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The Library of Vlarith

The Library of Vlarith is home to more than just entertaining stories and tales. It also houses many texts and artifacts from throughout the ages.

Purpose / Function

The Library of Vlarith could easily be confused with a Museum as it holds, not only books, but also many artifacts found across Eternium dating back hundreds of years.   The rulers of The Dragonlands Empire like to remember the past so they aren't doomed to repeat it.


From the outside, The Library is a modest-sized and humbly-designed building. It has brick walls and wooden doors.   Above the Double-Door entrance there is a small relief of an Open Scroll on top of a Sun.


The exterior doesn't appear to have any defences, but there is a Security Team which patrols the inside and keeps watch over the contents, visitors and staff.   Whilst most of the Security Team is visable, they do try to remain subtle and don't hover.


Originally opened to house rare copies of old books, The Library eventually begin to house new - first edition - books. After a time, many of these books, scrolls and other texts started to be gifted to The Library for free.


Many people come to The Library in order to see some of the fascinating "Books" on display.   Though there are many hand-written books of Ink and Parchment, you can also find texts in a number of other mediums:
  • Leatherskin Engravings
  • Stone Tablets
  • Tattoes on Dried Skins
  • Knotted String
  • Carved Bones
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Owning Organization