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Houses of Drakengard

Established in the years following the Dracomachy, Drakengard is a massive dwarven fortress built directly into the face of the Winterchill Peaks deep within the Blasted Lands. Five Great Houses operate within Drakengard; they have existed since the stronghold was originally established. Each of the Great Houses occupies a seat on the Council of Drakengard, the ruling body of the city. The five houses are associated with the first five dragon hunting factions to form after the Dracomachy and the Doomfall Cataclysm, they are House Runebrewer the leaders of the Rune Spears, House Platebreaker the founders of the Red Knights of the Anvil, House Strongbow the forefathers of the Forge Valkyries, House Kallestad the originators of the Dragon Swords, and House Berenbel the head of the Gearshifters. In addition to each Great House commanding a seat on the Council of Drakengard, the five houses are responsible for electing an official called the “Dragonkeeper” every ten years to keep the alliances between the houses fair and healthy for the good of Drakengard. Overtime, smaller houses have developed by engaging in the dragon-hunting economy and gaining the wealth associated with it. In addition to the hunting parties sponsored by the various great and lesser houses of Drakengard, dozens of independent crews have popped up over the past few centuries. Rather than owing their allegiance to any notable family, these groups typically commit themselves to their captain and their ship in search of glory and riches.  


Each of the Great Houses controls a different region of the Blasted Lands and Doomfall Sea for hunting purposes. The houses and their respective factions are constantly pursuing greater wealth and political power within the territory. Within Drakengard, a house’s power rests within the dragon-hunting economy. Each house is relentlessly strategizing as to how they can gain access to better hunting grounds and more prosperous treasure hauls. With the intense territorialism exhibited by the Great Houses, many of the lesser houses and private hunting crews are forced to pay steep levies to operate in these regions. These taxes have inspired some of the more entrepreneurial dragon-hunting crews to embark on expeditions that keep them flying under the radar of the more powerful houses.  


Drakengard culture is built upon a collective psychology that understands the threat Tiamat and her chromatic dragon hoards pose to the mortal races. As a result, despite the intense rivalries that exist between the Great Houses, the dragon hunting communities of Drakengard understand that serving as the sword in the darkness and the shield that guards the realms of men is their primary duty. These factions maintain a delicate balance of cooperation, aided by the Council of Drakengard and the Dragonkeeper, steering them towards the common cause of protection.   The city itself maintains good relationships with the storm giant capital of Maelifdar and the dwarven city of Nogaakaz’ad. The storm giants were quintessential to the victory over Tiamat and her minions during the Dracomachy and ever since then, the two settlements have enjoyed a strong trade partnership. Furthermore, the organs and body parts harvested from the slain dragons are essential to many of the in-demand goods and magical items sold throughout the southern markets of Eldamir.  

Great Houses

House Runebrewer

One of the five Great Houses of Drakengard, House Runebrewer formed shortly following the events of the Dracomachy. The original patriarch of the house, Vozat Runebrewer, is remembered fondly among the citizens of Drakengard for his heroic actions during the war with Tiamat. The house is well-known for the dragon hunting faction it commands, the Rune Spears. Currently, Riswynn Runebrewer of House Runebrewer sits upon the Council of Drakengard as the city’s Dragonkeeper.
House Platebreaker

Founded in the days following the Dracomachy, House Platebreaker is home to Drakengard’s first ever Dragonkeeper, Arna Platebreaker. The Platebreaker’s were crucial in helping to organize the Council of Drakengard as the ruling body for the city, as well as develop the office of Dragonkeeper to help promote the alliance among the great houses. In addition to their work in helping to construct the governing body for Drakengard, House Platebreaker also commands the dragon hunting faction the Red Knights of the Anvil. Their current patriarch is Thorin Platebreaker, a highly respected member of the Council of Drakengard and a close friend of the leader of the Order of the Great Wyrm of Hallowed Men, Calgrail "the Wise".
House Strongbow

The youngest of the dwarven great houses, House Strongbow came to be following the construction of Drakengard. History tells that the first leader of House Runebrewer, Vozat Runebrewer, came to blows with one of his bannermen and as a result, the Stongbows broke away from the Runebrewers to create their own house. Today, House Strongbow leads the dragon hunting outfit the Forge Valkyries and are well-known for being some of the best hunters in all of Esos. The house is led by Harbek Strongbow and while he is committed to the protection and prosperity of Drakengard, it is widely known that House Strongbow still harbors ill feelings towards House Runebrewer.
House Kallestad

House Kallestad was first established following the events of the Dracomachy and the Doomfall Cataclysm by the leader of the humans who served amongst the mortal alliance, Floyd Kallestad. Due to their shorter human lifespans, the members of House Kallestad are often treated by the other great houses as though they are children attempting to partake in an adult’s world. While the representatives of House Kallestad upon the Council maintain equal stature to their peers, it is not uncommon for the other houses to look down upon, dismiss, or even patronize them. Unfortunately, this condescending behavior is not with some justification, as the dragon hunting faction associated with House Kallestad, the Dragon Swords, is often seen as an incredibly aggressive, flamboyant, and egotistical bunch.
House Berenbel

The only Great House of Drakengard founded by gnomes, House Berenbel has existed since the war with Tiamat. Originally established by Zook Berenbel, the commander of the gnomish troops who served among the mortal alliance and the first man to take up the title of captain of a dragon hunting vessel, House Berenbel is highly respected amongst the citizens of Drakengard. The technologies developed and tactics implemented by the gnomes in hunting chromatic dragons has placed House Berenbel among the most revered in the entire city. Currently the great house is led by Alston Berenbel, the only person to simultaneously serve on the Council and as a dragon hunting captain.

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