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A village in the The Empire Of Man


All denizens of monkton appear to be under 60, with a all of them being Human


Monkton is a Communist society, where final decisions are made by the oldest person in the village, but communal decisions are the norm.


The defence of monkton is all down to Tim, the once guard, once adventurer, however he does lean heavily on the head woodsman Callum Green, and his assistants. 
  There is a poorly built picket fence around the village, and a large wood to the north of the village.

Industry & Trade

Monkton enjoys little in the way of trade, they will take trinkets from the bones of animals killed, and skin their hides, in order to trade these at the city of Havermere, should the village need anything, if not they will keep it in store until they do need it.


The village of monkton has little in the way of business, however they do boast a 50 acre field, a once disused but being rebuilt woodsmans house in the nearby forest, and a General Store, where they generaly store stuff.


1 X 50 Acre field 1 X Ploughing horse 1 X horse and cart  1 X Woodsmans house  1 X General Store


Monkton was created 21 years ago by Jonathon Monk, he saved every copper he could, sold all of his assets and bought the land, it went for a low price as it was near nothing, and of no strategic significance. 
  Taking his family and a few of his friends families they set out for this new home away from the hustle and bustle of the city life, to make it on their own, to survive off of their own hard work. 
  Meeting people of the way from Sarn, they told their story, and made new friends, adding more to their convoy they arrived at Monkton with 100 people, setting about wuickly them made camp and cleared the area, noting that the The Ruins of Bredon were only a day or so's travel away they sought the remaining building material from there, this in turn lead to the mix of different building styles now found in Monkton.
  After settling and building for a few years the peoples on Monkton had a little community working for the good and betterment of the people, there were no prices, there were no ranks or bosses, if you were good at a task you did it, some trained to be woodsmen, hunting the local wildlife and keeping track of the comings and goings of the deer herd. Some became builders and carpenters fixing rooves, building new houses, and digging the well that now sits in the middle of the village, this life continued on for 20 years, then Arkan came. 
  Arkan was a magician, using magic and his wiley ways he subjugated a great many different races, bending them to his will, he sent out raids from The Ruins of Bredon to kill the local wildlife, starve the villagers of monkton out, probably to gain their houses, or their bodies, for some dark ritual. 
  Luckily the adventurers beat him back, causing him to flee and take residence somewhere else, life at the village was "back to normal" for a year or so, then some Guild members passed through talking of goblins and The Ruins of Bredon again, this time though there were ahead of the raids and dealt with the goblins accordingly, they also traded the newest item of interest in Monkton "The Elephants Painting" the painting was painted by a particularly smart elephant, and seems to denote feelings of apples, and comfort.

Points of interest

The General Store. The Elephants painting. The Well.
Founding Date
1000 AL
Alternative Name(s)
The Eastern Most village
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization