A Primer on the Nations of Eroedon

Eroedon - Political Base Map Image

Human Nations


The Kingdom of Colandria spans across the Thin Sea and includes the city-state of Kingsport , the Principality of Ardmore , and the Protectorate of Sognefjord . The palace and throne of King Aric Krys IV are located in the powerful city of Kingsport , which is considered the political and trading centre of The Nations of Eroedon . The House of Krys prioritises maintaining its strategic dominance and power in the region. The use of arcane magic is integrated into the daily lives of Colandrians. Kingsport is highly defendable and serves as the protector of the Academy of Quinn on its eastern coastline.


The Principality of Ardmore is a significant territory in the Kingdom of Colandria . It is always governed by the heir to the Calandrian throne, Princess Cily Krys , who rules with a balance of compassion and might from its capital in Windmere. The Principality is protected by a strong military and standing army of The Kingsmen , which guards its borders with Eldridan and Zul'Gurak . Ardmore is strategically important to Kingsport as it is a fertile food bowl, and Kingsport would starve without it. Although considered rustic compared to Kingsport , Ardmore is catching up with the technical advancements of its parent state, especially in its military.  


Sparsely populatedSognefjord is ruled by Duke Cornelius Krys , the brother of the King, from its capital city of Skogfors . This region is abundant in resources, particularly metals and Mysticite . It is responsible for protecting fjords, that are the only sailing route from the Thin Sea to the Great Southern Ocean. The dwarves of Rundar, who have formed an alliance with the King, extensively mine the fjord's peaks, while the Fjelltopp Forest to the west provides an ample supply of game to feed Kingsport .    


Ridhas is a theocracy governed by, the High-Abbot of Shiroku , the Ruler of The Elven Pantheon . The Elves of Olma Palis have benevolently influenced their culture for centuries, and many Sindarin (half-elves) live in their towns and forests. Although they trade with their neighbours, they do not have any political alliances with Colandria or Arinor .  


Chieftain Thorgar wisely rules the nomadic clans that seasonally move through the Arinal Steepe, following their herds of bison. They are known for their fierce determination to remain independent from Colandria and their impressive strength and skill with axes. In addition, the Arinor clans are famous for their horsemanship and resourcefulness. When imperilled, the combined strength of their warband can rival any standing army of Eroedon . They only have a few permanent settlements used mainly for defence or trading. Most of the population lives a nomadic lifestyle that has been successful for centuries.  


The Eldridanian society has been built through frequent conflicts with various groups, including the "barbarian" tribes of Keth'ar Un , the Orcs of Zul'Gurak , and Colandria, all of whom seek their resources. As a result, Elidridans work together to support each other in a planned and communal society. Those who fail to do so must fend for themselves and often leave Eldridan . The Forge Masters lead them, but recently, there have been more hostile and close-minded attitudes among the Elidridans, leading to the Purge in 2105. Currently, Eldridan is isolated and unfriendly to its neighbours.  

Keth'ar Un

Chieftain L'ar Un mountain clans find themselves geographically isolated between the Elves of Falkoria Taurë , the Orks of Zul'Gurak and the increasingly difficult Eldridanian's of the south, having refused to join the Eldridanian's in their purge of the Genesi . This geographic isolation denied them the trade opportunities and technical advances the rest of the human nations. Because of this, they have been labelled "barbarians" by the less educated. However, those who travel to the mountain dweller are often surprised by the richness of their civilisation and culture.

Elven Nations

The Elves are devised between the two socially opposite nations of Olma Palis and Falkoria Taurë in the northern reaches of Eroedon  

Olma Palis

The Tareldar, also known as High-Elves, occupy the frigid but stunning lands of the northeast peninsula, now known as Olma Palis or The Nine Glades. Though technically aliens to the world of Creshan , most believe they are native to the continent of Eroedon after residing there for two and a half Great Cycles. They govern themselves through the Dúven ó Olma (Council of Nine) from their capital city of Calas Galadhon . The Tareldar trade with their kin on the continent of Hydaelyn and with the firya (human ones) in Ridhas and Arinor . A deep alliance with Ridhas has resulted in strong cultural, political and genetic bonds, blurring the border between the two nations.  

Falkoria Taurë

The second elven nation, that of Falkoria Taurë is located in the stunning and sparsely populated forest of the northwest. Unhappy with their kin in Olma Palis's open relationship with the firya (human ones), Falkoria was settled by those who sought a more isolationist and self-sufficient society almost two Great Cycles ago. Based on the Way of the Taurë (forest), they settled deep with the woodlands in a location known to very few outside of Falkoria and Olma Pailis. Magical boundaries with their neighbours of Keth'ar Un and Zul'Gurak to the south keep their borders closed to most outsiders. Very few have met a Taurë Quende (Forest-Elf), let alone know how to find Falkoria. It is not known who currently leads them or how they are governed.

Dwarven Nations

Dwarfs maintain mountain cities and underground fortresses in the Border Range of Ardmore, the Singing Spires of Arinor and the peaks of Songefjord. They do not claim nor care for national status. And their quality of resources and craft have always ensured their alliance with the hurms (human-ones) of the lowlands.  

Drugan Dwarka

The Morndin Dhar (Mountain Dwarves) of in the Border Range north of Eldridan, have previously been closely associated with the hurms (human-ones) of Eldradan, with many Eldidanian fortifications being dwarven in design. However, recent Eldaradanian antagonism has ended that alliance. As a result, they now live in relative geographic isolation in their mountain holds.  


Rundar is the name given to the Dwarves of Sognefjord. Living in the mountainous peaks of the Fjorlands, They have specialised over the centuries in mining and refining Mysticite , and forging weapons and artifacts of great magic. Being surrounded by the Fjords of Sognefjord , they are the only Dwarves to use the waterways for transport. They have forged an alliance of convenience with the Kingdom of Colandria , satisfying its need for Mysticite .

Orc Nations

While once found across the continent of Eroedon, the Orcs are now confined to a single nation in the vast mountain ranges of the west.  


Orcs maintain territory called Zul'Gurak in the hills between the Border Range and Firespeak Mountains, south of the border of Falkoria Taurë . Raiding parties make their way through the mountain passes after the spring thaw to plunder Ardmore , Keth'ar Un and @Eldridan . They venture not into the magical forests of Falkoria Taurë . However, it has been noted that their raiding has waned over the past few years.
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