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Werewolf {Erethes} (Ancient Greek; λυκάνθρωπος, lukánthrōpos, 'wolf-human')

Also the article for other Werebeasts.

Werewolves, Lycanthropes, Werebeasts, Whatever you may call them, They are a part of the world as we know it. Created by the god Hircine, These beasts were once people, Transformed into a Lycan by any manner of ways. Lycanthropes have long been hunted by groups that fear their primal power, Though, These groups are not the only ones that are afraid of these creatures, But they are the only ones that act on it.   Werebeasts are often intelligent, As they are normal people for the most part. A lycan doesn't just have to be a Wolf-like creature, It can be other animals as well. Though no animals have been disproven to be capable of being a "Lycan Animal", Some animals have just been rare enough to not be seen quite yet, However, Some common animal types are as follows; Werewolf, Werebear, Wereboar and Werestag. Followed by some rarer types; Wereraven, Wererat, Wereshark and so on.   Lycanthropes were created by Hircine as the ultimate predator, And as such there are a few issues that come with being a Lycan that are remnants of Hircine's influence. For example, Werebeasts can transform at will, Some can even transform into their actual animal form, Rather than a hybrid. However, A full moon is often where magic is at it's strongest, Due to Hecate's connection to the moon. Because of this, During a full moon, A lycan that would normally be the nicest and most gentle person you've ever met, Could suddenly lose control and disembowel you because he was slightly peckish.   Additionally, Lycans cannot go to any afterlife except Hircine's plane of existence when they die, This takes effect as soon as you contract lycanthropy and cannot be prevented unless you are cured, Or a deity that rules another afterlife really wants you in their realm for whatever reason and will do as much as they can to save you. Do not think that Hircine's Plane is that bad, As it varies from person to person. Some really like the idea of it, While others would much rather avoid it, Or some would just prefer to go to their afterlife of choice, Whether that's because they had spent their whole life dreaming of going to a particular place, if they want to be with their family or some other reasoning.

Basic Information


Bipedal, Often humanoid in shape, But with a bone structure similar to that of a large dire wolf merged with a human structure. Often with larger fangs, Claws and skulls than that of the Dire Wolf, They can sometimes be seen with extra features based on what race they normally are. (Ex. Pointer Ears, Large Tusks and Scales, For Elves, Orcs and Dragonkin respectively.)   Their muscle mass also gains an increase, To the point that most Werewolves are much stronger than the average man.

Biological Traits

Most of the time lifespan depends on what race the original creature is, Lycanthropy adds about 200 years onto their lifespan. However, Due to the nature of their existance, Their life expectancy is about as much as a human.   Height and Weight are essentially the same thing, Depending on the Lycans original height and weight values, It can be more or less different than the average.

Genetics and Reproduction

Werewolves have the ability to create more lycanthropes in two ways; Simply make use of the original races reproduction option, Or some sort of DNA transfer, Such as bodily fluids entering a wound of some kind.   There is one last option however; Become Cursed. Either by a Witch, Shaman, Some sort of magic user or by Hircine himself.

Ecology and Habitats

Werewolves are intelligent, As such, They will often choose where they would like to live. However, Some Lycans do not have control over their functions, These Feral Lycans will often seek Moist or Humid areas, Such as Caves, Forests or Sewer systems.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Once again, Intelligent Lycans do not apply. However, A feral Werewolf will exclusively eat meats or animal parts, Mostly Red Meat.   Werewolves enjoy stalking their prey before going in for the kill, Much like their creator, The thrill of the hunt sometimes outweighs the importance of the actual animal.


Due to their wolven nature, Lycanthropes will attempt to assert dominance to their brethren, Mostly through contests of strength or skill in combat.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Usually, Lycanthropes can be found practically anywhere on Erethes, But Mainly Athrae, Draland and Drengrheim.

Average Intelligence

Werewolves by themselves do not have any type of common intelligence level, As it all depends on how smart the individual was before becoming a lycanthrope, Or if they've gone feral.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Lycanthropes often have increased Sight and Smell senses. Being able to see in total darkness fairly easy and pick up average scents from up to 40 feet away.   Werewolves also have enhanced taste, Being able to discern almost every flavor in a complex dish with ease.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming traditions are the same as whatever race the lycans humanoid form is, Though most lycans will be named before becoming a Werebeast, Due to the nature of the process.
Lycanthrope Cure   Due to the nature of the curse, And the ever-looming knowledge that werewolves go to Hircine's Hunting Grounds when they die, Many people seek a cure. The only known way to cure Lycanthropy is to find who or whatever cursed you, Chop off it's head, and preform a ritual including the head(s), A deer antler and Wolf's Bane, With the Lycan in question standing inside of a magic circle.   This ritual can also cure an individual after death, However, It must be preformed the same way, Just with their spirit standing within the circle instead. Though, Due to most werewolves getting taken by Hircine almost immediately, It has never really been done.
Scientific Name
260 Years
Average Height
8 feet, or 2.4 meters
Average Weight
310lbs or 140kg
Average Physique
Lycanthropes can vary in shape and size, It all depends on the individuals humanoid form and if their Lycan animal is something other than a Wolf. Such as a Werebear or Werestag. Having more or less muscle mass than a Werewolf respectively.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
A lycans fur color does not necessarily have to be even remotely similar to the original skin or hair color of the individual, Though it can. Race can also have an effect on this, For example; Dark Elves having a more purple or white hue to their skin or fur, Dragonborn often having the fur color of their original scale color, Etc.   Though if there is no big racial factor contributing to this, It will most likely be random.
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