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The Gamblers' Run

The Gamblers' Run gained it's name because they gamble on which Token will complete the run - by reaching the distination of Labés City in Kutloc, with the wooden flying creature in hand.

In Pex the 7th month of 1390AG, a group known as The Gamblers' Run was formed.

These people were made up from members of families who took advantage of the third and fourth invasion of The City. Many moved away once wealthy enough to travel, heading around the encroaching Feywild Expanse, to the western parts of Kutloc.

They had for ten years in a row been tasks with craving a flying creature out of rowan wood. There were to be compartments inside the the creature, to hold a 'conductor' stone as well as six elemental stones. Then one member of their family had to travel from the West side of Kutloc throught the Feywild Expanse, collecting the elemental stones and the condusting stone, to place the wooden creature in the well of The City.

For ten years in a row, each family had members die or be dismembered. They decided to not let that continue.

They never knew who they were tasked by. Each time The Enchantress Ezmia approached a certain family, she came in the disguise of one from their race and usually with one family member she had managed to befriend. Her goal was to cause extra trouble for Melora The Wild Mother, which would keep her from stopping The Enchantress' own plans.

The Gamblers' Run turned it into a 'game' where the 'board' was Kutloc, where 'tokens' would run to complete the task. Best of all, they were not taking part. At first, they each would bet on which 'token' would win. However, it so became a "my-race-is-better" type thing. New rules were put in place.

After another six years of using Kutloc locals, they found that different members of The Gamblers' Run were either related to or knew most people on Kutloc. So they decided to hire mercenaries to collect people to be tokens, from the large continent of Malnax.

The Goliath family of Hidehearts joined The Gamblers' Run in 1400AG. It was the knowledge that Kelt Hideheart, guided by Hecate Darkmoon, gained from his sister Kivu, that encouraged him to plan the Goliath attack on Labés City. Successfully placed himself in charge of the magical protected city.


RACE: AasimarFallen
NAME: Elkraial
LOCATION: residence is Elkraial's House in Loma
DESCRIPTION: male, with pupil-less stone grey eyes. He has with silver hair that has four stone grey stripes through it. His emerald skin looks tainted with grey - as if he is turning to stone - He is not, but being a Fallen Aasimar has lost some of his previous colouring. His wings are thinned with darkening grey feathers.
BELIEF: Elkraial thinks his race is superior - only other Half-breeds nearly match up.
NOTES: follower of Cyric (The Mad God). Is older brother of Louisiana, who joined Tenah.

RACE: DragonbornGreen
NAME: Graina Burrnook
LOCATION: residence is The Scales in Quid . DESCRIPTION: Graina has watchful yellow eyes and emerald green scales.
GOAL: Graina wants to increase her families horde of gold.
NOTES: Eldest granddaughter of Matriarch Meila Tirroseila

RACE: Dwarves
NAME: Grouznod CopperfallHill Dwarf
LOCATION: lives in Copperfall House in Taka Taka DESCRIPTION: male, with brown skin and gray hair.
GOAL: to increase influence throughout Kutloc
NOTES: more coin than sense, believes a tough dwarf should win, owns the Taka Taka Zoo.

NAME: Tellu FarbeerMountain Dwarf
LOCATION: lives on Tail Island
DESCRIPTION: female with lightly tanned skin and green eyes with long light brown hair - has large beard and mustache, with reddish stone beads throughout.
GOAL: To keep the Tail Island Mine running and make extra coin.
NOTES: rarely takes part in the Run, unless thinks her Token will get furtherest so can get extra coin, as has to travel Ragett to be involved.

RACE: Elves
NAME: Amarille QuixisysHigh Elf
LOCATION: resides in the Quixsys Estate in Spear
DESCRIPTION: female with amber eyes, red-hair and a fierce temper.
GOAL: To win at all costs.
NOTES: Amarille is certain once the right High Elf is located, she will "win" the Run. She has been known to cheat in attempts to fine the best person.

