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Spear is a town located on the edge of Fern Woods on Kutloc (within the Prime Material Plane) - looking out over the edge of Fen Sounds, which contains areas of The Feywild Realm.

Spear grew on a road that connected two other towns - Vartol located in the Feywild Expanse, and The Feywild Realm settlement named Eynia - which the path has long vanished into the Feywild Expanse.

They are an egalitarian-ish, primitivist, militocratic, republic that worships many deities - although it is Sehanine Moonbow and Deep Sashlas who seem to hold the greatest importance.

The town has become more worried about defense as the Feywild Expanse grew. Parts of Fern Woods is still in the Prime Material Plane. Spear has 7 foot walls on three sides - a lower wall towards the sea so not to ruin the view. A very large miltary present.

On Market day the town square, which is not centre to the town but slightly towards the North-West, is cramped and dusty. The main street is Lord Road, which is from the main gate bending slight to reach the square.
Lord Road is a rather wide dirt and gypsum road. It is made of dirt that has been gently packed down. The road has a groove along the middle designating which side people should travel on.

Puddles Street joins the town square end of Lord Road, and back around to the main gate end. It was named after a much loved dog of an Elf named Amarille Quixisys.

Oda Crescent curves to the West from Lord Road - it is a rather narrow dirt and gypsum road. It is made of dirt that has been packed down. One of the houses on the left side has a second story that leans concerningly far over the road. The road's name comes from Oda Garrick, a Gnome guard who was renowned in ancient Kutloc for capturing dangerous criminals.

Summer Road is a broad dirt and gypsum road, that joins Lord Road to the steps that lead down to the sea. Summer Road is really just path, with the grass just gently trodden down. There are rows of potted plants and herbs, the produce of which people are free to pick at their leisure, if they leave some coin.

Duchess Plaza is a claustrophobically narrow dirt and clay street. It is a short path, which leads to only two buildings (The Armoury and The Scarlet Slipper).

Fresh Fishery
A fish seller on Lord Road, which is owned by the cousin of the mayor, Genoth, a pale blue Dragonborn, and his assistant a Water Genasi named Wash.

Tempting Stones
A jeweller on Puddles Street, owned by a orange Dragonborn named Maitlick Flamedskin. The store's specialty is the fine gemstones cut every day, out of the caves along the cliff.

The Mortar and Abyssal
A somewhat cramped potion store, on Lord Road, that is reasonably tidy, and is known for its rare magical potions. Owned by a Fire Genasi named Coal and a Teifling named "Sal" (Salubrious).
They frequently have some issues with mice and rats scurrying in the ceiling and walls. Coal and Sal work hard to mitigate the problem.

Lively Bakery
A bakery on Puddles Street, owned by a Gnome couple named Petal and Lance Bombardier. Their specialty is baking rolls, cakes and biscuits in the shapes of various animals and weapons.

Quixisys Estate
This grand house made of creamy white stone is home to Amarille Quixisys, who is one of the Elves of The Gamblers' Run.
Amarille Quixisys is a High Elf female with red-haired and a fierce temper. She is certain once the right High Elf is located, she will "win". Has been known to cheat in attempts to fine the best person.

The Armoury
This building at the end of Duchess Plaza, is a spacious armoury for the strong miltary present, as well as both a Weapon Smith Store and Armour Smith Store. The smithery that's quite well organised, worked by a Dwarf named Bubean Runehide and a red Dragonborn named Pisodash Zhex. It is known for very well crafted weapons and armour.

The Scarlet Slipper
A quaint bordello along the narrow Duchess Plaza, that's extremely messy on the outside - muddy white-ish walls, roof is a cold metallic red and the trimmings are dim pink. Inside the bright colours are glittery red, fiery orange, and vibrant Blue. It is known for an outlet to live out delightful fantasies and fancies. Owned by a surly brute Hugill Baxter (Half-Orc). The three mistresses who work there wear fitted white (Crystal), yellow (Honey) and grey (Dove) satin gowns over same coloured satin lingerie.


In the rich, moist, well-drained soil grows numerous types of ferns under shade or semi-shade of the tall trees. The natural beauty of a hardwood forest once made an beautiful place to visit, until the Feywild Expanse stretched across much of the middles section of Kutloc. Within the Feywild Expanse, displacer beasts, Xorn, and many varities of spiders live within the Fern Woods.


Mayor is Major Neroth. A miltary minded, navy blue Dragonborn, who was trained in Wolfengast in Kutloc, on the other side of the Feywild Expanse. He thinks himself brave and fierce. Yet, he always checks with Amarille Quixisys,before making any definite decisions.


Before the Feywild Expanse, Spear was considered a lovely waterside holiday destination.

Inhabitant Demonym
Dragonborn, Gnome, Genasi, Elves, Halflings, Half-Elves and Humans
Location under


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