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Court of Shadow

The Court of Shadow resides in a part of The Feywild Realm often referred to as The Shadows. The Shadow Fey are often almost human-looking. The Winter Courts is the main settlement for the Court of Shadow, and is filled with opulence and grand design. The Winter Courts rest on a high plateau in the heart of a dark forest in the approximate centre of the Shadows. The buildings are made of wood, which have roofs of magically created bark or leaves.

The true rulers of the Court of Shadow Fey reside in the upper portions of the Winter Courts, in part of the Winter Palace and the Royal Halls called The Tower of the Moonlit Shadows. The Winter Palace functions as the traditional seat of the exciled king, Ludomir Imbrium, The Moonlit King, though he only walks its halls when the strange seasons of Fey rule turn and his Winter Court ascends. Otherwise, the ultimate power over Court of Shadow and by extension much of The Shadows, is the King's wife, her Transcendent Majesty, Sarastra Aestruum, the Queen of Night and Magic, and nephew Ulorian the River King. She dwells in the Night Halls, along with the upper crust of the Court of Shadow society. While Ulorian resides within the River Halls.

Sarastra Aestruum is known to allow guests to make their obeisance, ask a single favour, and quickly get handed off to Court functionaries. She acts and rules in her husbands stead, yet it is rumoured she wished to take a more permanent place on the throne.

Ulorian is one of the Elves - a powerful and muscular lord, with strong use of magic from The Plane of Water - who wears a cloak of foam-trimmed dark blue and a vest of woven green reeds and willow branches. His crown shines like the sun on a lake, and his flowing hair curls and moves like reeds in the water (even on dry land). An orb of blue light that ripples like water circles his hand.

His Rippling Majesty, Ulorian the River King, rules over the Rippling Court and ultimately all the river Elves of the four wide rivers within The Shadows in The Feywild Realm. His court resides where the four river cross, named Rivercross - in a realm of Fey glamour and silty water.

Only the most respected supplicants receive invitations to enter the Royal Halls in Rivercross for audience. Ulorian is known to give any guests able of time and attention. Ulorian plays to peoples interests and deep desires, as he would also like to rule, not just the Court of Shadow, but the whole of The Feywild Realm. His loyal spy in the Royal Vale named Taesiara, Rusalka (Wood sprite), reports to him daily.


The Shadows reflect natures darker aspects and the lands of the Shadows are usually found to be a twisted, crueler and harsher then the Summer Lands. Four wild rivers travel through the dark Woods. It is Uncertain if the taint of darkness are influenced by the lands of the Court of Shadow, or the evilness of those Fey of the Court of Shadow tainted by the land within the Shadows.


The Winter Court is the main settlement for the Court of Shadow, and is filled with opulence and grand design. The Courts rest on a high plateau in the heart of a dark forest in the approximate center of the Shadows.

The gray-twilight gloom of the Shadows occasionally breaks in the sky above the Court of Shadow Fey, allowing the stars to show their glittering points of light to those that study illumination magic. Even the moon shines directly on the Exiled King’s home, The Tower of the Moonlit Shadows.

The Winter Court consists of four main sections:
* The Royal Halls,
* The Tower of the Moonlit Shadows
* The Winter Palace
* The Lower Court

The population of the Winter Court is always in flux, with only the most noble and lofty members of the court (along with their servants, consorts, and courtesans) in permanent residence within the Royal Halls and Winter Palace.

Ludomir Imbrium, The Moonlit King
Sarastra Aestruum, the Queen of Night and Magic, Transcendent Majesty
Ulorian the River King, Ludomir's nephew

Court, Royal
Alternative Names
The Darkened Court
Notable Members
Related Species

Associated Elemental Planes:
* The Plane of Water
* The Plane of Wood


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