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Cyrila is an Ushanan thief, the sister of Saida, and a member of the Olane Project.


Early Life

Growing up, Cyrila spent most of her childhood as an orphan in the care of her sister, Saida. She would often get into trouble either with her sister or the law, and more than once had to be bailed out of jams by her sister. Once she was old enough to survive on her own, Cyrila took it upon herself to help her sister however she could, and that meant stealing. Cyrila eventually grew into a competent burglar and thief, much to her sister's frustration.

Trial of the Planeswalker

During the run up to the trial of Arvel Telavia, Cyrila tailed Annaeleth Adaviel for any dirt she could use to release Saida from her oath-sworn duty. In the pursuit of this, she witnessed Annaeleth visit an old abandoned house and meet with agents of an underworld boss named Silver. She also secured a position as one of Annaeleth's handmaidens, to more closely keep an eye on her and to stay close to her sister.   After the masquerade, Cyrila broke into the abandoned house to search for any evidence she could use against Annaeleth. While doing this, she was interrupted by Team B, and was quickly caught by them. Before they could interogate her thoroughly, Silver's men returned, and Cyrila helped Team B fight them off and escape.   After realizing they were all on the same side, Cyrilla agreed to testify against Annaeleth on what she saw happen at the house. She also supplied Team B with documents she found at the house, pointing them towards Silver as the orchestrator of the fake assassination attempt.

Trial Aftermath and Present Day

Following the trial and the ensuing battle, Cyrila stayed with her sister Saida. Lost for purpose, and seeing an opportunity to make some money with the Olane Project, Cyrila joined up along with her sister, and now helps out where she can with the project.


Unlike her sister, Cyrila is cocky, wiry, and full of energy. She much prefers to act before thinking, and often gets into trouble as a result. She is not without her wits, though, and usually manages to get herself out of jams as easily as she gets into them.



Cyrila's relationship with her sister is a caring and loving one, despite their large differences. Cyrila perfectly fills the annoying little sister roll for Saida, and does her best to push her sister's buttons whenever she can.
Current Status
Date of Birth
14th of Winter's Breathe
Year of Birth
1206 AC 21 Years old
Aligned Organization

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