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Capital City of the The Empire Of Man


King Rupert Field or his speaker, has final say on any matters of govenment, below him are a court of nobles broken down into a tiering system based on them importance to the running of the empire of man, and below them a court of representatives, each court and tier having a different level of authority.
The Laws of Camelot are lonmg and arduous, but the core tennets are as such:
1) Do not Kill 
2) Do not steal
3) Obey your masters.


Great walls surround the city, the city itself is build upwards in 7 concentric rings each layer having a wall between it providing plenty of defence.

Industry & Trade

there are many trades within the city of all shapes and sizes


Great walls surround the city, the city itself is build upwards in 7 concentric rings each layer having a wall between it providing plenty of defence.
Each tier has a different common theme:
1st ring: The Kings castle – This ring boasts the Kings castle, a grand Castle indeed with 5 large watchtowers, a stable and grazing area for the kings horses, a temple to whomever the royal family worship, the castle and surrounding estate make up the majority of the ring with a wall surrounding the castle and a 50ft empty gap between the castle wall and the 1st rings’ defensive wall.
2nd ring: The Courts ring – This ring boasts the homes and manors of the various lords and ladies that reside within Camelot, there are also two courts on this ring, a large public court (called the Public Court) where general trials are held for everyone who is not a noble, and the private court (called the Kings Court) where various trials, trade deals, and war tactics are discussed with only the Nobles and Royalty present. Some of the smaller estates back onto the 2nd rings’ defensive wall.
3rd Ring: The Ring of Plenty – This ring consists of 3 main sections:
The Temple district – Here you will find large temples to the Major Deities of Eternium, and some smaller temples to the Minor ones
The Learning District – Here you will find the arcane academy and the grand library containing copies of all the great works the have graced Eternium over the past 1000 years (provided a copy can be found and made). The arcane academy is run by some of the best wizards and sorcerers around, they offer various training classes in all manner of spells.
The Guilded District – This district contains a lot of the houses and manors of the Guild heads and major shop owners within Camelot, you will also find a trading and auction house in this district
4th Ring: The Ring of Commerce: This ring boasts a multitude of high-end shops, from fancy clothing, artists workshops, magical goods and services, to Horse and tacking services, and high-end blacksmiths. There are also several communal districts in this ring with large 4-7-bedroom houses across multiple floors.
5th Ring: The housing District: This ring houses many of the constituents of Camelot, with various taverns and inns within its walls you will find little to no shopping within this ring, however a number of different parks and schools have been set up in order to educate and entertain the masses.
6th Ring: the lower service ring: This ring contains many of the shops not fit for the 4th ring, tailors, blacksmiths, leather workers, bowyers, and the like call this ring home, there are also a number of warehouses and smaller guild offices in this ring. Perfect if you wish to find something that is fit for purpose without being flashy and over priced.
7th Ring: the Lower tier housing ring: This ring holds many of the housing and living arrangements for the lowest caste of people within Camelot, as such this ring is much larger than the others and actually extends out into the area surrounding Camelot, often called “the slums” by those with wealth this area is cramped with many different race, tribes, and groups of people, an easy place to hide if you are on the run, and as such houses many different types of criminals.


Places of note:
1st Ring: The castle, the 5 watchtowers (North, East, South, West, and Central)
2nd Ring: The Public Court, The Kings Court, Various 1st tier lords and ladies Manors
3rd Ring: The Grand Library, The Arcane Academy, Various Temples, The Auction House
4th Ring: Marvin’s Magical Maladies, Walters Wooden Wonders, Bob’s Axes, Fenrir’s Finery, Harold’s Horses.
5th Ring: Adventurers Guild Embassy, The Leaky Tap, The Four Shoes, The Painted Wyvern, The Long Rest, The Pale Moon Inn

Guilds and Factions

The Kings Court
The Thieves Guild
The Merchants Guild
The Winemakers Guild
The Textiles Guild
The Chefs Guild
Various religious sects
The Arcane Academy


Camelot was the first settlement when the island of eternium was founded, all races enjoyed a life here, after a while in-fighting began and the different races split up to find thier own lands to claim.
Humans decided to stay here and make use of the town everyone had build. Later finding themselves to be at the center of the island thay sent messengers out so that each year a meeting could be held amongst all races for the betterment of everyone.

Points of interest

Places of note:
1st Ring: The castle, the 5 watchtowers (North, East, South, West, and Central)
2nd Ring: The Public Court, The Kings Court, Various 1st tier lords and ladies Manors
3rd Ring: The Grand Library, The Arcane Academy, Various Temples, The Auction House
4th Ring: Marvin’s Magical Maladies, Walters Wooden Wonders, Bob’s Axes, Fenrir’s Finery, Harold’s Horses.
5th Ring: Adventurers Guild Embassy, The Leaky Tap, The Four Shoes, The Painted Wyvern, The Long Rest, The Pale Moon Inn
Founding Date
Year 100
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Articles under Camelot