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Saida is a Paladin mercenary contracted to the Olane Project, and the former bodyguard of Annaeleth Adaviel.


Early Life

Growing up with her sister Cyrila, Saida looked after her little sister and kept her safe from harm. Her parents were killed in battle at an early age, and Saida was left to manage the household and take care of her sister. Following in the footsteps of her parents, Saida sought to become a knight, and trained as much as she could.  

Oath to Adaviels

Once she was good enough and reached adulthood, Saida looked for the most powerful noble family she could and swore her sword to them. This ended up being the Adaviels, and specifically Annaeleth Adaviel, who took Saida as her bodyguard. At first, Saida was overjoyed that she could finally be the honorable knight she always wanted to be.   However, after several years as Annaeleth's bodyguard, Saida became disillusioned with how nobility actually acted. Since she was sworn to secrecy, Saida was privy to many of Annaeleth's deals and schemes, and came to hate the woman she had sworn to serve. Though she would remain true to her oath and kept her aspersions to herself, her hatred of Annaeleth only grew as time went on, and she desperately wanted to be released from her service.  

Trial of the Planeswalker

At Sirily's Masquerade, Saida stood guard over Annaeleth as she had countless nights before. She was aware of the planned assassination attempt, and hated that she would be forced to kill several men as part of a ruse. Despite this, when the ruse kicked off, she immediately made her way to the assassins and began cutting them down with ease. Team B only narrowly avoided her, and were forced to flee the manor.   At the Trial of Arvel Telavia, Saida once again stood guard over Annaeleth as she sat as judge. However, once Arvel was acquitted and Annaeleth's treason laid bare, Saida exploited a loophole in her oath and chose loyalty to Ushana over loyalty to Annaeleth, and fought on the side of Ushana against the Adaviels in the ensuing chaos. Rank and file Adaviel soldiers were no match for her, and she helped turn the tide against the Adaviels.

Trial Aftermath

Following the Trial and the ensuing battle, Saida was somewhat lost for purpose. She no longer had an oath to serve, and was not eager to pledge another one before thoroughly vetting candidates. She was offered a position working for the Olane Project, and accepted. She now works security for the project, protecting its members from whatever may try to harm them.  


Saida is a serious, calm woman even in the heat of battle. Nicknamed "Ice Queen" as a child, she has always been reserved and cold in demeanor, in staunch contrast to her sister Cyrila. Saida follows the knight's code to a fault, always maintaining her word even if it conflicts with her personal morals. She despises liars and is ruthless in the face of opposition on the battlefield.  



Despite being dramatically different from her sister, Saida and Cyrila care deeply for each other and look out for each others' well being. They are the only family they have, and will protect each other to the death.  

Annaeleth Adaviel

In Saida's eyes, Annaeleth represented everything wrong with the world. A dishonest, amoral power-grabber, Saida is glad she is dead.
Current Status
Date of Birth
14th of Heartsong
Year of Birth
1196 AC 31 Years old
Aligned Organization

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