NAME: Selonis WalstilsWood Elf
LOCATION: is the tutor at the Selonis' Bow School in Whisp
DESCRIPTION: female with coppery skin and green hazel eyes. She has short cropped black brown hair.
GOAL: To prove she still can train anyone. Also, to meet Hern The Master Hunter (who she is aware is actually Klodis).
NOTES: Her skill with any style of bow is extremely high.

RACE: GnomeRock
NAME: Frouse Clurbadirt
DESCRIPTION: male with woody brown (with an occasional hint of gray) skin, silvery white hair, and eyes of dark blue.
GOAL: to leave the Gamblers' Run without any harm to his family,
NOTES: believes Gnomes are smarter. Rock gnomes live about 450 years, though some ancient gnomes can live to 600 or more. He is learning to look at every situation and at all angles;
Nissa's great great Grandfather
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Nissa has been returned to Nial by @[Tenah]

RACE: Goliath
NAME: Kivu Hideheart
LOCATION: resides in Ihoko
DESCRIPTION: female with grey skin and short black hair along her scalp. Bony supraorbital ridges above her bright blue eyes.
GOAL: To rule all of Kutloc along side her brother.
NOTES: Kivu is the head of the Amber Court in Ihoko. She believes the Goliath race is stronger and able to last longer in the Run. (Considers the Tiefling Shiva as useful - for now).
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BROTHER Kelt Hideheart is seen as the ruler of Labés City, on the East side of Kutloc, past the Feywild Expanse

RACE: Half-Elf
NAME:Xilvae Enxidor
LOCATION: resides in Fellow
DESCRIPTION: male with long dark brown hair and hazel green eyes.
GOAL: - wants to be more than Elves and humans treat his kind as;
NOTES: the children of the first Wood Elf and a Human Gamblers' Run members are his ancestors.

RACE: HalflingStrongheart
NAME: Wella Sunbones
DESCRIPTION: female, with cunning smile, pretty grey eyes and long blonde plaited hair.
GOAL: She is certain a one smaller race will win - rather than a huge lug with little common sense.
NOTES: charming and no nonsense.

RACE: Human
brother and sister team
NAME: Antia Stoile
DESCRIPTION: a tall, slim female with a long pointed nose, straight brown hair worn in a tight bun, carmel coloured eyes and thin lips.
GOAL: To capture a Void Elemental and control it, to help her win (with or without her brother Dolen).
NOTES: nasty, callis and bold; want to find ways to cheat; Cruel.

NAME: Dolen Stoile
DESCRIPTION: a tall, slim male with a long pointed nose, short, straight brown hair, carmel coloured eyes and thin lips.
GOAL: To make sure he and Antia win no matter what.
NOTES: nasty, callis and bold; want to find ways to cheat; Bitter

RACE: Tabaxi
NAME: Lily (Lily of the Valley)
LOCATION: residence in the small settlement of Ump.
DESCRIPTION: a calico coloured female, who is equally white, orange and black. Her face is dark on half and light colouring on the other side, like a line had been drawn
GOAL: To be crown in Labés City
NOTES: tip of tail has been snipped off in accident

RACE: Tiefling
NAME: Shiva
LOCATION: Owner of White Shore Guesthouse in White Shore
DESCRIPTION: female with orangey-red skin and twisted tan horns. Her eyes are flickering gold. Her long tail is often carried in her left hand, so not to drag on the sand or dirt.
GOAL: To continue the annual Run and let the Feywild Expanse remain.
NOTES: aligns self with her idea of the Void - interested in aspects of The Plane of Void. Is close ally to the Goliath Kivu. Sees games as chaos and mirth; dyes self black and likes shadows;


A group (unnamed) on the country of Kutloc, who are people of the bloodline of those are held responsible for the Land awakening due to bloodshed and slavery of the settlement in more recent times named Labés City. When the Land awaked, as Klodis is called Melora The Wild Mother to aid in protecting it from further harm. Melora spread the Feywild Expanse throughout parts of Kutloc, to stop the expasion of those vaiding Labés City from going Westward.
The City soon gained magic to hold the Feywild Expanse at bay. As Melora fought against The Enchantress Ezmia, her split focus caused madness and she lost control over the Feywild Expanse. By the time Melora and Klodis could control it again, it filled half of Kutloc - only a few pockets of pure Prime Material Plane remained in those areas.
The Deities insisted those of the bloodlines responsible, take action to release the City from it's curse and in doing so, free Melora from her own accident trapping in the Feywild Expanse.


