa's various actions, The others had set their mind on expanding the numbers of their race. They had learned ancient magics to curse others into appearing like them, And progressively, The race had grown widespread over Erethes. While they are still feared, Not nearly as much as before.   Gorgons appear as reptilian humanoids, In the same vein as Yuan-Ti or Lizardfolk, With live snakes for hair, Piercing eyes that glow in the dark and the large lower body of a snake. You can find them in many places, But mostly in Olympus, Draland, Takahara and Ach' Mastul. Some say that Medusa is still lingering out there somewhere, Hung up on long dead worries.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They often have very human looking faces, Except with an ethereal beauty unlike most humans. They'll usually have pronounced scales and leather skin in addition.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While Gorgon can be found in multiple places, They can mostly be found in the forests of Olympus and, There is known to be a high concentration of Gorgon in the city of Pax Animi in Draland.

Average Intelligence

Due to their origin, They have around the same intelligence as the average human, If maybe a little smarter.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Due to their origin, They'll usually have greek sounding names. Either that, or names from their home region.

Gender Ideals

As a flip of what most humans experience, Gorgon women are usually respected more and gain certain priviliges, While men are looked down upon slightly, Even if nobody admits it.
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
5'0" - 6'0" (1.5 - 1.8 meters)
Average Weight
125lbs - 260lbs (56kg - 117kg)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
While Gorgon appear as snake people and can reasonably have any colorations that actual snakes normally can, They can also have unnatural colors too, Such as certain shades of blues, reds, yellows, etc.
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