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Rusalka is a wood sprite with red hair, from the Feywild Expanse, who was taken as a baby, and then raised by The Court of Shadow within The Shadows part of The Feywild Realm.
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She is very loyal to Ulorian The River King - reporting back to him daily from the royal Vale of Taesiara, in hope he will become sovereign of The Feywild Realm.

Sprites are the warrior relatives of Pixies. They were fierce defenders of good wherever they dwelt, and were also firm judges of other creatures' hearts and intentions.

The term "sprite" actually had two meanings: the first meant the specific race of tiny warriors, while the second use referred to the group of tiny, insect-featured Fey that the specific kind belonged to.

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Rusakla switched the fake tin crown placed by Warlin for the Iron crown - in the one-shot The Re-Coronation of the Fey Queen.

Current Location
She / Her
Aligned Organization


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