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Annaeleth Adaviel

Annaeleth Adaviel was the matriarch of the Adaviel family, Highest Minister of Ushanan Declaration, and the Lord of Alnerwick.  


Early Life

From an early age, Annaeleth's life could be defined by her rivalry with Arvel Telavia, the current High Planeswalker. Even before Arvel's ascension, she and Annaeleth had an intense and enduring rivalry in all matters, magical and social. Annaeleth harbored deep resentment for what she saw as Arvel getting the things Annaeleth deserved, and felt constantly held back as a result.  

Minister of the Presidium

Despite her deep-seeded feelings of inadequecy, Annaeleth was a shrewd politician and mauevered her way up the ranks of the Presidium's bureaucracy with relative ease. Using her family's influence and wealth, she secured millions of gold in contracts for her family's businesses from the Presidium, as well as successfully appointed members of her family to important roles in the Presidium's ministries. She was also a formidable magic user, though not nearly on Arvel's level once the latter ascended to High Planeswalker.  

Allegiance to the Hanged King

Having harbored a deep resentment for Arvel for many years, Annaeleth was desperate for any way to take her down. Being a coniving politician and influential member of the Presidium, she was visited by an unknown person some time before her coup attempt who delivered to her the Asmodeus Stone as well as material pertaining to the Hanged King. Promising her vast power and the ability to depose Arvel, Annaeleth eagerly pledged herself and her family to the Hanged King and began making plans to undermine Arvel while serving as the Asmodeus Stone's protector. She would go on to construct a secret shrine the King beneath her manor.  

The Coup Attempt


Framing Arvel

In 1227, Annaeleth saw an opportunity to bring down her rival once and for all. Through a series of backroom maneuvers, Annaeleth successfully framed Arvel for treason and very nearly had her convicted and executed.  

The Fake Assassination

During the run up to Arvel's trial, Annaeleth staged an assassination attempt on herself at her daughter Sirily's masquearde ball in order to further frame Arvel. The 'assassination' went off just as Annaeleth wanted it to, with herself sustaining no injuries and her bodyguard Saida dispatching all of the assassins. Payment for the operation was dispatched to Silver, the underworld boss who orchestrated the 'hit'.  

The Trial

However, at the trial to convict Arvel she was thwarted by the investigation conducted by Team B, and Arvel was acquited of all the charges against her. Immediately following this, Annaeleth fled the courtroom. Earlier that day, she had ordered her troops to enter the city in case the trial went south, and upon leaving the courtroom ordered them to attack the city. In the ensuing chaos, she fled back to Adaviel Manor, and made haste to escape back to Alnerwick.  


While preparing to leave for Alnerwick, Annaeleth was forced to sacrifce her daughter Sirily in order to create a golem to buy her time to escape. Even this was not enough, however, and she was cornered in the shrine beneath her home. Having been defeated by Team B and failing to protect the Asmodeus Stone, Annaeleth would be struck down by the Hanged King for her failure, dissolving her into shadow and ending her schemes once and for all.  


Annaeleth was a bitter, cold woman consumed by hatred for anyone she saw as above her, namely Arvel Telavia. She held few qualms about using people for her political schemes, and held her bodyguard Saida in indentured servitude without remorse. She did have compassion and love for her family, but ultimately not at the cost of her own safety or freedom.  


Following Annaeleth's failed coup attempt that left both her and her daughter dead, the Adaviel family was all but destroyed. The ensuing civil war is not going well for them, and it is assumed the family will be all but wiped out as a result of her choices.
Current Status
Date of Birth
23rd of Last Hearth
Date of Death
4th of Treefall
1165 AC 1227 AC 62 years old
Circumstances of Death
Melted into void goo
Place of Death
Aligned Organization

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