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The Queen's Duck

The Queen's Duck is considered an artifact of high importance - priceless - given to the Gambler's Bane, at the beginning of their quest.
They were told to take it to the well within Labés City in Kutloc - the otherside of the Feywild Expanse.

It is craved for The Gambler's Run, from the wood of Rowan Trees by Birdwood Crafts located in Taka Taka. There are hidden compartments inside, to hold a 'conductor' stone in the back under the tail, and three along each side of the six elemental stones - each in a particular place.

Six Elemental Planes

Show spoiler
Container for collecting elemental shards for removing the curse as the members of The Gamblers' Run believe - actually allows Klodis and Melora to once more enter inside Labés City.

LOCATION = Wolfengast


When given to the Gambler's Bane Party - one person was handed the wooden duck painted with a teal head. Along with a map. Unrolling the map, there a note was inside:
"Congratulations you have been selected as Tokens by the members of The Gamblers' Run.
You will be given challenges throughout your journey to The City of Labes. One of you must keep the Queen's Duck with you at all times, until the end. Many more challenging situations will likely find you. It is your choice whether to try and complete any challenge alone, or become a team. There will be rewards for your success and survival.
Your 1st challenge:- find food and shelter for the night.

Good fortune follow you. We are betting on you."

They all got special wrist bands to control the Tokens. The idea is they take The Queen's Duck to Labés City in order to free The City from the Land's anger and sorrow. They are expected to place the duck on the water in the central well.

Each of the artifacts previous have been a flying creatures craved out of wood of Rowan Trees.

Magpie original
Dragonfly given to Gambler's Bane by Louisiana (Aasimar)
Owl in Naica

* found in Vartol on people turned to stone by Medusas.


It is named the Queen's Duck not to honour the royal family in Hammerforge Palace, but instead in reverence of the Queen of The Feywild Realm Titiania aka Tiandra.

Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Owning Organization

Only one is known to exist in all of Esau.

250g (without stones)
Base Price

Cover image: by Mal


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