Malavia Telavia

Malavia Telavia is an Ushanan minister and Cocord of the Kashi Deliberation. She is also the sister of Arvel Telavia, and the mother of Jade and Selena Telavia.  


Early Life

Growing up, Malavia was often outshown by her sister Arvel, but this was just fine with Malavia. She resigned herself to bringing up the rear as far as the family was concerned, and showed little ambition on the political front when compared with her sister.  

Concord of the Kashi Deliberation

After her sister's declaration as the Planescribe in 1183, Malavia also traveled the world, sometimes with her sister, sometimes on her own. In these travels, she visited Kashijan, and took an interest in Ushana's relationship with their neighbor. Upon Arvel's return and ascendance to High Planeswalker, Malavia took up a position in the Kashi Deliberation, the ministry devoted to managing relations and programs pertaining to Kashijan. After a short time in the ministry, Malavia rose to be Concord, and leads the ministry to this day with her daughter, Selena, as the prime diplomat, or Suplicant.  

Trial of the Planeswalker

Malavia was one of the three judges in the trial of her sister, a coincidence given the nature of the charges and her position in the Kashi Deliberation. Malavia did what she could to support her sister and help Team B in their investigations, but ultimately did little in the proceedings besides providing her vote for acquital.  


Malavia is the quintessential second child and has few ambitions beyond her family's safety and stability. She is an alcoholic and drinks whenever off-duty, and often becomes dispondent when dealing with issues. Though she cares deeply about her family and especially her daughters, she is terrible at showing it, and is often written off as aloof and uncaring about things happening around her.  


Arvel Telavia

Malavia's relationship with Arvel could almost be better described as a business relationship than as sisterhood. Each cares for the other, but their primary similarity is their shared investment in their family's wellbeing.  

Selena Telavia

Malavia's relationship with Selena is much closer than with her other daughter, Jade, but it still has its sore spots. Malavia shares her sister's disdain for non-magical arts, and is disappointed that Selena has taken up ranging instead of a magic school. However, she shares Selena's interest in Kashijan, and they work together often in pursuit of that goal.  

Jade Telavia

As with the rest of her family, Malavia dislikes Jade's decision to focus on technology rather than magic. In Malavia's eyes, technology is the dirty solution for the non-magical to mimic the magical, and is something to look down on. This has made connecting with her younger daughter difficult, and they do not speak often.
Current Status
Date of Birth
7th of Moonberry
Year of Birth
1171 AC 56 Years old
Dark Brown
Aligned Organization