Valar vei Sótborn

High King Valar vei Sótborn

Valar vei Sótborn is mostly known for being a high king of Cowenta. He was married to Aska Cross, daughter of the previous high king Holden Cross. Valar became high king in the year 3664. His rule was very accepted and both him and the queen were very accepted by the society. Valar gained the nickname "Valar the serene". After his reputation of his calm demeanor began to spread.  

Early life

Valar was born into the Sótborn family. One of the high families in the Breakaway isle that make up house Grayrock. As a child of the breakaway isles you are meant to have a curtain love for the sea and sailing. Valar however did not share that passion. From his earliest years he always wanted to be a knight, just like the ones in the stories. Luckily as a highborn he was given that chance. Valar was a fearing adversary to anyone in the Kings tournaments. He even won a duel tournament in the Vinewood forest when he was only 17. It was there he met Aska for the first time only he did not know her true name at the time, she had ran away with a band of mercenaries at the time and was attending the tournament with them in secrecy as her father was at the same tournament. That was at the controversially famous tournament where high king Hagan Cross executed Lord Mejik Hravenfor ruler of the great city of Berbak.
After becoming a fully fledged knight Valar sought out to help in the upcoming war, as a Sótborn and heir to the seat of House Grayrock he was dutybound to serve them, but he did not agree to the then High king's decisions and war campaign. He sought out the son of Lord Mejik, Salazar Hravenfor. And joined the rebellion. At the great war, he fought with Salazar both in the Battle of Splitmuth Gorge. And again in the famous Battle at hells gate.
Before the battle of Hells gate he found Aska in the highlands of the Frozen north, bloodied and unconscious. He carried her to the next village and stayed by her side till she became healthy enough to travel. There they found love for each other and shared their stories. After getting to know her true name and lineage he gave her his word and did not notify her father of her location and state, they then met again after the battle at hells gate and voiced their love for each other. Shortly after they got married and moved to Kingslake together after her father was crowned High king for leading the rebellion along side Salazar and slaying his brother the former high king.

Valar's Rule

Valar took the crown after Aska refused it and offered him the High King status instead. Valar was always well red and especially at the art of politics. As the only son in the Sótborn family the torch of roundtable spokesman in house Grayrock was always inevitable, so he read as many books on the art of war, peace, debate and politics in his younger years. That and his calm demeanor ensured one of the most peace kept rule in many years. With the help of his dear queen the pair made alliances form in the most unlikely places. In the year 3680 Valar proposed a treaty. a peace offering to the once great house Vicemyr. The treaty held promises to house vicemyr such as condemning the actions taken by previous high king, Holden cross. Reinstating the Witherlands as Vicemyr land. The treaty was called "Treaty of Resemblance" and was accepted by house Vicemyr. Reinstating the age old union of the great houses.

Family & later life

Producing offspring was a very long journey for Valar and Aska. It wasn't until they were in their forties when Aska gave birth to her first son Vaemor vei Cross (at age 43). Later came Holden vei Cross (Holden II)(at age 48), Vala vei Cross (at age 50) and last Arnyra vei Cross (at age 53). Valar vei Sótborn Died at 93 years old in the year 3724 AF. After his death Their oldest son Vaemor vei Cross took the crown and became High king at 50 years old.


Aska Cross


Towards Valar vei Sótborn

Valar vei Sótborn


Towards Aska Cross

Date of Birth
15th of Niith
Date of Death
2nd of Efrios
3631 AF 3724 AF 93 years old
Place of Death
Aska Cross (spouse)


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