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Olympus (Όλυμπος, Romanized: Ólympos)

Home of the Olympians

Olympus, One of the many islands that are in the East Sea, As well as the home of the Olympians. This place has a mediterranean feel you can't quite get anywhere else. From the beautiful skyline, The lush slightly desaturated forests and grassland, Or the amazing arts and culture. This island has a little bit of everything.   Often held away from the politics of the other regions, Olympus has a disconnected feel from the rest of Erethes, Almost like you're in a different world. This becomes more apparent when you start taking into account the resources of the island, As they are never imported from another location, But all locally sourced from the island itself, Limiting contact with other regions. The gods of the region have a particular distain for the other pantheons, To the point of actively distancing themselves from any and all possible conflicts. They already have enough problems with family drama, Better to avoid anymore for the moment.   Overall, Olympus is one of the locations in Erethes that has some of the most variety of locations and things. Plenty of unique areas to explore such as Timesreach or Aycri. But also many creatures to visit, Such as the Orcish kin of Mor' Dun or just the entirety of Scylla's Whirlpool. Possibly more powerful versions of other creatures that can be found in other areas of Erethes, And so on.


While the most noticable feature of this lands geography is Mount Olympus, The majority of the land is fairly sparce with mountains, Mostly containing plains, very large hills and the majority of the land is covered in huge, deep forests. And of course, Olympus is an island, So it is directly connected to the ocean as well, Causing many beautiful rivers and coasts to form naturally.

Localized Phenomena

The weather in this location is actually almost directly tied to Lord Zeus' emotional state. Now this isn't always the case, It can rain because he wills it, Or due to natural causes if he doesn't care enough. But it often only changes because of his feelings, For example, If he was furious, The most violent thunderstorm you've ever seen will just form out of nowhere in a matter of seconds. But because of his "I don't want to be involved in anything" attitude, It's normally a cool breeze and clear sky's most days.


Speaking of cool breezes: As stated before, The majority of the time is like this, With the occational change here or there. During the winter however, The land becomes covered in snow, Making many of the forests look like either a winter wonderland or a snowy deathtrap.

Fauna & Flora

The only thing of note in this category is a unique bird that is located almost exclusively on this island, The Storm Eagle. An eagle large enough to carry at least one person, Maybe a few people at once. It has been infused with the power of lightning, Allowing it to survive practically any type of electric attack and it can even shoot lightning from its beak. It's most often used as transport between the mainland and the various floating areas around the island and surrounding areas, It's mainly associated with Zeus, For obvious reasons.


Mount Olympus. Home of the Olympians and one of the tallest mountains in the world, The island was named after it and is a great place to explore, Even if you won't be allowed onto the top.   Sparta. One of two capital cities on the island, And home to the ferocious spartian army whose patron saint is Ares. Though not as scary as it sounds for most newcomers, The city is very nice and peaceful most of the time, Unless you go near Aete Peak.   Athens. The second of the two capital cities. Ruled by Athena, the city has been revolutionary in bringing about the advanced arts and modern politics all across Erethes. Great place to visit if you're looking for a stable economy and high-society theater.   Timesreach. A ginourmous city that is located inside of a seperate timestream, Allowing for more freedom, Less constricted by the laws of time as we know them. The city has special keys that allow the user to access the city from any point in time, Even before the creation of the city. As well as allowing the user to exit the city at any point as well, Good place to check out if you want an impromptu history lession after shopping, Just be careful of the Dahaka.   Aycri & The Emerald Path. Aycri is one of the larger elven cities in Erethes, And probably the most interesting. Long ago, A meteorite nearly crushed the entire city in one go, Only being stopped by Geb, Who suspended it perpetually above the city. As for the Emerald Path, It is technically the largest prison in Erethes for the sole reason of it's unique incarceration system. The prison is definitely made to have as much space as possible, But what makes it special is it doesn't have many normal cell blocks, Instead it uses multiple "Portal Rooms" to send people to different areas or realms as punishment, Sometimes sending inmates to one of the hells in particularly bad cases.   The Crow's Nest. A group of floating islands that are normally inaccessable by normal means, Often having to take special rides to the top on giant super-powered birds called "Storm Eagles". These islands are owned and run by a cabal of shady merchants looking to have a black market of sorts always available in the nest.   Caves of Mor' Dun. A large underground network of caves and caverns, Often home to thousands of goblins, Orc kin and Monster races that couldn't find (or weren't given) a place within Draland's culture.   Atropas Ruins. A combo of an ancient ruined temple and town, Nobody really knows what to make of this place, As anyone that has ever been sent to the ruins have never came back. Nobody has gone to check what happened in a very long time, All the people know for sure is to stay far away from this location.
Olympian Reunion   While the island and it's inhabitants are normally resistant to newcomers or outside influence, There is a stretch of four days at the end of Olym where all of the Olympian gods gather at the top of Mount Olympus to party for the entire four days, Mortals are often welcomed onto the mountain for this short period of time. The island gets the highest influx of visitors over the course of the event, Often boosting their population count by a substantial amount.   After the event is over, All mortals atop the mountain are guided back down the mountain to resume their lives, This is really the only time mortals ever get to see the top of the mountain.


  • Olympus
God of War   In the year 764 AV, Ares ended up sacking the City of Tears in Athrae, As a way to satiate his bloodlust. After this event, People were reminded how brutal and unforgiving most of the Olympians can be sometimes. And so, Olympus' already abysmal travel numbers have become even worse over the past few months, Garnering a certain reputation that won't be forgotten any time soon.