Aska Cross

High Queen Aska Cross

Aska Cross (born 3633, died 3738) is as important of a character as any. Born as youngest daughter to King Holden Cross who became king after he rebelled against his brother at the battle of deaths gate. After the rebellion won Holden took the crown and after 8 years he passed away leaving his daughter as the first High Queen of Cowenta. She was already married to Valar vei Sótborn(born 3631, died 3724 before crowning so the royal pair made King and Queen.

Aska never acted like the highborn she was born to be. When she was 16 she ran away from her castle in Vignile with none other than the party of mercenaries that came to be the Heroes of the shattering. With more of a battle experience than political reasoning, she passed her High Queen status over to her beloved husband who became High King, and stayed high king for a record braking 93 years.

The Shattering

What is known of Aska's involvement in the shattering and its long plan is not well documented. However what is undeniably true is that if it wouldn't be for Aska the shattering might not have succeeded. The cult known as Seekers had a deeply rooted plan to use Arjen Blight, a King of the east as a conduit for the dawning ritual. to once more institute a magical rule from Arcanai's power. But after the assassination of king Arjen by the demon Arthiin. The dawning ritual was at a critical stage. You need a Blight as a conduit for the dawning ritual and people born with blight are hard to come by. By then however the Brothers of Dawn who had already known of the seekers plan to re-instate Arcanai's power over the world, had a different plan in mind. to break the cycle of the dawning ritual and shatter it to bring in an era of equality. For that they needed a blight. Having spent months with aska they knew she could do it. At the battle of deaths gate the Brothers along with Aska started the dawning ritual. Grundi, a seeker and one of the best wizards of Eros came to stop their plan. After a hard fight Aska took her dagger and inflicted the killing blow to Grundi. but not before he inflicted an everlasting wound on Aska in return. his blade cut her from mouth to ear almost killing her. Aska fell at the grounds of the dawning ritual. her blood spilling on the conduit. Completing the final step of the ritual. she plunged her dagger into the conduit, disrupting the ritual and forever breaking the gods hold on these lands.  


Her rule over Cowenta was long and prosperous, if only in one sentence the people would describe her as the mother that nursed the Kingdom. Mending broken alliances, creating new ones and maintaining peace in the lands. In her younger years she always walked among the people of the lower city in Kingslake. with no expression but a faint smile and a nod she would greet people and browse shops.
The scar was a mark of honor to her. when painters asked her if she would like to be painted without it she would say:
The mark that was left on me is the mark of a new age, even a flower grown from manure is proud of its roots

Family & Later Life

Producing offspring was a very long journey for Valar and Aska. It wasn't until they were in their forties when Aska gave birth to her first son Vaemor vei Cross (at age 41). Later came Holden vei Cross (Holden II)(at age 46), Vala vei Cross (at age 48) and last Arnyra vei Cross (at age 51).
Valar vei Sótborn Died at 93 years old in the year 3724 AF. After his death Their oldest son Vaemor ve Cross took the crown and became High king at 50 years old. Aska saw her son rule into her old age and she peacefully passed away 12 years later at the age of 105 years old


Aska Cross


Towards Valar vei Sótborn

Valar vei Sótborn


Towards Aska Cross

Date of Birth
18 Arcanos
Date of Death
34 Nodocos
3633 AF 3738 AF 105 years old
Place of Death


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