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House Stormfang

House Stormfang is a relatively young but ambitious noble house in The Dragonlands, founded less than 150 years ago. Known for their forward-thinking approach, House Stormfang seeks to establish trade routes and diplomatic relationships with the neighbouring empires, including The Runekeepers (Elves), The Empire Of Man (Humans), and The Empire Of The Clockwork BattleAxe (Dwarves, Orcs, and Gnomes). Their vision for the future of The Dragonlands emphasizes prosperity through trade and diplomacy rather than conquest. Positioned in Djerad, the trade capital of The Dragonlands, they focus heavily on land-based commerce and building strong cross-border alliances.


House Stormfang highly values diplomacy, trade, and knowledge of foreign lands. Their members are trained in multiple languages and are often encouraged to study the customs of other empires to better negotiate trade deals and political alliances. Combat skills are secondary to them, with a preference for strategy and defence over outright aggression. Stormfang members are known for their adaptability and pragmatism, often acting as mediators in internal Dragonborn disputes as well. They see themselves as bridges between The Dragonlands and the wider world.

Public Agenda

House Stormfang’s primary public goal is to expand trade routes with the empires of Elves, Humans, and Dwarves. They advocate for economic growth through commerce, believing that mutual prosperity will lead to stronger alliances. They also push for greater openness in The Dragonlands, challenging the isolationist tendencies of some older houses. House Stormfang frequently lobbies for improved infrastructure, such as roads and trade stations along the western border, to facilitate easier travel and commerce.


  • Stormfang Manor, located in the heart of Djerad, serves as both a home and a diplomatic centre where emissaries from foreign empires are often entertained.
  • The Trade Routes, an array of well-guarded caravans that transport goods from Djerad to the western border and into the lands of Elves, Humans, Orcs and Dwarves.
  • Diplomatic Envoys, highly trained Dragonborn ambassadors who maintain House Stormfang’s relationships with foreign courts.
  • Western Trade Pacts, agreements with various foreign empires allowing House Stormfang access to rare materials and goods, such as Elven silks and Dwarven metals.
  • History

    Founded by Kaldan Stormfang about 150 years ago, House Stormfang rose to prominence after several successful negotiations with the neighbouring Elven and Human empires, securing favourable trade agreements for The Dragonlands. Kaldan’s vision was that The Dragonlands could not prosper through isolation alone, and he believed in the power of economic and diplomatic ties. As the house grew, it became a trusted mediator not just between The Dragonlands and other empires, but also among Dragonborn houses. In recent years, House Stormfang has continued this tradition, maintaining peace and prosperity through well-guarded trade routes and skilful diplomacy.

    Foreign Relations

  • Alliance with Clan Ironscale: Both houses share a mutual interest in trade and foreign relations, often collaborating on economic ventures.
  • Tensions with House Stonehammer: House Stonehammer, a more isolationist and traditional house, views Stormfang’s eagerness to embrace foreign influence with suspicion, believing it could dilute Dragonborn culture.
  • Friendly Relations with House Drakewind: House Drakewind respects Stormfang’s commitment to diplomacy, though the two houses sometimes compete for influence in foreign courts.
  • Neutrality with House Flamecrest: House Stormfang and House Flamecrest have little direct interaction, but mutual respect exists between them due to their distinct focuses.
  • Bridges of Storm, Bonds of Steel.

    Court, Noble
  • Stormfang Manor in Djerad, the house’s grand estate, serves as both a residence and a hub for diplomacy.
  • The Westward Crossing, a key trade route that passes through the western border and into the neighbouring empires, controlled and monitored by House Stormfang.
  • The Western Watchtower, a strategic outpost near the western border, used to safeguard trade caravans and serve as a checkpoint for travellers entering and leaving The Dragonlands.
  • Location
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