The quest is to free Kutloc from being held within the Feywild Expanse. They were given the task generations ago - as said to be their destiny. They fear what happens if they do not keep trying.
As Kutloc is said to be internally overrun by feywilds.

"The Land remembers"
To win the "Game" one of their tokens must survive the whole journey and place the artifact (currently The Queen's Duck) within the water of the well in Labés City.

The members meet once a year to, but usually not all of them can have a suitable person located each time, put a Token each on the Board - which actually is the land called Kutloc.

The members of the Gamblers' Run place an extra bet on their Token for how long they will last in the Feywilds Expanse. Once their current Token has been "removed", they may place a bet on another remaining Token.
The idea is that the Tokens all try to make it from Palan Beach on the West side of Kutloc, across to the East side to The City named Labés City.

Once the 'found' Tokens are placed on Palan Beach, with wristbands on, a basic map and the carved creature, then the 'game' begins.

The board (Kutloc) has never been completed. So it is the last Token standing who gains the pot.

Public Agenda

To free Kutloc from the Feywild Expanse.


The original members totalled 12 people ...
* 1 Halfling
* 1 Dragonborn
* 1 Tiefling
* 1 Gnome
* 2 Dwarves - Mountain and Hill
* 2 Elves - Wood and High
* 1 Aasimar
* 1 Goliath
* 2 Humans

The perilous and fateful task of trying to get through the Feywild Expanse, from the Crystal Cavern to the other side into Labés City took a toll on the families of the group.
They settled on western coast of Kutloc, and found the task so tough and all of the Tokens were hurt or died from their adventures as they tried to achieve the goal.
Their descendants choose to try again and again to complete the task. After some did not return and many who did were severely injured, the choose to find other people to be the tokens.
Together they planned to remove themselves from danger. The rules were rewritten other years that followed. The Run is now considered an important tradition and a right of the members of the family to organise - however never again be part of.

The members of the Gamblers' Run understand that six elemental stones have to be taken to the well in The City. They had learnt a flying creature carved of Rowan Trees wood held the elemental stones best, and preferrably with some type of conductor stone.

This organisation created by original members as a form of betting, to stop their own families having do the run to complete the quest, benefits from the risk of other people.
As time went on the people of Kutloc grew anti sending their family members and too many were related to the Gamblers' Run anyway. Therefore, the members decided to hire seafaring mercenaries to find people - preferably without family or religious ties. Most of these people came from the large continent of Malnax. These people would either willingly come, or more often than not, be kidnapped, to Kutloc.
The "Token" is actually a person who has to be of their own race, who has no known alignment to a main Deity to call on and no close family to miss them - usually brought by ship from Malnax, against their will.

To have great control, minimal communication, and for trackability, of these Tokens, the Gamblers' Run created metal wristbands, that would cause pain to the wearers, if they did not go where necessary.
Except, these metal wristbands would fail to cause pain once the person was within the Feywild Expanse. Also, the tracking was limited down to knowing if they still had a pulse.

Gub is a brown coloured Kobold - who works for the Gamblers' Run.
Gub does errands, delivers private messages and dances for coin to eavesdropping in settlements around the western part of Kutloc. Also, Gub can fit in dirty, small places the members cannot and will not go.

Illicit, Syndicate
Controlled Territories
Related Items


Tenah is a group of people who covertly aid the Tokens. There goal is for the quest to be completed without the members of the Gamblers' Run getting any credit - therefore failing to appease the Deities involved.

Gambler's Bane = The last surviving members of two sets of Tokens have united against the Gamblers' Run.


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